Chapter 186

The moon gradually hides, slowly losing its original light.


"Your majesty, why don't you explain clearly to your empress? Your empress will misunderstand!" Standing aside, the rich and honored emperor who had experienced two dynasties asked worriedly.

"Fugui, don't worry! That girl just wants to give her a sense of crisis, so she will think about some things..." How could he feel better, just now when the spies came to report, the girl not only yelled and scolded He also smashed all the collections in Yuhua Palace, which are the top items collected in the world!No matter which one is priceless, he doesn't care, the whole world is hers, she can smash it as she likes, as she likes, but I'm afraid that the girl will regret it in the future, and the gain will not be worth the loss, but this time he is determined I want her to understand and let her learn to trust him.

Yuhua Temple

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you will hurt yourself like this."

"Your Majesty, sit down and rest for a while, and this servant will pour you a cup of tea to moisten your throat."

"Niang Niang, if you do this, you will wake Xiao Zhuang, who has finally fallen asleep."

"Your Majesty, it's getting late at night, so calm down. This servant will take care of your Majesty to rest first, and when you wake up, maybe your Majesty's anger will also dissipate."

Maids, you persuaded me one by one, Huayu was also tired from falling, and she was really sleepy after tossing tonight, so she closed the door of the inner room by herself, threw herself on the bed and fell asleep, yes!What's the matter?Isn't it just a man!Don't affect my sister's mood, go to sleep, maybe everything will be fine when you wake up.

In the entire Yuhua Palace, only her room was spared. Looking at the familiar bright yellow gauze curtains, bed quilts and other decorations, Huayu suddenly felt a heavy powerlessness. Turning off the Ye Mingzhu, the whole room fell into a quiet darkness .

Suddenly I miss Song Xue very much, and miss that straightforward girl who was so kind to her.At that time, they always stayed together, played together, went crazy together, in the same dormitory, and always stayed in front of the barbecue booth to eat barbecue together at night, and she always ordered her favorite fish.Scene after scene was played back in front of Hua Yu's eyes, and finally it was frozen on the bright smiling faces of the two girls. Those days were warm and fulfilling, but they were far away from her world.Her sleepy mind finally couldn't support her disturbed thoughts, and she fell into a deep sleep.

After a while, shallow breathing lingered in this extraordinarily quiet late night, and occasionally a cold wind would blow in through the gap, bringing in a trace of cool breath.On the beams of the roof, a tall and slender figure stood tall, wearing a slightly thin black robe, looking at all this with distressed eyes, making sure that the person on the bed was fast asleep, he jumped up and landed lightly on the side of the bed, looking With Huayu's slightly frowned eyebrows, the underclothes unconsciously raised her hand, and gently wiped away the wrinkle, intending to smooth it out, ignoring that her hands were frozen and stiff, which caused Huayu to wriggle uneasy, and her eyebrows became even tighter. It's crumpled up.

That's all, helped her pull up the quilt again, and quietly looked at the sleeping face on the bed, her sleeping eyes hid the original clarity and introversion in her eyes, the strength and laughter disappeared, and there was a trace of tranquility and purity, Hehe, this girl has opened his eyes again today. It turns out that this is her, and she has finally forced out her true temperament, so that she can live without being tired. This is what he wants. He just hopes that his Yu'er can This kind of unrestrained, carefree living of oneself, of course, the premise is to believe him.

(End of this chapter)

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