Chapter 187

In a flash, three days passed, and Emperor Yun didn't step into the Yuhua Palace again. Huayu was heartbroken, but she also calmed down. In the power, she probably knew why Emperor Yun was so angry .

Women are made of water, and they have to be subdued in order to get a man's favor, but she doesn't want to, she is willing to apologize to him, but it doesn't mean she has to go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to get him back, she also has dignity!What's more, she didn't commit any heinous crimes.

It's really boring without the company of familiar people, Xiao Zhuang!They were all under the control of Xiao Cuiling'er, and it was not her turn to do it, so they didn't know who gave birth!She is also familiar with the imperial garden, after much deliberation, it is not necessarily true that Qiao pretends to sneak out of the palace to have a look, maybe there will be a different harvest.

The street was still full of people coming and going, Hua Yu was not in the mood to squeeze, so she found a tea shop with a good view, and picked a seat by the window on the second floor, where the view was wide and the surroundings could be seen at a glance.

There was a noise from the next table, Hua Yu turned her head, it seemed that the husband and wife were bickering, but after a while, the woman started to cry, which made Hua Yu frowned and looked away from the window.

The girl was born seductive, she looked like a newly married woman, she was dressed in pink, with a woman's bun, and beside her was a young and strong man, sitting side by side. From their quarreling words, it could be heard that the man suspected that there was someone outside her. But the woman felt wronged, so she cried aggrievedly.

Hua Yu didn't bother to meddle, mainly because her status was different now, and it would be bad if she caused trouble to Emperor Yun.

While thinking about it, the woman's crying stopped. In front of her stood a richly dressed young man who flirted with her. The woman quickly shrank behind the strong man. When the strong man saw that he dared to bully his wife face to face, the previous The anger dissipated, and was replaced by even greater anger, but this time the anger was directed at the man who was not condescending in front of him.

The strong man protected his wife behind him like a chicken, stood up and confronted the man opposite.It can be seen that the man has a lust for his wife, just look at the undisguised, lustful eyes.

"Hehe! Do you want to fight?" After speaking, he pointed to the attendants who looked like guards behind him.

The strong man is not afraid, "So what? If you dare to touch my wife with a finger today, I will fight with you and let you die on the street."

Northwest men all have the habit of carrying short knives with them, and the strong men are no exception. When they draw out their short knives, they look like if you want to molest my wife, I will fight you hard. There is a saying, "There are two kinds of people in the world that you can't To offend, one is lucky, and the other is not afraid of death."And the brawny man belongs to the latter category. Looking at this scum, he thinks that he won't be able to get any benefits, come on, let's go!He fled in desperation with his entourage.

Hua Yu is funny, it turns out that people in the world are bullying and fearing hard, if today they meet not a strong man, but a weak scholar, I am afraid that the woman will suffer a long time ago.It turns out that this kind of bullying and bullying happened at the feet of the emperor.

well!Really, for a man with a dignified appearance, dirty words are unsightly, and no matter how expensive his clothes are, he can't hide his vulgarity.

The second floor was quiet again, the strong man returned to hold the woman's hand, only to see that the woman had already burst into tears, her hands were trembling, and even her body was trembling like a fallen leaf, the man felt distressed, he took the woman into his arms, and said, " I'm sorry, I'm sorry, next time I won't doubt you again"

(End of this chapter)

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