Chapter 188

On the second floor, Hua Yu sat until dusk and refused to get up, the tea was refilled and refilled.

Yes!There is really no deep hatred between young couples. It is not easy for two people to get together by fate. What's more, if they quarrel and get angry, the fate will also be broken. She doesn't want the fate to be scattered, she The one who wants to stay with him for the rest of her life... I know, she knows what to do.

The smile returned to her face again, and just when she wanted to get up, a handsome face with a wild smile caught her eyes, and she asked politely: "Can I sit down?"

"Did I say no and you won't sit down, why are you so hypocritical?" Hua Yu raised her eyebrows and smiled, and said bluntly.

The man really sat down and looked at her with a smile, "The girl is really interesting, but I know the girl, and look at the jade bracelet on the girl's hand, I will not pick out the identity of the girl, I am Mu Huaibai, I am very happy to see you again girl"

"Oh! The surname is Mu, Mr. Mu, right? The little girl has been away for too long, and she is afraid that her husband will be worried. It is really not appropriate to stay longer, so the little girl will leave first. Please take care of yourself and leave!" Hua Yu got up, nodded politely, Turn around and go downstairs.If she stayed any longer, the Yuhua Palace might change hands, so it would be better for her to hurry back and look after her own people.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Brother Yunhuang, you don't worry about your little girl wandering around, how can you be a husband?" Only a pair of fox eyes fluttered up and down, as if thinking about something.

Hua Yu came out and wandered in the street full of lights. It was the severe winter, maybe she had been sitting indoors for a long time, and was suddenly exposed to the freezing cold environment. .After walking aimlessly for a while, my body warmed up, but I was hungry, so I chose an unremarkable restaurant to eat. Yucai realized how hungry she was, and fought for the food regardless of her image. Even the boss was amazed that a woman can be so brave and brave!
After eating and drinking enough, it was really late, Hua Yu fished out the money bag to pay the bill, only to find that the money bag was gone, fumbled left and right, but it was gone, bad luck!She was washed by thieves, the question is how to pay for the meal?Hua Yu looked in the direction of the boss, luckily he didn't look at her, worry!How could such a thing happen, hesitating whether to take off the jasper earrings, put a piece of silver on the counter, and pointed to where Hua Yu was, could it be that he paid the bill for himself?I looked around, but there was no one there!
Taking a closer look, isn't this the Mr. Mu just now? Hua Yu frowned, "Mr. Mu, what do you mean? You followed me."

Mu Huaibai was not annoyed either, and smiled lightly, and said: "Girl, if it wasn't for me to follow, how would you know that the girl is in trouble, you should be grateful. how?"


This time Hua Yu was in a hurry, how can there be such a thick-skinned person, just now Hua Yu thought about it on the street, she had some impressions of him, and Emperor Yun mentioned him more than once, no matter how careless she is, she has already remembered Living.

Occasionally caught a glimpse of the clarity in his eyes, Hua Yu knew he was joking, so she didn't care much.

(End of this chapter)

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