Chapter 189

People are like this, they often misunderstand someone because of something, and they often like someone because of something.

"Unexpectedly, you are still a Bodhisattva who saves suffering!"

"Wrong! The Bodhisattva is a woman. Where does the girl think I look like a woman?"

Hua Yu said "噗嗤!", this person is too funny!
"Hey! You are sent by Emperor Yun!"

"Me?" Mu Huaibai pointed back at himself with his index finger, what is going on here!This woman's thinking is too jumpy!

"It's still the same sentence, it's getting too late, I'm afraid Yun is in a hurry, thank you for the ingot of silver, I regret it forever!" She is now returning home, it's at this point, and I'm afraid it won't work if she doesn't go back.

After speaking, he immediately turned around and left gracefully, not knowing what politeness is at all.

"My dear empress, I'm afraid you want to ruin your own wisdom." Looking at the leaving figure, Mu Huaibai clearly doubted his master's vision.


"Where's the person?" Yun Huang, who was reviewing the memorial, asked without raising his head.

"My majesty, the empress is still outside the palace, but our people are all close to her, protecting her tightly, so as to ensure that the empress will come back unscathed," the black shadow beside her said coldly.

"Fuck off, you haven't even come back at this point and you're still unscathed. You don't think there's anything wrong with your mother not coming back for a few days? A bunch of idiots!" Yunhuang was angry. God, Yunhuang never scolded them for being idiots. Why is it reasonable to scold them for being idiots because of the empress's playfulness!

"Qinxin Huadie, you go, be sure to bring your mother back to me safely, wait, pay attention to your ways"


As soon as Hua Die left, only Qin Xin was left in the hall. It was already late at night, and this girl didn't come back, did she not want to leave?Emperor Yun no longer had the heart to review the memorial, "Fugui!"

"The slave is here!"

"Fugui, let me ask you something, do you like your empress?"

Fugui was taken aback, and immediately understood what the emperor meant, and said: "Your Majesty is kind and compassionate to the servants, and she never makes things difficult for us slaves, and treats them like family members. No one in the palace who has come into contact with Your Majesty cares. like her"


"Isn't it a little too much for me to treat her like this?"

Fu Gui stood silently and did not answer.

Emperor Yun smiled understandingly, "When did you even stand with the queen, but I have my reasons for doing so, don't doubt my feelings for her, I can let the world down, and I will never let her down"

Fu Gui was stunned again, and the old man burst into tears, "Your majesty, you are the child that this old slave watched and grew up. This old slave understands that you want happiness more than anyone else. This old slave has deeper feelings for you than the previous emperor. Your empress is a Good boy, I don’t want you to lose your happiness and miss something, you are a reasonable boy, I believe you will take care of everything.”

"Heh! Fugui, you said that we will go back to Yuhua Palace at this time, will the empress come back?"

Wealth was stunned again, and then a smile spread all over his wrinkled face, and he hurriedly stood at the door and looked out to show his majesty the Yuhua Palace.

Hua Yu returned to the palace smoothly with the queen's jade card, but when he was about to reach the Yuhua Palace, he suddenly changed direction, he must be still angry!Surely she wouldn't come to Yuhua Palace either!In this case, I went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to look for him. Today, no matter what, she would see him and say to him: "I'm sorry!" And since I haven't seen him for a few days, she already misses him. I don't know if he misses me too.

(End of this chapter)

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