Chapter 195 Negotiations
The white snow was so cold that even people's expressions were stiff. Fortunately, the heavy snow finally stopped today.

In the Guanyu Pavilion, a handsome young man was sitting there alone holding a book. He looked too much like a junior who secretly studied alone in a modern university campus.When Hua Yu approached, the Prime Minister had already got up and stood aside respectfully.

Hua Yu sat down, and without waiting for Prime Minister Right to speak, she asked directly, "Where is Che Quanyun?"

With a gentle smile, "Your Majesty was joking, and what your Majesty doesn't even know, where did the humble minister know?"

"Oh?" Hua Yu raised her eyebrows, obviously not believing it.She didn't believe that Emperor Yun let go without explaining. This is not his style. There must be something she doesn't know. See the above side to ask a good question.

"Your Majesty obviously doesn't trust Wei Chen, but the emperor did not tell Wei Chen to find her. Your Majesty is the emperor's bedside person. My Majesty doesn't know about it. Where did Wei Chen know?" It's better to be silent, because today I have something to ask the queen face to face, because when the emperor left, he said that during his absence, all matters will be decided by the queen.The queen is really not simple, she still guessed something, otherwise she wouldn't ask such a question.

"Really?" She didn't believe it!In the past three months, she knew everything that happened in the court. She knew that the right minister was so trusted by Emperor Yun. Like pants, even she is jealous, but it's just a friendship between men.It has to be said that Yun has a careful mind and may have planned this out long ago.

She absolutely believed in what he did.I understand, I just want to help, but it seems that he doesn't need help from me, he has his plan, he has his plan, all she has to do is as he explained before he left that night, "wait he!".

Yes, she will be waiting for him, waiting for him to come back...
"Obviously, the empress doesn't believe in Weichen! But today, I have something to ask the empress to decide." This is beyond his authority, and he dare not make mistakes.

The screen retreated to the left and right, and the two sat in front of the stone table to discuss. This lady is really not simple. On the surface, she looks casual and smiles sweetly, but in fact, her brain is more subtle than anyone else, and she can solve his confusion in a few words. This time he was completely convinced, convinced.

After the two talked, it was almost dusk, and the smog-like weather was only a little rosy at this time. It seemed that the weather was finally getting warmer, and the right minister was sent away, and the flower rain was strolling in the garden. The originally lush ryepogon were all buried in the snow at this time. Huayu estimated that even if the snow melted, the imperial garden would be full of dead branches and leaves, and it would not be green for a while. Fortunately, once this hurdle is over, spring will come up.

Tell Fugui to tell everyone in the palace to put down what they are doing and bring brooms and shovels. She wants to clear the snowy road, and when the sun comes out tomorrow, she can go out of the palace to have a look at the people's conditions.

The people who had been suppressed indoors for too long, when they heard the order from the empress, they all actively participated and shoveled down the road along their memory. The road leading to the outside of the palace was also cleared.

(End of this chapter)

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