Chapter 196

On the second day, the long-lost sun really rose from the east on time, and everyone in Yuhua Temple got up early to wait for this moment, and everyone cheered and cheered!

While having breakfast, Xiao Cui came to report in a hurry, her face was anxious, and she knew what happened at a glance.

"Ma'am, Xiao Zhuang has a high fever, what should I do?"

"Fugui, please pass on Wu Taiyi." Hua Yu was so nervous that her hands trembled when she heard this. The little guy has always been in good health and had never suffered from any illness before. Suddenly he is still sick at this time, which is of course heart-wrenching for a mother.After a few strides, Hua Yu wished she could have a few more legs, and hurry to her son's side.

The veil has already been rolled up by Linger, the little guy is sleeping on the bed alone, his face is as red as a tomato, his eyes are closed, what is he muttering in his mouth?By the way, it seems to be calling mother, this is what Hua Yu taught him to call, and the words that the little guy can say up to now are "Mom" and "Daddy".Hua Yu stepped forward to hold the little guy's swaying hand, touched his forehead, and found that it was very hot. There is no thermometer in this era, otherwise you can know how hot he is, but in the modern Weibo world, she likes Pay attention to parenting, because she prefers children and thinks they are like little angels.

I still remember some parenting knowledge mentioned in it. For example, if a child has a fever, it cannot be covered, and his heat cannot be dissipated, which will make him have a fever.Hua Yu looked at the quilt that was still tightly covered at this time, it seemed that the two girls added some for him.Hua Yu hurriedly lifted the quilt, and took off the little mink fur coat that the little guy was wearing, leaving only two single clothes. She felt that the little guy was burning badly, and if he didn't cool off quickly, he might burn his brain.

At this time, Imperial Physician Wu also came. He saw that Hua Yu knew to air the small stake away, and was taken aback for a moment. She knew that the child had a fever and could not be covered!This empress is getting more and more difficult!

Looking, smelling, asking, cutting, Wu Fan did it seriously, and he was diagnosed in a short while. It was definitely a cold, and he prescribed a few doses of medicine. After the maid told this story, Hua Yu was overjoyed, since there is peace, Emperor Yun should be back.

Just thinking this way, a slender figure appeared at the entrance of the hall, Hua Yu wept with joy, but it was only for a moment, she didn't want him to see her weakness.

As if he had received the news, Emperor Yun quickly came to Xiao Zhuang, seeing the little guy who had become like this after only a few days of seeing him, his heart sank somewhere, for this little guy, he really liked him and kept She regarded him as her own, never hesitated, and loved him to the extreme. Now seeing his pain in bed, she really wished she could pain him for him.

Gently embracing the flowers and rain, the hearts of each other are connected, needless to say, a look, a subtle movement has already given the other party great comfort.

He stretched out his hand to hug the little guy, Yunhuang talked to the little guy softly, thinking that the child would be more comfortable this way, sure enough, the little brow that the little guy had been frowning stretched, and finally opened his weak eyes Glancing at Emperor Yun, he smiled weakly and closed his small eyes as if he was very tired. Emperor Yun let out a roar, so startled that Wu Fan, who was boiling medicine outside, rushed in, whoops!I said master, don't be so impatient!It is normal for children to get sick!
(End of this chapter)

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