The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 197 Xiao Zhuang is sick

Chapter 197 Xiao Zhuang is sick
Check Xiao Zhuang's condition again, there is no deterioration, and because of the previous physical cooling, the little guy's temperature has dropped a lot, and his face is not as red as before. This is a good sign, and Wu Fan turned back against Yun Huang's monstrous anger. He went out and brought in the medicine, and when he was thinking about how to feed the medicine, he was ordered by Emperor Yun in a dark voice, obediently handed the bowl to Emperor Yun's hand, and quietly stepped aside.

Bingxue in the crowd snickered, he is so smart this minute!It shrinks very fast!
It was very inconvenient for Yunhuang to carry the medicine bowl while holding the child. Hua Yu took the medicine bowl and fed each other. You don't need to bother at all, but every time the medicine is in the mouth, the little guy's brows are frowned, but this ancient medicine is too bitter. Hua Yu just tasted it before, and it is still bitter until now. Not to mention a milk doll.

The little guy is really good, he drank a small bowl of medicine together, Yunhuang asked Xiaocui to prepare honey water before, and finally fed the little guy a few spoonfuls, it seemed not enough, after a few sips, he didn’t feel any more The honey water is gone, the little thing smacks his lips, thinking he wants more, but the lord is really hateful!Unexpectedly, he didn't drink any more. After drinking the medicine, he seemed to be sleepy. The little thing curled up in Yunhuang's arms and really fell asleep. Afraid that he would be so uncomfortable, he lay him flat on the bed.

"I'll guard here, go and take a rest!" Looking at Emperor Yun's slightly tired and pale face, Hua Yu thought that he must be busy day and night and didn't get enough rest, so she urged him to rest.

"I'm fine, but it's you. You have worked hard during my absence!" Yunhuang felt guilty from the bottom of his heart. It was he who didn't take good care of their mother and child, made his beloved worry, and made Xiao Zhuang sick. It was his fault. wrong.

No matter how much he hides it, Hua Yu knows what he is thinking and pretends to be unhappy. Difficult and thrilling!
In the end, Huayu couldn't hold back, so Yunhuang had to lean on the side of the small pile, put on his cloak and close his eyes to rest for a while, maybe he was too tired, and the seven days and seven nights of sleepless nights, even the iron can't stand it!What's more, it was a body of flesh and blood. As soon as Emperor Yun touched the bed, he fell into a deep sleep. Qiu Shui came over and asked her to prepare some more nutritious things in case Emperor Yun woke up.

When she stretched out her hand to caress his cold hands, she realized that the weather was extremely cold, so she hurriedly took a thick quilt from the cabinet to cover Yunhuang, but she forgot that the weather when the snow melts is much colder than the weather when it snows Because it needs to absorb the surrounding heat to melt the snow.

The sun was scorching hot outside, but the room was as cold as an icehouse. Hua Yu ordered Xiuhe to get some charcoal fires to roast on.

Not long after guarding, Hua Yu stroked the little guy's forehead again, eh!This time he really retreated, and he felt relieved, and his nerves that had been tense for a long time also relaxed, looking at the father and son.Not to mention, there is really a father-son look, and when he fell asleep, the little guy consciously got into Yunhuang's arms, and put his calves on Yunhuang's body one by one, and looked at Yunhuang again, with a peaceful look, as if telling everyone ,he's good!

(End of this chapter)

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