Chapter 198

Now that Yundu is back, Huayu's original plan to go out of the palace doesn't have to be fulfilled, so she asks Fugui to guard her, and Huayu goes out to get some fresh air and watch the snow melt by the way.

As soon as she stepped out of the palace gate, Hua Yu became dizzy for a while, the strong light hit Bai Xue, and the white snow reflected the strong light, so choked that people dare not look directly at Bai Xue, it is very dazzling!
The path cleared yesterday was wet at this moment, and in some places there was still water from the melted snow piled up on the side of the hill, which was very beautiful and natural, as if I was in a mountain stream.

It's just too cold!
Yesterday everyone shoveled the snow, but they just shoveled the snow from the small road to the frozen flower garden road on both sides. The snow melting today, of course, has the spectacle at this time, but the snow is too thick, and it cannot be melted for a while. , I guess it will take a few days!
Hua Yu was so cold that she closed up the fox fur coat she had just added, and still felt the bone-chilling coldness. She turned her head and looked at Hua Die who followed, she was still wearing a thin maroon single dress, with a ruddy complexion, standing naturally, not Shaking or not, Hua Yu walked in and held her hand to feel it, well, it was very warm, not cold at all, I can only say that the physique of a martial arts practitioner is not comparable to that of ordinary people, just look at the palace people in her palace. Everyone was shivering from the cold, Hua Yu told them to go back and put on more clothes.

Looking at Hua Die's crystal clear eyes, Hua Yu asked straightforwardly, "Hua Die, tell me the truth, why did Yun take you out this time?"

"Your Majesty!" Hua Die pouted and lost her mind, the master had told her not to let her know about it.But Empress is Empress after all, if she wants to speak alone, there are plenty of ways.

After thinking for a while, Huadie still decided to tell each other, "Your Majesty, the master took us out to deal with the damage caused by the blizzard this time. The heavy snow is too long. If we wait until the snow stops, we will start this matter." , there will be more casualties. The master took us to places where the disaster was relatively serious. This time, the snowfall was widespread across the country, and in some places it only fell a little, which did not cause any harm to the local people. The main thing we went to It was in the west, where many people were killed and injured by the heavy snow, and it was the master who brought dry food, fur clothes, doctors and medicines to the local rescue.”

He gathered spies from all over the country to do this, and tried to minimize the damage. In the end, the master gave them dry food and some silver enough to live for half a year, so that they could start over.

"That's all!" These Huayu had expected, but she felt that there must be something else happening, otherwise Yun would not keep silent.Seeing that Hua Die didn't want to talk about other things, Hua Yu didn't bother to ask. The most urgent thing is to issue some good government orders so that people who have suffered disasters have another way out.

Hua Yu hurried back to the Yuhua Hall, checked the situation of the father and son, and saw that they would not wake up for a while, so she asked someone to get a pen and paper, and relied on her memory of history to learn from the success of the ancients.

The rays of light outside came in through the lattice windows, warm yellow and warm, warming the heart, and now Hua Yu has finished work, the father and son are still sleeping, it has been a day, it is impossible not to eat or drink, gently shake the clouds Huang, there was no response, even if you shake it again, Huayu has nothing to do, so he went to shake the small pile, the little guy cooperated, opened his eyes dimly, saw Huayu's approaching face, smiled happily, and even used his little fleshy feet Come to kick Huayu's face, and even more "giggle" when he succeeds.

(End of this chapter)

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