Chapter 201

A beautiful man with peerless beauty, and a beautiful girl with bright sunshine.

An absolutely eye-catching combination.It made passers-by turn their heads frequently, and there was no lack of praise in their eyes and words.

When they entered the city, it was almost dusk, and the sunset was spreading across the sky. Yun Huang took Hua Yu to find a clean and clean inn to rest.When asking for a room from the shopkeeper at the counter, the shopkeeper took a fixed look at Yunhuang, as if to see if he looked like a disciple who abducted a woman from a good family. Xie Wei didn't dare to meddle in other people's business, Hua Yu held her belly and almost burst out laughing, and asked Xiao Er to take them to the best guest room on the third floor.

Just after entering the door, Huayu ignored Yunhuang's face about to rain, and couldn't help laughing and fell on the bed. It's really interesting to see Yunhuang's rare face change, it's so rare!
Immediately Xiao Er brought tea, and asked them what they want for dinner by the way?
Hua Yu casually ordered a few home-cooked dishes. She hadn't lived such a self-centered life for a long time, and of course she did everything as she wanted.

Originally, Emperor Yun planned to stay one night and leave the country the next day, but Huayu's stalking forced him to change his mind, so Emperor Yun agreed to her staying here for two days.

On the street, Hua Yu looked excitedly and curiously at the various stalls. The peddlers saw that her clothes were of the highest quality, and they all came to her door, intending to sell their wares. She didn't taunt her because of this, she still smiled as before, Hua Yu secretly sighed, this is the quality!
Mainly she is traveling!It is not easy to carry too many things. She likes to travel lightly, and the journey is relatively pleasant when the burden is light.

"Yun, it's rare for you to accompany me to the night market. Let's play a little longer tonight?" , there is a special feeling of tranquility, as if no matter how irritable the thoughts are, they will calm down immediately.

"Plum Blossom Rain, it's already this time, if you don't go back to rest, I'm afraid you'll have to sleep all day tomorrow." Emperor Yun was obviously displeased, how could any woman not go home at this point, even if she was accompanied by his husband-in-law!
"Are you angry?" Yunhuang called her full name, which meant she was angry. Hua Yu turned around, stared at Yunhuang's eyes with a smile, and the pitiful expression fell into the eyes of the man next to her. But tried and tested.Just pinch Yunhuang and couldn't bear her being unhappy, so he gave full play to it.

The two of them didn't have a set destination, they just wandered through the streets hand in hand. In other words, isn't Che Yingguo an open country?But there are no couples holding hands on the streets of Wushuang City. Most of them look like couples, but they walk one after the other, keeping a distance, and they are very divided!

Hua Yu didn't care, she stretched out her hand to hold the hand of the man beside her and wandered in the street, Yun Huang, who had originally objected to her late return, now twitched the corners of her mouth, and put a smile on her thin lips.

The two of them were really tired from walking, so they found a nearby tea shop and sat down. This Wushuang City is really a city that never sleeps. It was midnight and the tea shop was not deserted at all. We were talking about some new things that happened nowadays, such as what happened in Daughter Country?The daughter of the family at the top of the city will throw a hydrangea ball at the East Gate Banquet tomorrow to find a good husband!The head of the Daughter Country is [-] years old this year, but she has yet to give birth to a royal heir! ······

(End of this chapter)

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