Chapter 202

Hua Yu secretly sighed, this ancient man also gossips like this, the whole tea shop is full of old men except for her, and they still have endless things to say, and what they talk about is still their business, and none of them is their own fault.

But there are also advantages, people say, they listen, Huayu found that there is a lot of news here!Of course, Emperor Yun's concern is different from hers. What Emperor Yun is concerned about is to filter from the perspective of the monarch of another country, while Huayu's concern is the hydrangea throwing at the East Gate Banquet tomorrow. She must go to see it, which is once in a lifetime!Originally, she had only seen it in modern TV dramas, but today she was lucky, how could she miss this opportunity?

Going to bed late and waking up early, in a rare state of life, Yunhuang looked at her but smiled and said nothing, but ten horses would not be able to drag back whatever she decided, all he could do was sacrifice his life to accompany the beauty.

After practicing yoga and eating breakfast, the two of them slowly went out to the East Gate Banquet at the top of the city. The wedding ceremony started at noon, but early in the morning, the East Gate Banquet was already full of people. It looked like Eason Chan's concert. I came here early and wanted to find a good viewing angle, but now I can't even squeeze in.

Seeing an entrance, Hua Yu hurriedly pulled Emperor Yun to drill in, but he was too lazy to move down, Hua Yu finally remembered that this emperor has a tendency to push people, the more crowded the place, the more uncomfortable people are, this is not ?He became self-willed again, even when others touched him, he showed an uncomfortable expression, Hua Yu sighed, this royal child is too hypocritical!
"Let's go! Young Master Yun, are you going or not?" Hua Yu glared at him viciously. How can a man be like this?But well!Only at this time is he down-to-earth, other times he is perfect like a god.

He stared at Huayu, reluctantly followed Huayu's guidance and turned left.

The person at the door glanced at Hua Yu, his gaze was like looking at a monster, Hua Yu didn't care about them, and rushed forward, but a blind guy in front stopped Hua Yu, and officially notified her that this place is only The men are allowed to enter, but the women can only watch outside, Hua Yu rushing with blood, looking at a few servant-like people and wanting to beat them up, but thinking about it, it seems to be right!The daughter of Wang Yuanwai must be recruiting real men, unless she has some special hobbies, otherwise, it seems that women are not allowed to come in to interfere!

After figuring it out, I let out my anger, and pulled Yunhuang to find a high platform outside to join in the fun, but at this time, a maid who was said to be Ms. Wang's personal servant ran out inside, and sent them a message to let them in as special guests.

The whole thing is too dramatic!Hua Yu couldn't recover for a long time.

If something good doesn't happen, it's a fool. Hua Yu thinks she's not stupid. Following the little girl's lead, she pointed them to a VIP seat with an excellent view and the closest to the grandstand.

As soon as she sat down, Hua Yu regretted it. It was too early to sit here. She still has a lot of scenic spots and delicacies she hasn't tasted...
As he thought about it, his little head slumped down, his expression unusually tangled, Yun Huang shook his head, this girl has committed this problem again.It's really hard to change!
However, this young lady of the Wang family is also polite. Seeing this crowd of people, it is not difficult for these admirers to send the butler to announce on the stage that the activity of recruiting relatives will be held in advance.

Only then did Hua Yu heave a sigh of relief, she leaned her head back, loosened her bones, and listened to the antiques care about the daughter of the Wang family with ease.

(End of this chapter)

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