Chapter 203

"This daughter of the Wang family! Not only is she born beautiful, but she is also proficient in all aspects of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. She is one of the best beauties and talented women. The most important thing is her gentle and quiet personality."

"This king is also a great benevolent person. People with a radius of hundreds of miles have received his favor. Being able to marry his daughter is a blessing that can only be cultivated in several lifetimes."

There was a lot of talk on the court, but they all praised the daughter of the Wang family, as if this Miss Wang was the goddess in their hearts, yearning for her!
Even Hua Yu was curious about what kind of woman this Miss Wang was?
Finally, after the opening gong sounded, there was a sudden silence in the arena.

On a ten-meter-high stand, a woman in a bright red phoenix wedding gown was supported on the stage by maidservants on the left and right. The woman was covered by a dragon and phoenix hijab, and it was impossible to see her true face, but this figure, enchanting and charming, well-tailored wedding dress The clothes just wrapped her body tightly, and it could be seen that she was well-developed. Hua Yu marveled at how this ancient person developed early. Just now she heard that Ms. Wang was only 14 years old.

Hey, at the age of 14, I have such a proud body at the age of 14, and then look down at my body, it is incomparable!She is protruding forward and backward, but she has a waist that is not full enough to hold. You have to doubt whether she will break when the wind is strong.

Hua Yu secretly compared, not noticing the playful staring of the man next to him, the meaning is unclear!
For a moment, there was another silence on the court. If it wasn't for her eyesight, Hua Yu almost thought that there was no one on the court, and then looked up on the stage, ouch!The young lady had lifted her hijab at some point, her face was stunning, even if Xi Shi was still alive, she would be jealous of her, Hua Yu finally knew that the rumors were unbelievable, she was one in a million, she was so gorgeous.

Hua Yu dare to say that men probably want to have it!Even a woman like her can't wait to marry a man and go home to accompany her every day when she sees it.

In a flash, he turned his head to look at the man beside him. He was still as calm as usual, his eyes were not red, his heart was not beating, and his breathing was not short of breath.If he wasn't her husband, he would have suspected that there was some kind of dysfunction somewhere in this man's body.

Knowing what she was thinking, she shook her head and smiled dotingly and helplessly.

Hua Yu noticed that after a few laps on the stage, Miss Wang came towards the nearest place with a big red hydrangea in her hands. The man on the other side let out a sound of disappointment. He stayed close to her all the time, looked around, thought for a while, and yelled at the still indifferent man beside him, "Huh! Attracting bees and butterflies".

Emperor Yun looked innocent, he provoked her again, obviously he was by her side all the time, didn't go anywhere, didn't do anything?
And where does this "attract bees and butterflies" come from?

She thought she had this kind of potential. A man behind them had been staring at her, so hated him that he wanted to beat him several times. How could he be so blatant? He didn't seem to be dead, right?

Emperor Yun is a bit angry today, others may not see the first comer, but these hermit guards have followed him for many years, and they have already known his temper well, and even a slight change of their master cannot escape their eyes, but this queen empress is really amazing. People worship!To provoke the master to be angry?It's rare!

When the two were angry, the big red hydrangea was also thrown out, impartially, and just hit Yunhuang who had an outstanding temperament in the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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