Chapter 204

It's just a human's instinctive reaction, and Emperor Yun directly picked up the hydrangea without raising his eyes.

Holding the red object, Emperor Yun realized what stupid thing he did?Turning his head to look at the little woman next to him, she had a gloating expression, and laughed: "Congratulations, master, you have brought the beauty home!" After speaking, he walked away, leaving a back view for the man behind him.

Emperor Yun wanted to chase him out, but he was stopped by Wang Yuanwai, the head of the Wang family, and the surrounding men. He couldn't leave, and the hidden guards who were hiding around saw the situation and wanted to show up to the savior, but they were all suppressed by Yunhuang with a gesture, ordering them to follow the flowers. rain.

"My lord, I don't know why the little girl is not worthy of you, so that you want to run away regardless of the rules?" Wang Yuanwai is well-informed and has read countless people. He saw that the man in front of him was handsome, either rich or expensive, even though he was dressed in ordinary clothes. , but still can't hide his outstanding temperament, where can such a son-in-law be found, he must not let it go.

Emperor Yun also knew that he was wrong first, but no matter what, he would not marry the woman in front of him.Therefore, he clasped his fists in both hands and saluted Wang Yuanwai as a junior, and the remaining hidden guards in the dark gasped.

"Today's facts are accidental. I'm sorry, but please Miss Wang find another good son-in-law." Yunhuang said to the woman in red beside Wang Yuanwai.He didn't explain, but it was an obvious rejection.

No matter how kind Wang Yuanwai was, he was unambiguous about his daughter, and his easy-going face jumped into anger. Isn't this obviously ruining his daughter?
"Stop! If you don't give my little girl an explanation today, don't even think about getting out from here." Wang Yuanwai was furious to the extreme.He shouted at Yun Huang who was striding forward.

The hidden guards finally couldn't bear it any longer, and they all appeared around Emperor Yun. Wang Yuanwai looked at these guards with eagle eyes and cold eyebrows, and concluded that this young man had a lot of background, and he didn't dare to make mistakes for a while.Instead, let the servants make way.

Emperor Yun didn't stop there, he bowed his hands to Wang Yuanwai and withdrew to the only vacancy. At this time, Miss Wang quit.Picking up one side of the skirt, he rushed to the Emperor Yun, Yin Wei wanted to make a move, but was stopped by the Emperor Yun, at this time, the Emperor Yun noticed that the woman's face was pale, but there was still a blush on her face. beautiful.

The little hand grabbed his arm, "Young master, please take me away. Today, since the young master took the hydrangea from the little girl, I belong to the young master. No matter whether the young master asks me to be a slave or a servant girl, I am willing to serve the young master for the rest of my life." A generation!"

Wang Yuanwai was also very distressed when he saw that his daughter had lowered her status to such an extent, but she could see that her status was extraordinary at first sight, so she was not a person his daughter could control, and he noticed that the woman next to the man before, the two of them His actions have already shown that the relationship between the family is not normal. I am afraid that they are already a couple, and their daughters can only be young in the past. Although it is very common for men in ancient times to have three wives and four concubines, even their own family has six wives. He is still reluctant to let his daughter suffer. In his opinion, to be young is to suffer.

"No." Quickly pulled out his hand, what a joke, facing her, Emperor Yun had to be cold-hearted, otherwise he would really hurt her, not to mention that the one at home is the one he has a headache for, and he might be hurt when he goes back tonight. Some suffered by themselves.

"My name is Wang Lijuan. You should go back and think about it. I will wait for your reply." Ms. Wang still did not give up and said to the back in front of her.

Wang Yuanwai shook his head distressedly.The onlookers are even more mournful...

(End of this chapter)

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