Chapter 205

By the Wushuang River, the willow trees on both sides curled up to face the mirror, and the spring breeze was blowing on the face, and it was slightly cool. After coming out of the east gate banquet, she didn't go back to the inn directly, but wandered aimlessly on the street. She didn't know where she left It has been several hours, and it is now night, the sky is full of stars, reflected in the Wushuang River, like countless jewels pleated and shining.

The good scenery couldn't warm her good mood. After walking for an afternoon, she was also depressed all afternoon. Damn Che Quanyun wanted to accept others in front of her, and even said that she would spend her whole life. This is obviously a deceit. , Fortunately, I have always believed in him.

Another voice in my heart was also clamoring, "You must trust him, otherwise, you will regret it, have you forgotten what happened last time?"

Yes!Let's go back!You must, absolutely, believe him...but it's been a long time, and he hasn't chased after him. It's obvious that he doesn't care about him. Maybe he is in the arms of a beautiful woman now, and he is proud of the spring breeze!

After stomping her feet, Hua Yu changed direction.

Wushuang River is located in the center of the downtown area, and the businesses on both sides of the river are some industries that are not allowed in modern times. Walking along the only path along the river bank, you will hear various ditties, some fresh, but most of them are sounds like The song "Sultry Spring" just now is a song that the girls in the Goulan courtyard must play and sing. The content is extremely provocative, and it often wins the applause of the men who are looking for fun.

The painted boats in the river come and go, and all of them hang high red lanterns, and there are signboards of which houses and buildings on the lanterns.One can imagine how elegant the woman in the boat is still holding a pipa and half covering her face. From time to time, there are cheers from the nobles in the boat, and the sound of drinking cups clashing. The whole Wushuang River is very lively, even in the distant buildings. All kinds of jokes can be faintly heard... The whole river is intoxicated in this luxurious life, Hua Yu thought, there will not only be romantic and unrestrained young masters, but also many literati and refined scholars. The people there probably don't stick to one category, maybe thousands of people, as long as it's a man, I'm afraid most of them yearn for it, and then try something new.

If the king of a country saw this, how would he feel, and would he be proud of the prosperity of the border town under his rule?Or are you worried that his people will bury their great youth here, and delay countless heroes with great ambitions?

I don't know!She really couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

The hidden guards around her all had bitter faces at this moment. I said, dear queen, aren't you tired after walking for a day? Going to this tempting place, isn't this torturing them?
By the way, this master is wicked enough, he is obviously in the wine shop in front of him, but he just doesn't show his face, and insists on making trouble for them.

"Gududu..." A discordant voice brought her back to reality. It turned out that her stomach protested. How could she survive without eating or drinking for a day?She is a foodie Plum Blossom Rain!

With longing, the pace became much lighter, and it took only a while to turn back. I saw a roast duck hanging at the door of a family.Think it should be delicious!
I ordered a large table of dishes from Xiao Er, which is said to be their signature dish. The speed of serving the dishes at this restaurant was already served in just one cup of tea. Hua Yu's eyes were full of approval.

(End of this chapter)

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