225 Reunion 3
It was already late at night when the waiter fell asleep. Hua Yu was lying on the bed without sleepiness. Hearing the even breathing of Emperor Yun, Hua Yu was relieved. This man has been pretending to be strong and protecting him silently. Looking at her, I don't know how many lives it took for her to cultivate such a good fortune to get his love. In this life, she is really content. Really, the only thing is that she still wants to have a child for him. Hua Yu thought of this, She couldn't help but lowered her head and touched her belly. It's been eight months since they got married, and they were together before they got married. It really broke her eager heart.

Although Yun didn't say anything, Hua Yu knew that he liked children, and he knew it from Xiao Zhuang, so he must also want to have children of his own!Hua Yu is not worried that Emperor Yun will take sides at that time, she believes that in this life he will regard Xiao Zhuang as his own, and there will be nothing that is due to him.

The more she thought about it, the less sleepy she became. Hua Yu simply put on her clothes, and there was always movement in the room. She didn't want to wake him up, so she closed the door lightly, and the shadow appeared in front of her. It was obvious that she was ordered by someone to Not out of sight all the time.

"Let's go! Walk with me"

Hua Yu, who took a few steps forward, noticed that the shadow hadn't moved, and turned her head to urge, "Don't worry, there are wolves, tigers and leopards waiting for me outside, not to mention that if they want to kill me, it's useless for me to hide anywhere. Mr. Fan's little popularity is not a vain reputation, he has never made a mistake, but his organization has an unwritten rule that he will give you a chance to explain before killing the other party's life. He and she have plenty of ways."

The weather in the south is really like a child's face, it changes as soon as it changes. It was clear that two hours ago it was raining and misty, but now there is a bright moon in the sky. Obviously the sky has cleared up. If it weren't for the water marks on the ground, Huayu would have thought it was before What is hallucination.

There are few people on the street, which is in contrast to the hustle and bustle of the day. It is really too quiet at this time, which is completely different from the nightless style of Wushuang City. It seems that the people here are living a normal life.

Accidentally stepping on a stone, Huayu became more playful, and simply kicked the stone forward. On the bluestone road, the stone collided with it and jumped happily, making a crisp impact sound, which brought infinite tranquility to the night. vitality.It's just that Hua Yu missed and used too much strength, the stone was kicked far away, looking along the stone, Hua Yu suddenly exclaimed, why didn't she see anyone just now, this is terrible, the stone kicked her body It was very painful, and there was no time to think about it, so she ran over quickly, and when she was almost in front of her, a black shadow stood in front of her, no need to look, it must be a shadow.

Hastily pushed away the blocking mountain, "Yingying, don't think that the wind is rain, I'm nervous, get out of the way, I'll be fine." Life and death are really out of my control, especially for her who died once inexplicably. People, I have a deep understanding, the king of Hades told you to die at the fifth watch, you dare not live until dawn!

"Hey, did it hurt you?" After saying that, Hua Yu began to look at the man in front of her, with a moon-white robe, a handsome figure, a handsome face, wow, another handsome man, this ancient handsome man Why are there so many, more than the male protagonists in Korean dramas?

(End of this chapter)

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