Chapter 226 Reunion

However, they seem to have met somewhere. Hua Yu has always had a good memory. As long as she meets someone once, she will store his information in her mind, and when she meets again, it will slowly come to mind.

"You are?" Hua Yu pointed to the person opposite, the man nodded knowingly, but the shadow beside him was confused, but judging from his keen sense of smell, the empress and this man were old acquaintances.

Wait... old acquaintance?Standing in this cold wind, facing the inn where the empress lives, you have bad intentions!

Pushing away the shadow, the two walked on the bluestone slab. She still remembered the words they said when they met for the first time. She kept all kinds of guesses in her heart and always wanted to ask. Now that she saw the person involved, she didn't know how to ask.

The man next to him was not much better, the ink smudges in the distance could be clearly seen, the young master was abnormal enough tonight, he stood in the wind and rain for several hours without saying a word, and when he saw the woman who was about to be killed on the drawing paper, he was so nervous that he even looked at it. If he doesn't go on, his great young master also has this side. If he didn't worry about the young master coming out for a sneak walk tonight, he wouldn't have seen such a different side of the young master.Is this the son of their shocking weeping ghosts and gods?If you tell Mo Han and the others, you won't believe it!



With the same voice, the two couldn't help laughing, and the tense atmosphere eased instantly.

"Xiao Yu, I'm sorry!" To this day, he doesn't know how to repent his behavior. Obviously, her world no longer needs his intervention. This is the punishment he deserves. OK, that's it!

The shadow that retreated was staring at Hua Yu's situation in the dark, and at the same time observing the surroundings, suddenly he saw a fellow who had fought against him before, he knew this person, Mr. Fan's right-hand man-Mo Jiye.Now that the ink has come, does it mean that Mr. Fan is nearby?He had never met Mr. Fan, but according to this reasoning...Yang Ying glanced at the man next to Hua Yu, realized something, cold sweat broke out on his forehead instantly, he seemed to have made a low-level mistake tonight.

With a stride, the shadow instantly rushed in front of Hua Yu, just separated the two of them, faced Young Master Fan directly, and separated Hua Yu behind him.

"Yang Ying, what are you doing?" Hua Yu said in displeasure.

"Miss, he is Mr. Fan!" In front of outsiders, he always called her Miss.

Hua Yu was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and said to Shadow, "Go, he won't hurt me!"

Although she had been bruised and bruised by him in her previous life, she still believed that a person who came to another world to look for her would not do anything to her. It was absolutely impossible, so she believed in him.Looking at his eyes, you can tell that there is too much, and he is obviously an outstanding man, but his eyes are like a child who has done something wrong and blinked his eyes hoping to be forgiven by adults.

"Ou Hao... Let me still call you that! I am living a good life now, and I don't want to change. I choose to forget the past. That experience is indeed... You hurt me too much, but No matter how deep the pain is, there is an end, especially after traveling to this other world, I have a brand new life of my own, and now you and I each have our own lives, which shows that we are indeed not destined, it is not to blame, it is a matter of fate, That being the case, why don't we choose to forget it, and you don't have to worry about it, let it go! I don't blame you, go pursue your own happiness!"

After speaking with a smile, the woman turned and left, leaving only a firm back for the lost man behind her.

When everything is calm, the man on the street is still standing in the wind, as if volunteering to be a tree, to stand forever...
"Young master, let's go!" Judging by the girl's attitude, their young master is useless, but judging by the young master's appearance, it seems that they still don't give up!But it can't stand here forever, Moji doesn't care about the distinction between master and servant, and jumps to and from the place where he dragged Mr. Fan.

In the car, Hua Yu curled up bored and half-lyed on the small couch, and they could reach Yacheng, the capital of their daughter's country, in one day.Yunhuang was still reading and thinking about some complicated documents. There was no one talking in the car. Huayu was so bored that he wanted to doze off, but it turned out that the dark shadow stuffed a furry thing from outside the curtain. Huayu was startled at first, and waited to see clearly When it was something, I liked him very much.The little thing has snow-white fluff, a triangular face, a long pointed nose and narrow eyes that roll around. At first glance, it looks like a typical white fox. Hua Yu came to the spirit and thought of a name for it, including the names of handsome men and beautiful women in Korean dramas. Greeted over to use, but still not a satisfactory.

Holding the little thing and sighing, the man next door raised his eyelids, "Yu'er...".

"Oh! I'm bothering you, my lord. That's fine. Give it a name, and I will promise to keep it quiet and not disturb you." Hua Yu played mischievously. In front of him, she was like a girl who would never grow up. little girl.

"This thing stumps you! You see it is white all over, and you like snowflakes better, so why not just call it snowflakes!"

"Snow Flower... Snow Flower..." Hua Yu whispered, um, it seems to be good, well, that's it, anyway, it's just a code name, she is too lazy to waste brain cells.

Accompanied by Xuehua, Huayu was full of energy along the way, when she got off the car to breathe, Huayu also carried her Xuehua in and out, hating Yunhuang's face as black as the dark clouds in the sky.

Seeing Yin Ying fetching water by the stream, Hua Yu smiled slightly and walked over. "Shadow, thank you!" After speaking, he stroked Xuehua's fur.

Shadow stopped fetching water, and grinned, "You think this little thing is from me, right?" He didn't have the guts to give something to their mistress privately.

"It's not you, who is it?" Hua Yu wondered.

Sometimes she is still full of confusion!

Shadow squeaked, Hua Yu looked over, "Cloud!".

"My lady, otherwise who would dare to give you something!" It's not like they have nine lives.

"However, you won't be bored now, will you?" Yin Ying took advantage of the opportunity and sat next to Hua Yu. Hua Yu rolled her eyes and cut straight to the point, "An Ying, tell me the truth, what is the purpose of your trip to the daughter country?"

"Oh, empress, this little guy is really like an empress, clever and cunning!" Shadow pretended not to hear, and cleverly changed the subject, jokingly, if he talked about it, he might not be able to see the sun tomorrow. I said that I would temporarily hide it from my empress.

"Oh! Do you like that shadow?"

Shadow couldn't see any change in his master's expression, but subconsciously quickly answered no, Hua Yu picked up the little fox's hind feet, stood up and coldly raised his hand backwards, throwing the snowflakes far away in a parabola , Shadow clicked his tongue, their master was angry, he couldn't be messed with, so he hurriedly made an excuse to go to the convenience, and ran away.

The poor little thing was thrown by the master, and he was very wronged. Tears were already rolling in his eyes, and he cried out "sob, sob...".

The little guy whimpered a few times, seeing that Hua Yu ignored it, he just came up again and jumped into Hua Yu's arms.In fact, Hua Yu is also reluctant to abuse it, just for someone to see, what?Even though she didn't hide it from her, even so, she believed in him, he had his reasons for doing things, and she would definitely not hurt her.

The road to Yacheng was easy to walk, and their speed was faster, and they arrived in Yacheng half a day earlier than expected.This is the political center of Daughter Kingdom, and also its economic center. It is extremely prosperous, comparable to Tianqi Capital. The streets are extremely noisy, crowded with people, and it is very lively.

The shadows and the others had already spread out around Yunhuang and the others to hide themselves. On the bright side, Huayu and Yunhuang entered the city. Huadie arrived in Yacheng one step earlier. I found a side courtyard on the nearby No. [-] Street. The house is not big, just two two-story attics, and an extremely elegant pavilion garden. The residences of some dignitaries and dignitaries are nearby, and it can be called a gathering place for the rich. , so the real estate in this area is very expensive to buy and sell, and the price is staggeringly high, but it is also extremely quiet. They just need to be quiet, and they can't do it if they have too many eyes and mouths.

For the convenience of daily life, Hua Yu asked Hua Die to find a cook, so that Hua Die didn't have to do it every day and saved time to help Yun Huang with other things.

This cook is in her 40s and her husband's family name is Xu, so Hua Yu called her Mother Xu. Mother Xu's family has a paralyzed husband and a stupid son who needs to be taken care of. It is a poor person, so Hua Yu also takes special care of her. she.

At the same time, Leng Hao and Shen Yang also entered Yacheng. The Blood Wolf Pavilion has a stronghold here. Coincidentally, it is also adjacent to Hua Yu's residence. When Hua Yu opened the back window on the second floor, she just took a look at it. Scenery, unexpectedly, the door on the second floor opposite also opened, and a handsome man stood out in the corridor, which is not surprising, but the strange thing is that she was so familiar with this handsome man, her eyes collided, one panicked, the other calmed down, The aura was too strong, Hua Yu nodded politely, closed the window in a panic and retreated to the corner of the room.

Through the lattice window, he could vaguely see Leng Hao on the opposite side. Emperor Yun frowned, and Shen Yang was standing beside him. He also knew this person, so he simply opened the corridor door. Since "the road to enemies is always narrow", then avoid If you don't open it, it's better to clarify some things, so as not to look at each other and get tired of each other.

"Hello, Brother Yun, are you safe?" Shen Yang spoke first.

There is a saying: "Don't reach out your hand to hit the smiling face", and Emperor Yun also returned the gift, "Thanks to Brother Shen, I am doing very well."

The two were chatting, but one of them still had a cold face that could drip water, turned around and was about to leave, but was grabbed by Shen Yang, "Brother Yun, it's rare that we meet here by chance, why don't you all go out for a drink?"

When Leng Hao heard this, he couldn't hold back any longer, turned his head around, and threatened Shen Yang with the look of killing someone, raised his foot, and stepped on the opponent's foot heavily, causing Shen Yang to hug his foot and jump around on the spot in pain Shout whoops.

"Brother Leng, what do you mean?" Emperor Yun asked generously first.

"Hmph! Do you think it's possible?" Leng Hao replied coldly. He was really fed up with that hypocritical guy opposite him. He was obviously very good at robbing wives and robbing sons. I really want to lift a knife and stab him in the heart to relieve my hatred.

"Brother Leng, let's not talk about anything else, just talk about this unfamiliar place, it's easy to discuss with multiple people!"


(End of this chapter)

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