The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 234 Leng Hao's Persistence

Chapter 234 Leng Hao's Persistence
Hua Yu thought that she would really be killed by the sword this time, so she closed her eyes one by one. After a long time... the imagined pain did not greet her body as expected, and she opened her eyes... The gangster was fighting with the cold Hao fights, but he is obviously not Leng Hao's opponent!

"Say, who sent you here?" The gangster asked sharply after being stepped on by Leng Hao.

"Hero, please forgive me...Hero, please forgive me, I said...I said, "

At this time, Hua Yu had time to look at the man in front of her. She was a middle-aged man with sly eyebrows and wicked looks. She was sure she didn't know him.

"It's a beautiful woman. He gave me a bag of silver and asked me to stop and kill her on this road." The wretched man said and pointed at Hua Yu.

"Me?" Hua Yu pointed at the tip of her nose, "How did she point it to you, the portrait?"

"It's not... this lady doesn't know something. Some time ago, a woman died here, she said she was robbed of her wealth, so no one has been here recently, even those who live nearby, They also took a detour and didn't take this road at all, just when you just turned around the intersection, miss, that woman pointed you out to me."

"Show me? But I noticed at the time that there were people at the intersection, but no women!" Hua Yu asked suspiciously.

"We were on the second floor of the tea shop at the intersection. I was drinking tea there alone. It was that woman who came to me... I've said everything I need to say, can I go?"

"What's the rush! I'll let you go after I'm done asking" Leng Hao snarled sharply, and stepped up his feet. He will never be soft-hearted towards this kind of person.

"Can you take a portrait?" Leng Hao asked.

As soon as he finished saying "I will be a little bit", something cold pressed down on my neck.

"You... you... where are you taking me?" Leng Hao put a knife on the neck of the wretched man and forced him to go forward. Hua Yu followed and turned left at the intersection At the entrance of the alley, a scholar who makes a living by painting is guarding the stall. Leng Hao dropped the silver and asked the wretched man to draw the woman who ordered him.

Hua Yu has been thinking, who has such a deep hatred for her, who would not hesitate to pay for murder, and the means are so despicable!In a short period of time, Hua Yu checked all the women she knew, but there was no result. At this time, the painting was ready. Looking at the people in the painting, Hua Yu's heart skipped a beat. could it be? ······?
Hua Yu was stunned on the spot, she really didn't expect that the person who wanted to kill her was the person who treated her like a good sister in the past, was it just because of Yun that she was expelled from the palace?Haven't they arranged for the rest of her life?What else is she dissatisfied with?

"Let's go! Silly woman!" Kicking the wretched man away, Leng Hao looked at the lost appearance of Hua Yu in front of him, and his heart ached. If he hadn't seen Shadow being entangled by a man in purple today, he guessed that Hua Yu would be alone ?Worried about her safety at the moment, he turned back and asked everywhere. Fortunately, he arrived in time, otherwise, even if he died a thousand times, he would not be able to make up for his fault!He didn't want to experience the same pain again.

"Thank you!" Hua Yu raised her head and smiled at him with a pale face. It looked so dazzling to him, and there was a bloodstain on her neck, which had to be bandaged up quickly.

"Ah!" Hua Yu exclaimed because the man in front of her actually hugged her horizontally, a standard princess hug, and the scholar next to her was so startled that she scattered a dozen drawing papers in his arms on the ground without knowing it.

"Let go of me!" Hua Yu beat hard, she and him are not husband and wife now, such intimacy will cause misunderstanding.If he couldn't let him go, Hua Yu kicked him, but the kicks didn't work, Hua Yu opened his mouth and bit his arm, the rows of teeth marks were deep and oozing blood, but Leng Hao frowned, but he really let her go.

Hua Yu, who was about to run away, realized that she couldn't find a way out. Leng Hao took her to a purple bamboo forest. Inside was an elegant small bamboo house. In front of the house was a clear water pond, and behind the house was a big plum blossom. Lin, now in February, plum blossoms have already bloomed and failed.In the entire courtyard, only the bamboo forest is still alive. Without the bamboo, it is really a bit depressed.

Leng Hao ignored her and went straight into the hut. Hua Yu took the opportunity to look around, but found no way out. She didn't know how Leng Hao brought her in just now. The bamboo forest was so dense that it was difficult to reach in with one hand.
"Come in!" Leng Hao asked Hua Yu to enter the room with a gloomy face, hum!Is she so reluctant to stay with her!Looking at her like that, she seemed to wish she could grow a pair of wings and fly away.

"······" This man committed an old problem again, and it turned out to be this kind of attitude towards himself. Thinking so, even though he was reluctant, Hua Yu obediently walked towards the bamboo building.

The layout inside is clean and tidy, and all the furniture is available. What attracts Huayu the most is a pot of dark green Ophiopogon japonicus on the window sill. She liked it better when she was in Prince Leng's Mansion. You can see it everywhere in the garden. It is not only eye-catching, but also easy to feed. Everywhere is green and full of vitality.

"I didn't ask you to come here to look around! Come here!"

Leng Hao's voice sounded again, and Hua Yu stepped forward unwillingly.

"squat down"

Hua Yu didn't want to argue with him, so she squatted down obediently, her neck was cool at this time, Hua Yu turned her head to look, it turned out that this man was applying medicine to her, and finally wrapped it with gauze, oh!It turned out that he brought himself here to bandage his wounds!Not to say it earlier, to say it earlier, he still needs to do it, so she won't go back with a hole on her shoulders and worry Yun!

This man! ····································································································································a··· Who would take the initiative to curry favor with him?
"What are you slandering me again?" He has been paying attention to her expression all the time, how could he miss her expression at this moment, he still knows what she is thinking, a stupid girl, she is a child and his mother, and she has a child's heart, a little bit It doesn't grow up too!
"No... no!" Hua Yu hurriedly defended, but seeing that she obviously didn't believe her, she added: "I swear to God, I really didn't!"



"Could it be that you can't bear to get up!" Someone said something with a cold face, but it was full of jokes.

Hua Yu was speechless, immediately got up and went out, and paused at the door, "Thank you for today!" She knew better than anyone whether it was a merit or demerit, if it wasn't for him today, she would have died on the spot, and she would remember this kindness.

"You want to go back that much?...Do you hate staying by my side?...I just make you hate me so much that you can't bear to stay for a while longer?" Leng Hao's face darkened , very hurt to ask.

Ok!Now that he has said it all, let's clarify it all at once, otherwise, all three of you will be injured, "Well, Leng Hao, you should know that I am no longer your wife, I am the Queen of Yun, I The person who wants to spend a lifetime together is Yun, you and I are in the past tense, for the sake of unnecessary misunderstandings, we will not meet in the future, this is good for everyone."

"Nonsense! How are you to everyone? Which of your eyes is better to me? Abandoned by your wife and son, dreaming back at midnight, always thinking that your wife and children will change their minds and come back to me , but when I wake up, I am still alone, alone, why? Why do I have to be lonely? I deserve it, right? Plum blossom rain! Think about it with your heart, did I really hurt you in the Leng Palace? ?..." Leng Hao was short of breath, and he wanted to tell her what he was holding back for a long time. He was almost injured internally after holding it in for a long time, but this woman cared about others, and she was afraid to go back in a hurry. The man is worried, what about him?He deserves it right?
"Leng Hao, that's not what I meant. Actually, I want to say, 'Since everything has become like this, it's better to forget me. I know you have me in your heart, but it's impossible between us. Find another woman and let her give you happiness, you are the emperor now, all the women in Tianqi are yours, don’t worry about finding someone you like..."

"Plum blossom rain...!" This woman is so outrageous, she really wants to cut her head open to see what's inside?Damn woman!What "the whole Tianqi woman is yours...huh! Then why didn't he have the plum blossom rain he wanted?" I really want to sew up this woman's mouth, it's too hurtful!
"What's the matter? What I said is the truth." Hua Yu innocently flashed a pair of big eyes, this is her special move, the usual move with Yun, tried a hundred times.

"'s okay, forget it!" Looking at Hua Yu's appearance, Leng Hao suppressed his anger no matter what, he couldn't bear to let her suffer the slightest grievance. It was him who was wrong before, but luckily God has eyes, let him have a chance to see her again, and he would never let her get hurt.

"Really want to leave?" Leng Hao took a rare step back.

"Yeah." Hua Yu nodded, she's been out for too long, probably Yun has searched all over Yacheng long ago.

"You can go, the kitchen is over there, I'm hungry!" Leng Hao lay down on the recliner, looking like an old man.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you understand?" Leng Hao laughed, he found it a joy to tease this silly woman.

"You didn't ask me to cook for you, did you?"

"is it not OK?"

"It's not like you can't do it yourself!" Hua Yu dissatisfied, she had seen him cook.

"Hey! Don't you want to go back? You can go when you're done." He was already the biggest concession. He came all the way here because he was worried about her safety, but she didn't care at all, but... He will not force it, leave everything to time, he believes that as long as he is given time, he will definitely make her change her mind.

"You must mean what you say!" After finishing speaking, Hua Yu obediently went to the kitchen, she had to hurry up, it seemed that the sky was getting dark.

The kitchen is full of dried vegetables, and there are no fresh vegetables at all. Huayu doesn’t plan to make them, it’s too much time-consuming. There are still some eggs and some cold rice, which seem to be leftovers from the morning. Huayu rolls up her sleeves and decides Make him fried rice with eggs.

This is the simplest, Huayu will be out of the pot in a while, just thinking about this man sometimes is really hateful, Huayu poured it into the pot again, and added some condiments by the way-chili, isn't he afraid of spicy?My sister will make him hot enough today.

(End of this chapter)

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