Chapter 235

"Okay, Lord Leng Hao, this is the dinner you want, please take it easy!" A bowl of special fried rice was brought to Leng Hao, and when he put it on the dining table, he saw a pile of red ones. How many spoonfuls of chili are put in, doesn't he want to eat it?She will never let him down, guaranteeing that he will "unforgettable for a lifetime"!
Hua Yu secretly looked up at the man in front of her triumphantly, the pleasure of succeeding in a prank spread all over her body, it's no wonder that today's meal is not spicy!Let's see if you still dare to ask people to cook casually in the future, she is not his servant girl!
Leng Hao squinted at Hua Yu, his face was calm, no one could see what he was thinking at this time?Pick up the spoon and start eating seriously...

One mouthful...two mouthfuls...three the blink of an eye, halfway through, he ate very slowly, chewing each mouthful carefully, and his movements were extremely graceful, but Huayu noticed that his face had already turned red, and sweat oozed from his forehead , From time to time, he would use a sweat towel to wipe off the sweat that was about to flow, but he still didn't stop eating.Hua Yu has a little intolerance, this man is not like him today, he is a master of patience!
In the blink of an eye, a plate of peerless spicy egg fried rice was swept away by the man in front of him. Hua Yu was dumbfounded. Has this man changed his gender?Even when she treated him so deliberately, he kept silent, the sun came out from the west!

"That...haha!" Hua Yuxu laughed, in fact, she wanted to say thank you for the compliment, but seeing Leng Haoyou's serious expression, she couldn't say it.

"Let's go!" Leng Hao picked up his outer robe and walked out on his own.

"What? Don't want to leave? Want to live here in seclusion with me?" Seeing that Hua Yu was still standing there, Leng Hao turned his head and teased.

"Cut!" This man is really not an ordinary narcissist, who wants to live in seclusion with him?One day is just nonsense, no seriousness!
After going outside, Hua Yu realized that it was too late, the moon was already on the top of the willows, she didn’t know what magic Leng Hao had cast, the bamboo forest automatically retreated to the two sides, just exiting a path leading to the outside, Hua Yu didn’t care so much , hurriedly followed behind Leng Hao, afraid of being late, the bamboos closed again.

"Okay, go back by yourself!" As soon as he got out of the small bamboo forest, Leng Hao said a word, and he turned back the same way without looking back.Seeing the bamboo forest clearing the way for him in front, and the back closing automatically, Hua Yu really wanted to throw a stone on his head, and it would be better to break it open so she can see what is inside him?
No manners man!It's so immoral to let her go back alone so late in such a remote place!Hua Yu muttered to herself, it's over, stomp your feet, you still have to go, and you have to go fast, there are so many female ghosts in ancient times, it would be bad if you go late and be left behind.Hua Yu is ashamed to say that, she is a modern college student, and she is also a good young man who has received atheism education, but the most feared thing in the world is still ghosts!Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, it has been mentioned in TV and movies!Japan's Sadako, those female ghosts in my country's Liaozhai, especially when paired with the horrible music, people will be scared to death.

It's over... It's over, at this moment, the more she thinks about ghosts in her heart, the more she is terrified, Huayu runs away, but the more she is afraid of ghosts, the more she sees ghosts, she bumps into a ghost, Huayu retreats a few steps, "Wow... wow... wow" screamed, even the eyes were so frightened that they closed tightly, not daring to open them.

"Oh! Silly girl! Have you ever seen a ghost as good-looking as me?" The male ghost said, and the voice was very nice, but why did it feel so familiar!Driven by curiosity, Hua Yu slowly opened her eyes, "Hey! could there be a male ghost who looks like Yun? Could it be that the underworld has advanced enough to have plastic surgery?"

"Silly girl, what are you thinking? I've been looking for you all day, and you have this expression when you see me? The expression of hell! It makes me sad!"

Hua Yu didn't care whether he was hurt or not, she boldly stepped forward, touched him here and there, thinking "That's right, my body is warm and my heart is beating", Hua Yu looked at his shadow again, this time It is even more confirmed that he is a human being, and ghosts will not have shadows!
"Trust me now!" Emperor Yun was not annoyed, anyway, as long as this girl is well, nothing else matters, what happened today is all his fault, if she had him by her side, this wouldn't have happened kind of thing.He also had another idea. After returning, he had to personally supervise Hua Yu to learn some self-protection skills. Although he had learned a little bit before, this girl spent three days fishing and two days drying the net. Be soft-hearted!

"En!" Hua Yu nodded, she was finally sure that he was her Yun, he found herself!He actually found himself!Does this mean that they are indeed destined!

Stepping over, she threw herself heavily into Emperor Yun's arms, wrapping her arms around Emperor Yun's neck like a child, her cloud finally came!This is the handsome face that has always been in her mind. It was a day without seeing her, and it was as if it had been several centuries. The body is the most direct way to express feelings. Hua Yu is close to Yun Huang, as if she wants to blend into each other Same in the body.

"Silly girl, miss me?" Hua Yu's performance obviously pleased the man above her head, and the man couldn't hide the joy in his heart and asked softly.


"Then you can't just stand in the wilderness and wait to be drenched in the rain, right?" It looks like it's going to rain. If her small body is drenched in the rain again, she doesn't know what serious consequences will happen. The most urgent thing is to go home quickly. .Otherwise, he would rather be like this all the time, this is a rare benefit for him!It's rare for a little girl to be so "heroic"!
Hearing this, Hua Yu raised her head, and sure enough... just now there was a bright moon hanging on the branch, and now the white jade plate has been taken away by someone, the sky is no longer clear, but dim and chaotic, the sky has changed, and it is raining Prelude!
Suddenly thinking of the man in the bamboo forest, "Huh! Even God can change his face as fast as that man!" Hua Yu secretly slandered.

"You carry me on your back!" Hua Yu started playing around. It was the first time they were outside together when they came to Yacheng. Now that she has this man with her, she has to make good use of it.

"Come up!" Emperor Yun was helpless, but seeing the girl's hopeful eyes, he sacrificed himself once.He squatted neatly so that this silly girl could get on his back.

Yun's body is not very strong, even slender and thin, but Hua Yu feels extremely at ease when pressed down, just like his back is like a mountain, which can carry countless burdens. Tonight, she is really happy, so happy that she is immersed in the current atmosphere She doesn't want to get away, she has to feel and remember all this well, and the surrounding things are nothing to her at this moment, including the hidden guard who has appeared to follow them closely, and Hua Yu didn't even look at it. arrive.

Among the shadow guards, there was no shadow of shadow anymore. Later, Hua Yu heard from Hua Die that Shadow was punished to Tianqi and was not allowed to leave there for the rest of his life. It was equivalent to being imprisoned in an invisible circle. Pen.Hua Yu didn't ask why An Ying made such a low-level mistake, because even if he had reasons beyond his control, he couldn't change Yun's decision. Safety is what Yun cares most about.

What Huayu is worried about is how can Yingying go after Xiaocui after he has gone to Tianqi?It's too far... I can't reach it!
When I got back to the residence, I wanted to fall asleep, but was forced to be thrown into the steaming bath bucket by Yunhuang. The warm current soaked my whole body, and Hua Yu was so comfortable that she closed her eyes lazily and didn't want to move. It wasn't until another person squeezed into the narrow tub that Hua Yu suddenly opened her eyes.

"That...that..." Although it was not the first time for the two of them to be so "honest", Hua Yu still blushed with shame, "Can you wash it later... Heh!...It's too crowded!"

"My lady, do you have the heart to toss me back and forth? Besides... how crowded is this place?" As he spoke, Emperor Yun pulled Huayu into his arms. Since they came to Yacheng, they hadn't been together properly. The emperor also felt sorry for his Yu'er who was too tired, so he got up one by one and brought a piece of dry brocade cloth, wrapped Hua Yu one by one and carried her into the big bed. The next thing, of course, happened naturally. It was a violent storm, but it didn't affect the two people who were in full swing inside. The ancient love song and the ancient melody jointly wrote this chapter of love.

At dawn, there was no movement in the inner room, and then Emperor Yun stood up dressed neatly, explained a few words to Hua Die, took two guards and went out.

"Tsk tsk... The master is too tough. Shengsheng has been exercising all night and went out energetically. It is the one inside who suffers! It seems that she can sleep well today. I am afraid that the empress will not wake up at noon. "Hua Die, who has been guarding the door of the room, secretly calculated, and finally cast a look of incomparable sympathy, and went back to her room to sleep lightly. In other words, she liked this empress very much, and she was not as hypocritical as the previous empress. Ruthless, the last lady deserved not to be loved by her master, and deserved that kind of fate. This lady is different, she has a real and good personality, and treats them like relatives, no wonder the master only loves her!

It was already noon when Hua Yu woke up. There is no standard time in ancient times, and she can only look at the hourglass hanging on it. However, Hua Yu is still not used to using it. She prefers to judge the time by looking at the height of the sun. Row.

Lifting off the quilt and getting ready to get dressed, "...", I really can't bear to look at myself under the quilt, there is not a single piece of good skin on my whole body, how can I treat her like this, no, she has to punish him for two months not to touch She is too much!
Pushing the door open, Hua Yu was blinded by the light that made her close her eyes quickly. After a long time... After she got used to it, Hua Yu slowly opened her eyes, remembering that she was naughty when she was a child, and she often encountered this kind of situation. At that time, her mother Will rush over to help her cover the strong light with her hands, and let her eyes slowly adapt before letting go. This is her mother, and she is happy when she thinks about it!
(End of this chapter)

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