Chapter 240
"What? Not happy?"

"Hmph!" He became more and more aware of the insidiousness of the Emperor Yun. He clearly knew that he was following behind, but he insisted on staying inside and not coming out so that he missed the time to watch Huayu. Isn't it despicable?
"What right do you have to be unhappy? Hua Yu is my queen. Whatever you have with her is in the past tense. Wake up! Emperor Leng." Turning out of Luoxia Palace, Emperor Yun patted Leng Hao on the shoulder and said .

"Hmph, robber logic!" This Emperor Yun is really shameless to the extreme. Hua Yu is obviously his, and he is also the ghost of their Leng family when he dies. For the sake of the stake, he would have launched the Blood Wolf Pavilion to kill him a long time ago. It is really embarrassing to see this man, whose hands are covered with blood, but wants to wear a snow suit to cover up his sinful facts, so as to confuse the eyes of the world .

"Hmph again, Yu'er is also my wife, unless she doesn't want me and this family, otherwise, I won't let you go in this life, even if you stay with me, including my life, I won't let you have a chance to hurt me again. she!"

"Hmph!...Does it hurt?..." Leng Hao really wanted to have a fight with this self-righteous guy, but his words also shocked him, "Even if you stay with me, including my life" he has been Knowing that he loves Huayu, after all, which emperor would come to the back garden for his queen to have a beautiful peony in the back garden, and only dote on one person, but when he really heard it, he was shocked, and wanted to snatch Huayu back from this man. The road ahead is hard!
"Che Quanyun, shut up! If you and I continue to quarrel like this, if we disturb the guards, neither of us will be able to escape unscathed, and maybe Hua Yu will be hurt. Where is your rationality?" Leng Hao Shen Nu, this man just lacks lessons, if it wasn't for the wrong location, he would have fought him to the death!

"Who?" The voices of the dispute between the two finally alarmed the captain of the guard who led the patrol here.

The two hidden in the shadows immediately became highly vigilant. They wanted to wait until the guard approached to deal with all of them. Unexpectedly, the guard was dragging a field hound. It had already barked when it smelled it. The two had no choice but to fight ahead of time. No matter how well-trained a team is, they are no match for top experts like the two of them. In less than three rounds, they all fell down, and the bloody smell spread, choking the hunting dog to bark...

"What are you doing? If you don't deal with him, we will be killed by it tonight"

"Ignorance, even if you solve it now, it's too late." Yun Huang raised his eyebrows contemptuously and looked at the man who lost his mind with him tonight.

"If you don't want to die, come with me..." This place is no stranger to him, because he had obtained a secret map of the Daughter's Kingdom Palace through Mu Huaibai before, and the content was very detailed. At that time, he wondered why this man suddenly Without principles, now he knows that this man has a purpose, and he probably thinks that he will owe him, so he pays off the debt in advance.But... this debt can't be repaid so easily, it's all his fault for playing tricks on his Yu'er... What's wrong, brother?In this world, no one is allowed except himself... He has the guts to trick his queen into coming in, and he has to bear all the consequences. He will have to settle this account sooner or later.

After turning around for a few times, the two of them became farther and farther away from the sound of the guards running and chasing them. They are now in the Lenggong Palace of the Daughter Country, which is relatively remote and the defense is quite weak. During this period of high tension, once someone finds out, they will definitely be pierced with arrows. Even if they die, they will still be scarred. What's more, he feels that the queen is quite hostile to him, and this hostility does not come from them. They are all the kings of a country, and there is no one who swallows who, but it is like a personal grievance. It stands to reason that he and her are decades apart in age. Things that have always been puzzling.

The door of one of the cold palaces was ajar. Before a few small soldiers patrolled here, the two pushed the door lightly and entered. After traveling through the night for too long, they could distinguish eight or nine things in the night. Not far away, as soon as you enter the door, there are waist-high weeds. It seems that no one has cleaned them up for some years. Along a narrow path in the middle, the two of them walked to a building where there was faint candlelight. Someone knocked on the door, and it was an elderly man who opened the door. Emperor Yun explained the purpose of his visit. The old man held a candle in front of the faces of the two men, but he didn't decide to let them in, but a male voice inside let them in. go in.

Leng Hao glared coldly at the old man a few times, but he didn't care, as if it wasn't the case, you stare at you, I'll go mine.

"Uncle Fu, pour a cup of tea for the two guests!" The man said gently to the old man who had just glared at him.

"Sorry to bother you!" Yun Huang spoke first, and took the opportunity to look at the man in front of him.

The man should be about 50 years old, wearing a cotton blue shirt, and his hair is neatly combed and tied with a jade hairpin that men from the daughter country are used to. The face with years can vaguely see the peerless elegance of his youth. Now He still looks like a handsome man.

"Is it you two who are chasing outside?" The man asked lightly.

Emperor Yun nodded and said:

"Senior, I don't know how to address you. Today, thanks to senior's acceptance, if senior needs help from the two of us, feel free to ask. The two of us will definitely fulfill our long-cherished wish for senior!"

"Ha...ha...ha, the young people are straight and happy, I like it,...If I guessed correctly, the two of you are not from your country, right?"

This time Emperor Yun Lenghuang looked at each other tacitly, and Emperor Yun replied: "Senior has good eyesight, to be honest, the two of us are indeed not from Daughter's country, we are originally from Che Ying country, and I will take my wife out to play. Therefore, due to my carelessness, I lost my wife, and I heard that your royal family tricked a woman into coming in on the street, I wondered if it was my wife, and followed her in one by one to find out."

"Ahaha!..." Regarding Emperor Yun's remarks, the old man just laughed it off without pointing it out, but his wise eyes were fixed on Emperor Yun, as if there was a treasure house on his face.Occasionally, he would look at Leng Huang beside him.

"Has anyone ever said that you two are very similar?" Emperor Yun thought that the old man was about to say something, but he never expected him to say something that disgusted him. He is very similar to him. What does that mean?He doesn't want to have anything to do with him anymore. The closer he is to the danger, the higher the danger. It is his responsibility to protect his wife and son. In this life, he will never get close to their family for any reason, let alone allow him to take away any part of his life. part, including small piles.

"Senior, your eyes are dazzled. I have no similarities with him. Nothing can be like an ice cellar!...It will freeze the people around to death!"

"Heh!... Let's have a cup of tea, you two! No one will come in this place, you can stay at ease, I won't accompany you, you two, please feel free!" Then he went to the inner room So, Yunhuang reckoned that he was going to sleep.

Another group of people approached this way, and when they reached the door, they could vaguely hear the order of the guard in charge, "Hey, come back... Although this place is also a cold palace, we can't afford to mess with the person who lives inside. Withdraw and report to Her Majesty the Queen later.”


Then there was the sound of several people leaving in a hurry, and there were also patrols who came here to search, but without exception, no one came in here.

Leng Hao has been paying attention to the situation outside. Although the Blood Wolf Pavilion has given him some important information, he still feels that it is better to be careful. As for the Emperor Yun, he knows that Leng Hao is cautious, so he simply dragged out the couch He closed his eyes and rested his mind, completely ignoring what happened outside the window, but fell asleep after a while.

At dawn, Yunhuang's recliner shook, and the sleeping Yunhuang reluctantly woke up, "Hey! I said you have something wrong?"

"Are you a pig? You still don't get up at dawn and find a way to get out, you want to die!" He just couldn't see his indifferent appearance, Hua Yu was still under house arrest in the palace, and he actually wanted to sleep!

"Don't worry, my master said, as long as you do him a favor, he can send the two out of the palace at noon." Uncle Fu, who came to deliver the message, took out several kinds of food from the food box and put them on the table as he spoke. At the table, ask them to eat together.

The two looked at each other, what a guy!This is not the meal of the cold palace, it is completely the emperor's meal standard, and it is to confirm the identity of this senior - the daughter country has abolished the emperor and empress Longyang.

It is said that back then he and the prince Tianfenghuang fell in love at first sight, ignoring the five-year age difference between the male and female, the two quickly fell in love and vowed that everyone would only see each other in this life, and that they would be a couple for the rest of their lives.The situation in the world, not to mention the emotional matters, no one can say for sure. On the same day when Fenghuang ascended the throne, and at the same time made Longyang the empress a few days later, the two went out on their honeymoon and rescued a woman who fell into the water on the Mudan River. It was a good match, so I invited a girl to marry Jinlan, Tianfenghuang is the leader, the girl reported her name as Yunshu, and she had no relatives in her hometown for no reason.

Tianfenghuang took this younger sister who was married to Jinlan into the palace, and named her a princess, named Princess Shuyun.If the story ended here, it would be considered perfect, but unfortunately things backfired. It is said that when Phoenix was pregnant that day, he was afraid that the empress would be cold, so he asked his close sister to accompany him more often. In the end, when Tianfenghuang's own sister went to Longyang to repay the medical skills she had borrowed, she saw the empress and Princess Shuyun lying on the same bed in naked clothes...

After Tianfenghuang learned about it, he stumbled and fell into a trance. He fell down the Jiuyang ladder and lost his three-month-old fetus.The problem is that the imperial physician diagnosed that the queen has no chance of having children in this life, and the matter once again pushed the two to the opposite of hatred. The queen immediately withdrew Long Yang's title and put him in limbo for decades.The beautiful boy in the past is now in the year of destiny, and the grievances and resentments of a lifetime are doomed to death...

(End of this chapter)

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