The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 241 Accompanying the Palace

Chapter 241 Accompanying the Palace

As expected, the senior did not break his promise. At noon, Uncle Fu came to inform them that they were ready to leave immediately. Within half a cup of tea, they were already at the first checkpoint of the secret underground passage. Uncle Fu sent the two of them there. Pointing to the right side of the road, you can go directly to the outside of the palace. From the beginning to the end, Long Yang never showed up again, but asked Fu Bo to bring a sleeve bag to Emperor Yun, and told him to open it when he was outside. Emperor Yun stuffed it into his arms and said goodbye. After leaving Fubo, the two each held a torch and went forward.

Emperor Yun suddenly remembered that the map Mu Huaibai gave him earlier did not have such a thing as authentic tunnels. It is hard to say whether he did not know it or deliberately concealed it?The tunnel is one foot deep and one foot shallow, uneven, and the light of the torch is obviously swallowed up insignificantly in this black hole. Compared with Leng Hao, he walked with ease, as if he was walking on flat ground, while Emperor Yun was already bumping into bumps. , almost fell several times, Leng Hao secretly smiled, deliberately walked faster, pulled the torch away, and then loudly urged Yunhuang behind.

Unable to bear the urging of others, Emperor Yun had no choice but to let go of his steps and move forward. When the two finally saw the light in front of them, Emperor Yun was covered in bruises all over his body. Hidden in a dry well in an abandoned yard in the outskirts, usually, no one sets foot here, but it is safe.

"Hey, when will you rescue Hua Yu?" Leng Hao, who was sitting on the root of an old tree, asked, not because he wanted to talk to him, but because he was worried about Hua Yu.

"I can save my own queen myself, so I won't bother you as an 'outsider'!" Yunhuang's tone aggravated the outsider. In his opinion, Leng Hao is just a fly, and his queen is as long as he has to worry about it, and Leng Hao mentioned Huayu's name the most, one Huayu at a time, that was his queen's boudoir name!How could he be allowed to talk about it all day long as an outsider!
"Hmph! Che Quanyun, what qualifications do you have to say that?" Leng Hao was furious. He had endured a day to the extreme. Once his anger erupted, he had to find someone to vent his anger on. Leng Hao picked up the bruised Emperor Yun was beaten violently.

Of course, this Emperor Yun is not a vegetarian, not to mention he is the only one who is aggrieved by Leng Hao, isn't he aggrieved?It was obviously because he was indifferent to Yu'er that she had the opportunity to leave. Now that he wants her, when he wants to give her the happiness of the whole world, this fly comes to talk again, what... what... is it him? Yes, it is shameless to the extreme!

The dilapidated house became even more horrible after being tossed back and forth by the two of them. Yunhuang took the opportunity to withdraw from the land and lured Leng Hao to an empty field. Can't take advantage of anyone.It's just that in the end, both of them were staggering, with serious internal injuries...

"Leng Hao, do you still want to do something? Both of us died here today, who will go to Yu'er, have you thought about it?" Yun Huang said, he didn't want to suffer these unnecessary injuries again, otherwise it would affect his life. When it came to saving Huayu, the figure of the man on the opposite side flickered, yes!Hua Yu is still in that deep palace compound, why are they fighting together?This is clearly detrimental to others!

At the moment when they stopped, each of them was unstable, and they staggered back a few steps, and there were red and dazzling bloodstains on the corners of their mouths, which could be described as embarrassing!Seeing that he had no intention of fighting anymore, Emperor Yun turned around and walked towards the palace gate. Seeing Emperor Yun's figure disappearing from sight, Leng Hao let go of his body and sat cross-legged on the spot. He needed to recuperate his inner breath, and he was seriously injured just now , if he does not adjust his breath immediately, it is estimated that he will not be able to return to his residence tomorrow.

At the gate of the city, Hua Die had already guarded there with a carriage. Not far away, Emperor Yun glanced casually and saw Leng Hao's man—Shen Yang, he knew this man.

Looking back, Leng Hao was nowhere to be seen. Emperor Yun got into the carriage thoughtfully. In fact, he was not much better. If he hadn't been holding on all the time, he might have fallen down. Taking advantage of this time, he was also In the carriage, the breath was adjusted, and Hua Die stood by Emperor Yun's side, seeing the master was covered in injuries, his face was pale, and his clothes were ragged. At that moment, she almost burst into tears. She had followed the master for many years, and this was the first time she saw him. In such a state of embarrassment, who else in the world could hurt the master so severely?This is a bit unbelievable!
These two days were really not going well. First, the mistress was put under house arrest in the palace, and now the master was injured so badly. The whole small courtyard is now in a gloomy mood. The old days of playing and laughing are now taboo for everyone, and everyone's face is condensed. No one dared to spy on anything, what should they do quietly!
And the Daughter Kingdom Palace:

Hua Yu woke up the next morning and heard Xiao Lian talk about the assassin's search for the palace last night. fell down.

Mu Huaibai came to Luoxia Palace early in the morning to wait, saying that he wanted to take Hua Yu for a walk around the palace, familiarize himself with the environment, and admire the flowers along the way. This season, the palace is full of flowers, including famous and unknown ones. This daughter's country palace is not only planted with precious flowers and plants.

On the surface, Huayu's thoughts are on these flowers and plants. In fact, she has memorized the general route map of the palace while playing. Where does this road lead to?Which road leads to the outside of the palace again?Which places are heavily defended and heavily guarded?Which places are neglected and can be exploited?After going all this way, Hua Yu's mind was full of memories, she planned to wait for her to tidy up in the evening, so for a few days, wouldn't she be worried that she couldn't find her way out?
Hua Yu noticed a problem, none of the palaces she visited had an owner, that is to say, they were all empty palaces.Yun didn't seem to have told her about this!Could it be that Tianfenghuang has no imperial concubine, she has seen some history of Daughter Country before, they can set up Sangong and Six Courtyards like emperors of other countries, can't it be that they all live in other places?
"What are you thinking about?" Mu Huaibai really couldn't bear the woman next to him to wring her little head and think hard, so she simply took the initiative to answer questions.

"Uh... um, where are your empress' empresses and concubines?" Hua Yu asked cautiously, "I'm curious, what do they look like?" Seeing Mu Huaibai staring at her, Hua Yu hurriedly explained, this A man's mind is meticulous.

"Shh! Miss... sister... this is a taboo in the palace, no one dares to mention it, let me tell you quietly! The Daughter Kingdom has neither an empress nor an imperial concubine!"

"How could it be?" Hua Yu was surprised that Bai Fumei's Queen Her Royal Highness turned out to be single!This news is too shocking!Why... No one has ever told her about it before.

"Looking at you, don't you believe it?" Mu Huaibai smiled and shook the feather fan in his hand, and continued: "No wonder! Throughout the dynasties, no emperor has been so unique! At first, those emperors in the court The elders wrote letters to force each other every day, and wanted to send their sons to the palace to strengthen their family, and then something happened, you must have heard of it." "At that time, the empress had an affair with Princess Shuyun. It is reasonable to say that the empress He could have his own back garden, but the relationship between him and the queen is so deep that in each other's eyes, they can only tolerate each other, and no third party can intervene. The queen's temperament cannot tolerate a grain of love Sha, so... you must know the following things. Later, after Longyang, the empress did not confer concubines, and because the empress could no longer have children, there was less persecution, and the empress "tilong" The ban on those who are positive will be killed without pardon, and those who will accept concubines will also be killed when they are appointed", so that those humerus ministers no longer dare to talk about these two things, and they have been peaceful for decades... The current situation is The Empress is getting old and her health is getting worse and worse, the royal family of the Daughter Country urgently needs an heir, and no one can refuse the difficult problem before them!"

"Having said so much, what does this have to do with me, the young prime minister who is loved by everyone and snatched by ghosts? ... Speaking of which, I want to argue with you today, call me What does the princess mean? What is your conscience to use my trust to lure me in? Why did you and your master imprison me in the palace? I am the majestic queen of cars and shadows! Aren’t you afraid that people in the world will laugh at you for doing this?”

"Little sister Hua, calm down, calm down!...I know what I did was wrong, but please understand the long-cherished wish of an old man! Without an heir, she can't even enter the imperial mausoleum. Think about it differently, little Hua Sister, you have earned it, you have earned the entire daughter country, and the entire daughter country will be yours in the future, and the people will surrender to you. I bet that what you will get in the future will definitely be hundreds of times more than what you have now , even a thousand times. So, little sister Hua, don't hold any resentment, just accept it all!"

"Hmph! Mu Huaibai, I'm too lazy to tell you!"


I was really tired from walking, Hua Yu was about to turn around and go back, when a voice came from a long distance, "Brother Huaibai, brother Huaibai! I finally found you, what's the matter with you? I I went to your mansion early in the morning to look for you, and said you had gone out. I didn’t believe it, and forced my way into the prime minister’s mansion. I searched it all over, but there really wasn’t one. Later, the housekeeper said you had come into the palace, so I chased after you. I've been looking for you for a day, and I finally found it, this time you are not allowed to run away!" The pig princess pulled up Mu Huaibai's sleeves, like an ignorant mentally handicapped girl, Huayu was funny, her face Naturally, he showed a contemptuous and sarcastic expression.

"I just said, so it was you! How did you sneak into the palace?" Hua Yu's concealment managed to attract Princess Zhu's attention.

"Hua Yu pointed her chin at Mu Huaibai, the meaning is clear, your brother Huai Bai brought me in!"

"I don't believe it?...Could it be that you are the princess that my aunt picked up from outside?"

"What?...'Get it back?' Hey! I said Princess Zhu, not only do you have a pig's head, but now you even speak so badly? How did your parents teach you?"

" dare to say that about my princess, I have to teach you a lesson today..." Saying this, the pig princess rushed towards Huayu with his sleeves rolled up.

(End of this chapter)

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