Chapter 242 Fate Encounter
Hua Yu has recently learned some boxing skills. Although she is fur, she has no problem defending herself. The pig princess only knew how to charge towards Hua Yu with her head down. Unexpectedly, Hua Yu dodged her with a flash of her figure. In the first round of the collision, Princess Pig rushed to nothing, and was even more dispirited and distraught.

Mu Huaibai couldn't bear to watch it anymore, as far as she could go, the two of them were tearing up and attracted the passing court ladies to watch, everyone pointed and whispered, "Hey! Look at her arrogant appearance just now, it's really true!" nausea!"

"Finally someone came to take care of her. She usually knows how to bully people. Last time she came to the palace, I poured tea for her. She didn't take a sip. She insisted that the tea was too hot. I wanted to scald her to death. I was beaten twenty times by the Neiwei Mansion, and my life was almost lost!"

"It's just... She is always domineering and full of evil in this palace. It is expected that no one will punish her and bully us servants. Did you hear that? The last time Chuntao was in the clothes bureau because she washed her clothes with a hole. , was beaten to death alive"

"This scourge! Unruly and willful, with a heart like a snake and a scorpion!"


What you say, what I say, are all bad comments, Hua Yu secretly sighed, the character of the owner of Zhu County is too bad, even if she is thrown into the Chunyu Pond today, everyone will pretend not to see it ?

The two wrestled together, Hua Yu pretended to be weak, and retreated towards the lake, Princess Zhu was even more proud, as if she wanted to step on Hua Yu immediately...

"Hey! I picked it up. I said that today you only need to kneel down and kowtow three times to the princess. The princess may consider letting you go. How about it?"

"What? I said princess pig, you are really a pig head, but I am your queen's new princess. Princess... lord..., do you understand?"

"What are you proud of? My aunt must have been tricked by you for a moment of confusion. When she wakes up, you will definitely become a joke in the whole world. Besides, my aunt loves me the most. At that time, the princess will still be the princess." Mine, you wild girl you picked up by the side of the road, you'd better be acquainted, and let me go as far as you should!"

Oh!It turned out that she wanted to be a princess. Except for her blood relatives, Hua Yu really couldn't see how the pig princess could be a princess. You know, the princess of the daughter country is a candidate for the throne, and a person with her personality should be the queen I'm afraid that Tian Fenghuang's achievements of decades of hard work will be destroyed overnight by her, so shrewd, how could she be named a princess, hmph!What a joke, daydreaming for a day!

"Tell me to get out, right?...Okay, I'll tell you to shut up first." As soon as the voice fell, everyone heard a "plop", followed by the sound of help like a pig...

"Help!...Help!...Hurry up, don't come and save me, I'll tell my aunt, I'll bury you all alive!...Hurry up and save me, what are you doing standing there, hurry up and save me! "Princess Pig sank and floated, in extreme embarrassment. While calling for help, she still did not forget to show her virtues. She was extremely stupid, as if someone had forgotten her bad deeds. By the way, Hua Yu took a look at the palace servants. They were all watching the fun, gloating about their misfortune, and they didn't seem to want to save her in the slightest.

"Hey! Princess Pig, look... look, you've seen it all, who is willing to save you? Tsk tsk... your character is really bad!...But! You just need to call me 'auntie' , this princess can consider rescuing you."

Hua Yu deliberately sees if she will bow her head and give in at this critical moment.

"One second...two seconds..." Hua Yu was silently counting the time, and she also noticed that the pig princess asked everyone for help, but never asked her for help from the beginning to the end, which surprised her!Seeing the girl sinking like when she first met that day, slowly submerging her hair and disappearing, Hua Yu called out to Mu Huaibai in the distance to save her.

sound out
"Oh! It appeared very quickly. He must have been waiting for this moment! In fact... It can be seen that he has no feelings for her at all. She still cares about that pig!"

Hua Yu was afraid that the girl would wake up and punish the palace servants, so she hurriedly let them go. When the pig princess woke up from spitting water, only Hua Yu and her savior were on the field.

"Hey! Princess Pig, is your brain flooded? Are you stupid?" The girl didn't cry or fuss after waking up, she didn't say a word, as if she was a different person, Hua Yu was not used to it, and picked her on purpose .

"You are so stupid! ... And, thank you just now!"

"Ouch! Princess Zhu, I'll say you're out of your mind! You obviously hated me before, but now you can say 'thank you'. It's really rare!"

"I'm serious, just now...heh! saw it too, no one was willing to save me...even the people I've loved for many years ignored my life and, thank you just now! If Don't mind, we'll be good friends from now on!" At the critical moment, the person she least expected saved her, which turned her outlook on life upside down.

Seeing her sincerity, Hua Yu stopped provoking her with words, "Oh, good!" One more friend is better than one more enemy, not to mention that in this palace, she is still counting on someone to help her out. !She doesn't want to come to this ghost country anymore, so she can safely guard the Cheying Palace from now on!
Today is Xiao Zhuang's first birthday, but she is not by his side, Hua Yu feels unspeakably uncomfortable, and she also sits paralyzed on the ground boneless...

"Hey, let me introduce you formally. I am Princess Xiangxiang. From now on, you can call me Xiangxiang, and others are fine, but you are not allowed to call me Princess Zhu again. What about you? What's your name?"

"...Heh!...Zhuang Xiaoyu" Well, this is her real name, and it's not a lie to use it.

Hua Yu didn't expect that a farce would end up like this, but it was easy.

When she returned to Luoxia Palace, when the sun was setting, Her Majesty the Queen had already been waiting there, and Hua Yu also knew the current affairs, so she hurried forward to greet her. If she wanted to leave smoothly, she had to keep her master safe!

"How is it? With Huai Bai as your guide, are you having fun?" Her Majesty the Queen took Hua Yu's hand and asked gently like a loving mother.

"Yeah!" Hua Yu nodded. She didn't want to talk about other things. She had to observe new places and new things before speaking. She was a cautious person most of the time.

On the second day, Hua Yu was invited to Lingshu Pavilion, saying that she was asked to learn the culture of her daughter's country from the owner of the pavilion. Hua Yu's map dream was interrupted, and she was secretly unwilling. It doesn't matter at all, Hua Yu was dizzy all morning, and she wanted to doze off a few times, but was woken up by the ruler hanging on the wall by the pavilion master, secretly cursing that this day is really hard to live!
Taking advantage of the noon break, Hua Yu slipped away quietly, and when she left Lingshu Pavilion, Hua Yu breathed a sigh of relief, she finally escaped from this tormenting place, and she will never come again.

Relying on her memory, Hua Yu came to the place where she stopped yesterday, and wanted to continue exploring. Anyway, no matter how big the palace is, she has to go through it and get familiar with it. It will always be useful to her, even though she is the one who believes in her Come and take her out, but she has to do something before it's too boring!

There is a strange phenomenon in the harem of the Daughter Kingdom. Wherever Huayu passes by, every palace is taken care of by palace people, and the inside is also spotless. Even the candlesticks are lit in broad daylight, which is a waste of money. Huayu inquired, It turns out that although each palace has no owner, Her Royal Highness has a cleanliness obsession and does not allow her harem to be dirty, so she ordered that each palace must be looked after as if she were there.

"Tsk! Tsk... really rich!" Hua Yu made a rough count, but the daily expenses of the palace people are a huge sum in one year. There is a huge palace and a large group of palace people. There are various maintenance fees for the palace itself... Tsk tsk!What a waste!Her current harem of Cheying is better. The Yuhua Palace where she lives and the few palaces in Yunqu need to be taken care of. The other places are empty and idle all year round. What she saved, she let Yun invest in various non-governmental charity and livelihood projects, which won countless praises and praises!
It's not very hot in March in the south. The flowers rained around and entered an unattended palace with weeds in the courtyard. This is quite different from other palaces, and they are treated differently!
Hua Yu gently pushed the half-hidden door, and scanned the entire space with her probe, and saw traces of people living inside, but there was no one at the moment, so she walked in gently, and the inside was clean and flawless. The guqin in front of the lattice window is unparalleled in the world. Looking at the iconic blood phoenix, one knows that it is the famous phoenix piano that caused bloody storms back then. identity of.

Strolling here, touching there, Huayu is completely as casual as if she were her own home.

"Girl is so comfortable?... But, don't you know what 'nothing is welcome and no evil is seen?'" A very magnetic male voice, mixed with the vicissitudes of the world, rang at the door.

Hearing the sound, Hua Yu answered the words unconsciously, "Is there still 'Don't Touch'?"

Turning to face each other, the two looked at each other with a smile, Hua Yu looked at the man in front of him curiously, the black plain clothes, there was no other men's embroidered and grass-embroidered clothes, but it was inexplicably elegant on him, except for the corners of the eyes, on the forehead His light lines show his age, but the rest is a handsome man in the world.For some reason, when Hua Yu saw him, she wanted to shed tears. Although there was no ups and downs in her heart, the tears just wanted to flow out of her eyes. Hua Yu said that the light was too dark, and her eyes couldn't adapt for a while... so she gently wiped it dry with a handkerchief out of the corner of the eye.

"Hello! My name is Zhuang Xiaoyu." Huayu had no choice but to use modern communicative language.

"You..." The person on the opposite side was not much better. The person who was always calm was at a loss for words. Long Yang had the feeling of seeing his own shadow, but the problem was that this "shadow" was nothing like what he imagined. , Long Yang was puzzled...

"Then, let me call you Uncle!" Hua Yu was very interested in Long Yang in front of her, and wanted to get closer for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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