The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 243 The Queen's Lost Soul

Chapter 243 The Queen's Lost Soul

"Sure! Girl." It happened that he also liked the girl in front of him.

"Uncle can play the piano?" Hua Yu pointed to the famous Phoenix piano over there and asked, but her tone was affirmative.

There was a trace of sadness in Long Yang's eyes, which is not easy for ordinary people to detect, and he nodded to Hua Yu with a light smile.

"Can I have a look?" Mingqin!Since she was lucky enough to see her, she must seize the opportunity to get closer!
"Girls like piano?"

"It's not like I like...just curious!" This is the truth. In front of the person she likes, Hua Yu has always been defenseless when speaking, telling the truth and acting at will.

"Hehe! If the girl likes it, she can play and watch it."

"Really?" This surprised Hua Yu, it could be seen that the owner of the piano cherished it very much, and was willing to part with it!
"En." Long Yang nodded affirmatively.

Confirming again, Hua Yu is finally sure that this person she just met is willing to fiddle with her beloved thing, and sighs indescribably that she is very popular!
Hua Yu didn't know how long it had been since she touched the piano. It wasn't because she was nostalgic for the piano, but because she missed the modern karaoke scene. After all, there was nothing like that in ancient times, so it would be nice to have a piano to listen to and play with.

Moving her hands casually, Hua Yu unconsciously played and sang, "Laughing in the Red Dust", "Swordsman", "Qianqian"... These are all ancient songs that she often sang on KTV. It's not that I like it so much, it's just that they are more suitable for the aesthetics of the ancients. After all, there are audiences, and you must entertain others while entertaining yourself!


红尘 自有 痴情者

Mo Xiao is infatuated too crazy

If it weren't for the bone-chilling
That de plum blossoms are scented

The advent of what love is

Only teach life and death


Thinking of the "Three Lanes of Plum Blossoms" in the old TV series, Hua Yu played and sang unrestrainedly. She really likes the deep love of life and death in this song, especially the word "plum blossom" in it, which is similar to her body. Your name is connected!

Hua Yu played it three times in a row, which can be described as a passionate performance, not because she is so emotional, but because she recalled the modern times and accompanied her mother to review old TV dramas. At that time, she was moved to tears just like her mother. Half a box of paper is missing.

I just miss my mom!It's purely... But, why does Youyun's face shake when she hits it, as if he is Qixuan, and she herself is Lemei, thinking...fantasy...yes, purely fantasy, her Yun will not turn a handsome guy into a ghost!
Hua Yu found that after she played the piece, she didn't relax physically and mentally as usual, instead she was preoccupied and confused, it was so tormenting!
"The advent of what love is
It only teaches people to make promises between life and death." Not bad... not bad, good words! Good words, good tunes. But why have I never heard of it?

After hearing this, Long Yang praised Hua Yu again and again, Hua Yu didn't know something, this Long Yang can be said to be a unparalleled national player, he has a lot of research on the world's folk arts, he has a collection of famous and unknown ones, a hobby!But he had never heard any of the songs that Hua Yu played and sang today. Either he suspected that the house slave who worked for him didn't do his best, or he felt that he missed something?
"Of course uncle has never heard of it. I just made it up on my own. Please don't make fun of me, uncle!" No one can make up nonsense, and it's okay to show your talents modestly once in a while!Don't seniors like juniors to be humble in front of them?Doesn't she seem humble?

"Xiao Yu is so talented, who does she study under?"

"Master, isn't it?... Madam Jasmine"

"Madame Jasmine..." Long Yang paused to ask Hua Yu thoughtfully.

Looking at Long Yang's expression, he seemed to know Mrs. Jasmine, oh!What a pity, then he will definitely know that she is from the Tianqi country, and then deduce something else. This senior looks like a wise elder at first glance. It would be embarrassing for him to know that he was lying. Huayu decided immediately, if he If you ask anything else, she will tell the truth.

Speaking of Mrs. Jasmine, Hua Yu felt infinitely sad. She hadn't thought of them for a long time. She thought she had forgotten them, but it turned out to be deeply in her memory.There is also Tianqi's Lin Niang Lin Mu, Tianqi's prime minister father, she hasn't seen them for more than a year, and she doesn't know if she can see them again in this life, they are all people she loves, and she doesn't know if they will think of herself...

And Lin Niang, who was far away in Tianqi's present life, was so busy that she was reprimanding the new girls, but she sneezed several times, secretly cursing who the hell scolded her?Hua Yu, that heartless girl, puts a big one in this life and doesn't care about it, and she has to take care of it. Although it's really easy for her to run such a big family business, but you have to take care of it too. Come back and say hello to this woman's fortune!Just leave it alone...?snort!Is there such a chic boss as her?
Lin Niang recently came up with an idea, she wanted to go to Cheying to see that stinky girl with her own eyes, and transfer the huge income of this year to the master's hands. With the money in her hands, she always felt that she would clap her hands and go to sleep. Not stable, of course, she will not say that she misses that stinking girl!

"Girl, tell me the truth..."

"What did you say?..." This time Hua Yu was a little at a loss as to what Long Yang was referring to.

"It's everything about you, girl. When were you born? Who are your parents? Where do you live?... You must tell the truth about everything"

Seeing Long Yang's eager look, Hua Yu was also a little panicked, so if she told him, she would tell him, anyway, she believed that he would not hurt him.

Hua Yu also knew that this senior wanted to know everything about Mei Huayu's real body, not her Zhuang Xiaoyu, so she automatically ignored that she was Zhuang Xiaoyu, "Uncle, in fact, my name is Mei Huayu, and I am from the Tianqi Kingdom. Prime Minister, father resigned shortly after Emperor Leng came to the throne, and now he is traveling around the world alone, and my mother passed away when I was a child, so I don’t remember my mother..." Hua Yu is like an honest baby Explain everything about yourself.


"Then...Girl, do you know why you were left in the palace and made a princess?... You have to think about it, you have no blood relationship with the queen, let alone you are not a member of the royal family, why the queen just named you But don’t you go to Feng Xiangxiang Princess?”

"Uncle, if only I knew!" Hua Yu spread her hands, with a helpless expression on my face.But she doesn't want to worry about these things. What she cares about now is when she can be released from this golden cage, which is more practical.

Long Yang has been clasping his hands in thought, not looking at Hua Yu, the hourglass on the wall is constantly leaking sand, although she is not used to looking at this thing, but she can understand it, it is getting late at this time, she is so hungry Powerful, and this Longyang has been sinking in his world without caring about her, and he wanted to have a meal, but it seems that he has to go back to Luoxia Palace to eat.

"Uncle...Uncle!" Hua Yu whispered to Long Yang without responding, and simply slipped away.

After Hua Yu left, Long Yang looked back at the empty doorway in a daze, but only for a moment, he called Uncle Fu.

"Uncle Fu, you should have seen that girl just now!" Long Yang smiled warmly, looking at Uncle Fu with some hope.

"The master wants to..." The tacit understanding between them for many years, there is no need to point out between them, just a look can understand.

"Yes, arrange as soon as possible, I want to know her details"

"Okay, the old slave will arrange it now"


Luoxia Palace

"Princess, you're back!" Xiao Lian was talking to her at the door, winking at her, Hua Yu thought to herself that there was something going on inside, and before she could ask Xiao Lian, the voice inside rang out^
"Yu'er, come here!" Majestic!Storm!
Hua Yu obediently walked up to the speaker, "Why is Your Highness looking for Yu'er?"

"...Haha! It's okay!...Just to see Yu'er." Tian Fenghuang was still kind-hearted, as usual, but Huayu still felt the queen's low pressure. Does this seem like a normal person?Explaining is equal to covering up, which made Hua Yu feel that something was wrong, and she didn't do anything bad?Could it be that old man in Lingshuge filed a complaint.

It's possible... Otherwise, she really can't think of what else she did to make the queen speechless.

"Okay, stop thinking about it." The queen finally couldn't see Hua Yu frowning, the little girl just couldn't hide her emotions, and put everything on her face.After a pause, he continued, "Did Yu'er go to the Leng Palace today?"

"Lenggong?... What Lenggong?" Hua Yu was completely at a loss this time.But as smart as she is, she can guess it after a little thought. Could it be that the place she is going today is the Leng Palace?Oh!Now she fell down, women lived in the cold palace of Che Ying, and of course men lived in the cold palace of Daughter Country, she was careless for a while, and she didn't expect it.

"Hehe, Yu'er just needs to tell me, have you met anyone?"

"I've seen it before! An old man..." Hua Yu honestly told the story of today's events, thinking, anyway, it's nothing important, so it's okay to tell her, it's not a betrayal of the old man.

"that's it!"

"Your Majesty, what else do you want to know?" She had exhausted all she knew, and she couldn't tell if you asked her again, but well! ... If she likes to listen to lies, she can help!
"" Her Majesty the Queen was evasive, and Hua Yu had a hunch that something was wrong.But I don't want to ask what happened, she is the queen, let alone!Dinner is important!Dinner is important!She has been hungry all day, and now it is as if she could eat a cow.

Xiao Lian is getting more and more considerate, but she has already prepared a table of delicious meals for her, and they are all her favorites. She sighs secretly that not everyone can be a good girl, and they get along well. In a few days, this girl has dug out her life hobbies clearly, what a talent!
And Her Majesty the Queen also took advantage of this moment to leave under the pretext of being childish. Everyone could see that she was devastated, and Her Majesty the Queen also had this side, which surprised Hua Yu. It seems that there are some unknown people Her Majesty the Queen is no exception. If she guessed correctly, the queen's abnormality is related to that uncle, and it is related to feelings...

(End of this chapter)

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