The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 245 See you in 4 days

Chapter 245 See you in four days
Under the shadow of the moon, for the first time, two stunning men in the world sat down calmly and had a real talk with each other. For the first time, they thought to each other, if they weren't rivals in love, they could be friends...

On the second day, when Hua Yu woke up, it was already high in the sun. Xiao Lian heard the noise and hurried in to serve her. By the way, she told Doctor Yang to see her at the door.Hua Yu wondered what Yang Zhun's visit was all about, "Apologize? Rebuke?"... Apart from these two things, she really couldn't think of anything else.This Yang Zhun is too stingy!It was true that she was wrong yesterday, but it wouldn't happen overnight to settle the score again. It was the time...

Hua Yu still invited Yang Zhun to come in during the meal, Hua Yu was in a very good mood today, so he was naturally much more kind.

"What's the matter?..." Hua Yu didn't want to make a detour in front of a sensible person.

Without further ado, Yang Zhun gave Hua Yu a big salute first, "I kowtow to the empress for a thousand years!" Hua Yu was really stunned, and subconsciously looked around,'s okay!The palace maids and Xiao Lian were all sent by her to pick peach petals, and she wanted to make peach blossom cake with that thing, it was delicious, she just learned it.

"Are you...?" He had heard from Yun that his eyeliner was all over the world, and he thought it was a joke, but it turned out to be true, and this Yang Zhun was probably one of them.

"My minister, Yang Zhun, lost his parents when he was ten years old. He met his master by chance. He has been following his master ever since, collecting information everywhere in the name of practicing medicine, in order to help his master accomplish his great cause of unifying the world one day!"

Hua Yu was baffled by what he heard, what...dominate the world? ... Yun didn't talk about it!Based on what she knew about him, he doesn't seem like someone with such lofty ambitions!Or is there something she doesn't know yet?But it's not right either!Yun would not hide it from her.

"How do you know my identity?...Why should I trust you?" Hua Yu looked at Yang Zhun in front of her with a scrutiny look. Although she believed that there was nothing wrong with him, she still had to find out, so as not to fall into the trap of others. trap.

"Heh..." Yang Zhun directly handed Hua Yu a token, the whole body was black, and there was a big bloody handprint in the center. Hua Yu had seen this thing on Qin Xin Hua Die before, and the two of them were injured once. It was Hua Yu who changed the clothes for the two of them, and it fell out of the close-fitting pockets. It was this thing. At that time, she was puzzled and asked Qin Xin. She saw it at the market, bought it because she liked it very much, and bought one for Qin Xin by the way, and asked her to give it to her if she liked it, so Hua Yu believed it and stopped thinking about it. Let it go.

But now... Hua Yu instantly felt cheated, Qinxin Huadie lied to her, and even Yun kept it from her, what kind of position she occupied in his heart made her suddenly a little uneasy.

Yang Zhun is a smart person, seeing Hua Yu like this, he didn't say anything more, took out another envelope from his pocket and gave it to Hua Yu.After he left, Hua Yu opened the package to read it. It was a note from Yun, "Yu'er, I miss you, see you in four days!"

That's right, it was his handwriting, and the heart that was still cold just now was instantly warmed like the sunshine outside, and the melancholy disappeared, Hua Yu pondered again, "See you in four days?" What does it mean!He wants to break into the palace? ... No, you will only break into the palace if you don't want your life, she will never allow it!Other than that, Hua Yu couldn't think of any other way, but Yun was not a reckless person, he believed he would handle it well.

From now on, Hua Yu is thinking about what will happen four days later. To be honest, if she just came here, she will definitely not leave here. There is everything here, what women and men in the world want, There is everything here, except love.And from the current point of view, Tianfenghuang is also a good person, and he loves Huayu very much. The daughter country also has a lot of food, many of which Che Ying does not have.The interpersonal relationship in the harem is not complicated, and it is quite good to stay there.

Hua Yu would laugh when she thought about it, but if Yun knew about it, she might have to eat "cold noodles" for another three days.

Now that she was leaving, she still had a few things to understand, so she decided to visit the Queen immediately.

The imperial palace, the center of the entire imperial palace, is quite far away from Huayu's Luoxia Palace. She ordered Xiao Lian to prepare the luan sedan chair and changed into a golden princess dress. She doesn't wear the custom-made princess clothes on weekdays, they are ordinary clothes that she requested separately.

The headgear is the most troublesome, and it is the last to wear it. Xiao Lian helps Hua Yu put on makeup first, and it is the complicated process of the ancients. Rouge and gouache, in Hua Yu's hands, has another effect. After a while, a very delicate and aura woman appeared in the mirror, unlike other women. As long as they apply rouge and gouache for a day, they are like actors on stage, entertaining people. She doesn't entertain herself, and she's not like those daughters of aristocratic families on the street, who will be choked no matter how far away they are.Huayu just slightly adjusted its ingredients, and then the technique and proportion of the time. The quality of the gouache in the Nuerguo is not bad, and the effect of using it reasonably is quite satisfactory. The last step is the headgear──Princess crown, this It was quite a technical test, Huayu thought she was not capable of wearing it, and watched Xiao Lian do it, the key was the hairstyle, the little girl helped Huayu comb it differently than usual, the hair was all bundled in the middle, and it was fixed with a headdress, decorated There are not many, and it looks quite beautiful. Finally, I put the princess crown of the same color as the clothes on the bun just now. Except for the front, the other three sides of the pearls are hanging down. It looks magnificent, noble and compelling. The whole People stand in front of the mirror and take a look, "Wow!" I almost don't recognize myself, Xiao Lian praises me again and again!
When Hua Yu arrived at the Imperial Palace, Her Majesty the Queen just came back from the conference room. She was quite surprised to see Hua Yu, but she could see that she was very happy because of Hua Yu's arrival, and ordered the maids to hurry up and order all kinds of special products that had just been paid tribute. , and Huayu’s favorite dessert in the imperial dining room, and ordered the palace staff to make fresh flower tea for Huayu. The whole imperial palace seemed busy because of Huayu’s arrival...

"What? Did you think of your aunt today?" Her Majesty the Queen asked, sitting next to Huayu.

"Heh!..." Hua Yu held back a lot of words in her heart, and she chose not to answer or comment even though she didn't know the answer.

"No..." People are enthusiastic, but Hua Yu is a little hypocritical. After all, Hua Yu is still very conflicted about a person who is emotionally like a mother and daughter, and acts like a robber.

"Do you have any questions to ask me?" The queen took a sip of tea, and the sword-like nails on her hands would not make Hua Yu feel dangerous, but rather elegant and dignified. Hua Yu only looked at the queen carefully now. When we first met, the queen looked heroic, Hua Yu thought that if a woman like the queen was on the battlefield, she must be a generation of Hua Mulan, even if she had never seen her in the court, she must be a dragon in the world, such a person How could she be so kind to herself, this is what Hua Yu has always been puzzled about.

"What are you thinking? So obsessed?"

"No... just lamenting how you take care of yourself, Auntie, how can you be so young and beautiful without any wrinkles! People who go shopping with us think they are sisters!" In fact, this is not a compliment, her skin is indeed delicate and white , much better than those fashionable ladies who were ruined by computer radiation in their 20s!

As long as a woman loves to hear this, Tian Fenghuang laughed happily "ha...ha...". "You girl has a sweet mouth, tell me! Do you have anything to ask Auntie?"

"Then Yu'er asked my aunt directly. First, why did you ask me to call you aunt? Second, was it your idea that Mu Huaibai tricked me into entering the palace? Why? And why did you make me a princess? Are you sure? Knowing that I am the Queen of Che Ying, that is already the supreme honor, why do you still want to enclose me in the palace of the daughter country? Me, isn't that a coincidence?..." Hua Yu threw a series of questions at Her Majesty the Queen.

"Hehe... I knew you couldn't help but come to ask me, but it's hard for you to bear it for so long!... You have to start with a story..." Tian Fenghuang was not annoyed, completely ignoring Hua Yu rude.

She raised her head and squinted at a painting on the wall. Huayu could tell that her thoughts had already flown far, far away because of the painting on the wall.In the painting, there are two slim women playing and playing in the peach orchard. A woman wearing a pink dress like the peach blossoms in the painting can vaguely tell that she is Tian Fenghuang from Girls' Generation, and the one being chased by Tian Fenghuang The woman in the leaf-like green dress had an extremely delicate and pretty face. The two of them did not resemble each other at all. Hua Yu ruled out the possibility that they were sisters.

"The girl in the green dress, have you seen it? Is it familiar?" Tian Fenghuang pointed to the girl in the green dress in the painting and asked Hua Yu.

"..." Hua Yu shook her head sincerely, indeed, she was not the real Hua Yu, how could she know her?
"She is your mother!... No wonder! You were too young when your mother left, how could you remember your mother's appearance, it's not your fault!" Hua Yu bowed her head cooperatively to express her sadness, Tian Fenghuang hurriedly comforted Hua Yu rain.

"Auntie knows my mother?"

"En!" Tian Fenghuang nodded. "We not only know each other, but also are friends who talk about everything. Speaking of which, your mother is my savior. Your mother is a dragon girl of the dragon clan and lives on the South Island of South China Sea. One year, I was dissatisfied with being a child of the royal family. Rules and regulations, escaped from the palace, went south alone, when the cruise ship hit the rocks in the South China Sea, the ship I was on sank in the sea, I could swim, and jumped into the sea when I saw something was wrong, I swam in the sea for a day and a night, and then I really insisted I couldn’t go down anymore, I was exhausted and gave up the struggle for survival, at this time, your mother’s boat happened to pass by there and saw that scene, and I was rescued by your mother..." Having said that, Her Majesty paused,

(End of this chapter)

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