Chapter 246 Prince Yuhua
"After staying in the water for a long time, I lost consciousness as soon as I came up. Fortunately, your mother knows medical skills, so she pulled me back from the gate of hell..."

"Later she brought me back to the South Island. I lived there for more than half a year, and we became good sisters who talked about everything. This painting was painted by a painter when I was in the South Island... Later, I Leaving the South Island to return to the court, and your mother finally left the Dragon Clan to marry your father. I went to Tianqi to meet you when you were young, and that was when your mother just passed away. You snuggled up beside your father, look You look like a poor little girl. At your mother's request, I asked your father to take you away and let me raise you. Your father firmly disagreed. In fact, a few days before your mother passed away, you asked someone to bring you a letter The letter was written to me, to the effect that I want you to be handed over to me. I am also puzzled, do you still have a father? But I believe that your mother must have her intentions in doing this, and I have always wanted to have someone like you Daughter, so... Over the years, I have negotiated with your father more than once, but your father just refused to give in. In addition, your father has not continued since your mother left, and has devoted himself to you. A little bit of grievance, this matter is really done!"

"Oh! That's why I call you Auntie, but... I have a family now, and I am very happy. Auntie, have you asked me what I want?"

"Stupid child! Your happiness will not last long. Who is Emperor Yun? The ruler of a country! How could he only want a woman, and his harem will be full of spring in the future. Believe in my aunt, there are few reliable men! "

"My aunt also said 'few', which means there are still a few, and that Yun happened to be one of those 'few', she is really good to my niece! Auntie, let Yu'er go, okay ?” Hua Yu acted coquettishly.

"Stupid child! Why did my aunt confer you a princess?...Have you ever thought about it?...Aunt has no children under her knees. The purpose of conferring you as a princess is to let you inherit my lineage in the future. When you become the queen, don't say a single thing." Che Quanyun, Leng Hao and all the men in the world, which one is not yours?"

Hua Yu opened her mouth wide when she heard this, "Auntie...", if Yun heard it, I don't know what kind of horror it would be!

It's useless to argue if you're not on the same channel!Hua Yu decided to run away. Based on what she said about her relationship with her, even if she was caught, she would still have her life.

"Auntie is hungry! Yu'er will accompany you to have a meal." Hua Yu decided to attack her heart, and make her clear when she is happy with her. Some ideas can't change others, but they can express their own attitude.

"What a good boy, my aunt has thought about it. When you get familiar with the daughter country, my aunt will slowly let you intervene in current affairs, and then let Huaibai assist you. At almost a little while, my aunt will abdicate early and watch you as a child rule the world.  … ...And ah! Don't look at Mu Bai as a playboy, in fact, he is also an honest person, and once he gets in trouble, he will treat others wholeheartedly."

"Auntie, what do you want to say?" Hua Yu was dissatisfied. She knew that she had a little bit of trouble, but she blatantly arranged a partner for her. This is the rhythm of letting her abandon her family and children!Is this what elders do?Although this daughter's national style is that one woman marries many men, she still can't accept it... What's more, she doesn't want to accept it. If you like it, you have to be dedicated, and you only have one heart, so it can't be divided!
Her Majesty the Queen is really not a luxurious person. The dishes served by the maids are not many, only eight, which are regulated by ordinary people's homes, and the dishes are also very homely. Unique, the meat dishes are oily but not greasy, soft and delicious, the vegetarian dishes are light and refreshing, the taste is indescribable, Hua Yu even ate two more bowls of rice than usual, Xiao Lian's expression on the side was very surprised.

Closer to home..."That... Auntie, Yu'er still wants to go back to her original life, so let me go back! Yuer's husband and children are still waiting for me to go home! If Auntie is good for me, send Someone send my husband and I back to Che Ying, okay, auntie?" Hua Yu put down her body to beg someone for the first time, just because of her obsession in her heart, and because the Queen really gave her mother the feeling, and she was inexplicably sure. , inexplicably wanting to get closer, inexplicably wanting to be coquettish to her, and inexplicably soft-hearted. If it were someone else, Huayu would probably be furious by now, and might even burn the entire palace, so she suppressed her arrogance like this. Hua Yu couldn't understand why she had such an abnormal behavior? 
"You girl!" Tian Fenghuang sighed, but her original intention would not change, Hua Yu must be the next emperor of her daughter country, but she also knew that this matter should not be rushed!
"Auntie, are you agreeing?" Huayu Jiantian and Phoenix's tone softened a lot, thinking that the queen had changed her mind after hearing her words, but she didn't know how a person who had been in the officialdom for decades would give up on her for a little affection However, Tianfenghuang had another plan in his heart... secretly vowed that Huayu would not be able to escape, and no one could change what she Tianfenghuang had decided.

"Hehe... Auntie will not agree. Similarly, the fact that you are the future monarch cannot be changed. I will issue an edict later, and you will be the crown prince of my daughter's country immediately, and give you the title——Prince Yuhua!"

"Auntie, you don't love me at all!" Hua Yu pretended to be pitiful, and cursed: This queen is really domineering!It seems that she is determined to break up her happy home, so can she also set fire to her palace?

"Yu'er, don't make any wrong ideas. It's really good to be the queen of your daughter's country. You can keep all the beautiful men you like in your account, and you can eat all the delicious food in the world. If you want to go out, you will never run out of money." Let you squander enough, and your reputation will go down in history in the future, you don't have such benefits as an ordinary person!"

Whoops!What the queen said, Hua Yu wanted to refute on the spot. First, she is not lustful, so she doesn't need many beautiful men, only one heart is enough!Second, eat all the delicacies in the world?Not to mention that she is the queen of car movies, as long as she is the boss behind the scenes in this life, she will eat endless food and spend endless money in this life, so there is no need for icing on the cake, no matter how many rooms there are, she can only sleep on one bed , what she has is enough, contented and happy!Be content and be happy!As for the "name left in history", I'm sorry!She didn't care about that, she just cared about the present, and what happened after death was not something she should consider, she still wanted to live a long life!It's very unlucky to talk about the funeral all day...

"What Auntie said is true!" Hua Yu's face was still smiling like a trademark, but in her heart she already despised Donghai Dragon Palace for this stubborn elder.

"However, Yu'er wants to ask my aunt to let me go back to Cheying, the little pile is still there! He is a piece of meat that fell from Yu'er's body, Yu'er wants to go back and have a look at him!" Hua Yu threw out her last affection Cards, this doesn't make sense, hopeless!She really had to run for her life.

"It's not easy, I'll ask Huai Bai to arrange it right away, and get Xiao Zhuang to accompany you as soon as possible!" The queen had this kind of thinking, Hua Yu instantly petrified, and was powerless to refute.

When she came out of the imperial palace, the sun outside was as dazzling as diamonds flying all over the sky, but Huayu's body was cold and cold, reaching her heart.On the way, I ran into Princess Xiangxiang by chance. Since that day, Hua Yu has not called her Princess Zhu anymore. After all, she has reformed herself and realized her mistakes. Opportunities are for others. Let the past go and get to know her again...

"You don't look very good?...Are you okay?" Seeing that Hua Yu's face was pale, she didn't sit in the sedan chair, and walked step by step in a daze, Princess Xiangxiang thought that something happened to Hua Yu, so she hurried forward to help her Hua Yu asked with a worried face.

"I'm fine!"

"Also said it's okay, look at your appearance...Okay, I'll take you back, it doesn't matter if you don't say anything, it's better to have someone to accompany you than nothing, lest you get cranky, which is even worse!"

"Puff!" Laughed, recalling the comparison between the previous Xiangxiang Princess and the present, it was like a different person, sensible and sincere, Hua Yu suddenly realized that this Xiangxiang also came from time travel, the previous Xiangxiang Gone!
"Can you laugh?" Xiangxiang despises, no one can change his face as quickly as turning the pages of a book, but it seems that he was the same before, thinking about it is really ashamed!
"My queen mother told me that you are the queen of Che Ying,... Hey! I said you, you have a good life in Che Ying, why did you come to other people's land? This is all right, so you have a family Can't go back, my aunt is a strong man, she told you to stay and you have to stay, offending her is no good! As for those people you miss, you can bring them to the palace, my aunt will allow it, but only if you don't Run, otherwise..." Xiangxiang stopped at this point, hesitating to speak, as if she was worried about something.

"Otherwise what? Kill me?"

Xiangxiang shook her head.

"Kill the person I care about?" Hua Yu opened her eyes wide and stared at the door frame in disbelief.How could such an amiable elder kill the person she loved!
"Fortunately, you are still a member of the royal family. Those disgusting things in the royal family are happening every day. Why are you like a blank sheet of paper? Could it be that Emperor Yun has protected you so well?"

Hua Yu shook her head, she was not a blank piece of paper to be drawn on, she knew as much about Gong's schemes as she did, this was indeed due to Yun's protection, she didn't want her to touch some dirty things.

Hua Yu suddenly remembered the thrilling time when he and Xuan Se went to rescue Yun last time, the killing was very strange, and Yun didn't want to reveal more, could it be related to Tian Fenghuang?
"I don't want it anymore, I don't want it anymore... If you think about it any more, she will go crazy. She believes that Yun will be fine no matter what, and her little pile will be the same!"

"Hey! Aren't you going to the Imperial Palace? You go! I'm done," Hua Yu said to Xiangxiang.

"Who said I was going to the Emperor's Palace? I went to Luoxia Hall to find you. Your people said that you came to the Emperor's Palace. I reckoned that you had been there for a while. I was worried that you came to see..."

"Yo! It's really rare for a little girl to feel sorry for someone! It seems that my sister has contributed a lot!" Hua Yu teased, and Xiang Xiang also agreed with a smile.

Looking at Xiangxiang now, Huayu thinks that the little girl is really a beauty, why didn't she think so before.Coupled with the current temperament, men should like it, and some people are afraid that they will regret it!

(End of this chapter)

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