Chapter 247 So Delicious
The day Yun said came as scheduled, Hua Yu couldn't bear the joy in her heart, and made preparations early, but in fact, there was really no need to prepare anything, but Yang Zhun sent something she could use earlier, a piece of paper that was difficult to tell the truth from. Fake human skin***.She also has one in Che Ying Palace, which was used when Prince Leng fled earlier, but compared to this one, it is obviously much inferior!

Taking advantage of Xiao Lian's absence, Hua Yu put it on the mirror. She didn't want the little girl to appear out of nowhere, and she was not surprised at all. She calmly took the mask from the panicked Hua Yu and helped Hua Yu stick it on her original skin. face.

The little girl has quick hands and feet, meticulous and dexterous, and evenly pasted it in a short while, looking very professional!This abnormality made Hua Yu suspicious.Hua Yu stared at Xiao Lian thoughtfully, and for the first time looked at her with scrutiny, Hua Yu felt that she seemed to have overlooked something about this girl?
"Xiao Lian, I think you are very different today!" Hua Yu stared at her with a half-smile, intending to make her feel attracted to her.

"What do you want to say?... No need to go around the bush, Xiao Lian will tell the truth..." The little girl said in a different voice than usual, tearing off a piece of skin from her face.

Under the skin is a completely unfamiliar face, but it is beautiful and delicious, but compared to the original immature and shy cute girl, this face is obviously mature but also much colder, Hua Yu thinks this should be her real appearance right?

"You tell me what's going on?" Hua Yu's face was full of anger, guessing that it was either Yun's person or the Queen's sent. Shen, if she wanted to kill herself, she would have been reincarnated several times long ago. Without such a thing, it would be an insult to her IQ!

Seeing Hua Yu was angry, Xiao Lian knelt down on one knee, "Your Majesty, please calm down! My real name is Xiao Lian, and I have belonged to the Blood Wolf Pavilion many times. I was ordered by the Pavilion Master to protect your Majesty. I have to hide something. , if you offend me, please forgive your empress Haihan!"

"Blood Wolf Pavilion..., dare you all are masters of hiding! Each of you has superb acting skills... Then you tell me how you protected me?" It's just anger, no one will keep it from her, and she will be the last to know about everything. "

"Your Majesty, don't be angry. I didn't tell you my identity in time to protect your Majesty. The less you know about some things, the better! Other things are put aside for now. My Majesty is still preparing to leave tonight. Xiao Lian, I will do my best to cooperate with you! "

This "person" is... once restored to its original form, it is not cute at all!Originally cute and shy, the cute elf girl suddenly became a calm, mature and self-reliant Yujie, Hua Yu was filled with emotion!This ancient woman is strong!

"Get up! In fact, I didn't come here for you. There are other reasons that have nothing to do with you. Just talk to me! Just like before!"


"Xiao Lian, have you seen your pavilion master recently?"

"Your Majesty, the servants saw her the night she lived in the Luoxia Palace. Although the Pavilion Master didn't come in in the courtyard, Xiao Lian still knew that it was him! ... and usually we don't have direct contact, The Blood Wolf Pavilion has a strict hierarchy, and under normal circumstances, we do not allow leapfrog connections.


"That means you have never been in touch with Leng Hao?" Hua Yu asked suspiciously.

"Yes, there are seven levels of personnel in the Blood Wolf Pavilion, and I belong to the lowest level—level seven. The higher the level, the higher the level, which means more opportunities to contact the pavilion master. This is our daughter. The members have been working hard, but... Madam, don't worry, this doesn't include me!" After finishing speaking, he smiled coquettishly at Hua Yu!
"No... I think Xiao Lian, you made a mistake. Your Pavilion Master and I have long since broken up. I believe you know that now I am someone else's wife, someone else's mother, and I have nothing to do with your Pavilion Master, so ...Don't worry about me, if you like him, go to him, I support you!"


Xiao Lian looked sad, "Madam, how can you hurt the heart of the pavilion master so much, the pavilion master knows your attitude, and I am afraid that you will give up on yourself again..."

"No matter how painful it is, it will pass, so don't be a meddlesome mouse! Stand on the side obediently, or the same sentence, if you like it," Hua Yu talked frankly, why didn't she be calm, her world has long been without him, only May he have new pursuits instead of harassing her.

"Let's talk about tonight's affairs! ... Is it your pavilion master who informed you that I am leaving tonight?"

"Yes, empress, I was notified four days ago to cooperate with empress, and to ensure her safety during this period."

Hua Yu is depressed, so whether it is Yun to pick her up tonight or Leng Hao!The handwriting on that note was obviously cloudy, so the joyful waiting could not be waiting for Leng Hao to come, could it?Otherwise, how to explain that Leng Hao is arranging this matter?oh!sky!It's too complicated, let's go out for a walk, it's still early anyway!
Hua Yu and Xiao Lian deliberately pushed aside without asking for a sedan chair, and ran towards the cold palace alone. That senior should be convenient at this time, right?That day when Her Majesty the Queen knew she was here, she rushed out with great emotional ups and downs. Anyone with a discerning eye knew there was a story in it. Hua Yu also gossiped about asking Xiao Lian, and Xiao Lian only told a folk rumor. This senior is Long Yang.

It seems that Her Majesty still has feelings for Long Yang, otherwise there would be no such abnormal emotions.

The stone road walked and walked, and finally turned into the place of memory, where weeds were still overgrown, Huayu didn't knock on the door, and gently opened the door, the room was quiet, but both master and servant were there, Fu Uncle was lighting the incense at the side. I don't know what the incense was made of. As soon as it came out, the fragrance quickly spread to every corner of the room. Of course, Huayu was lucky enough to smell it.The fragrance is quiet and elegant, but it has a calming effect on people, and it smells comfortable and refreshing. Hua Yu likes it very much.

As for Longyang, he felt it as soon as Huayu pushed the door, but saw that the girl was silent, so he followed her. In the end, when Fu Bo finished lighting the incense and turned around, he saw Huayu and immediately smiled. He came up to greet her, "Hey! The princess is here! Have you eaten yet? If not, Uncle Fu will get you something delicious?"

Hua Yu had an illusion at the moment, why Uncle Fu treated her as respectfully as Long Yang, which was very different from the respect she had for her princess status, could it be that their master and servant were too lonely and desolate here, When an outsider broke into their monotonous world by chance, they were so happy, so they expected her to come, not to mention that she was a heart-warming woman who was loved by everyone, flowers bloomed when they saw flowers, and the elders cared for them when they saw each other.

Well, wake up... wake up..., what is she thinking! "No..." Just as he was thinking of answering Uncle Fu, he had long since disappeared. It seemed that the old man had gone to get food for Hua Yu.

"Uncle!" Hua Yu yelled at Long Yang who was lying on the couch, she had clearly seen her coming, and she was still dozing here, she probably didn't want to see her!But she refused to let him wish.

"Uncle, sit up quickly, and Yu'er will play you a piece of music to ensure that you wake up instantly." Her thinking is that the better the sound, the easier it is to fall asleep, and the worse the sound, the more it feels like pouring cold water from the head on a snowy day. People wake up instantly.Walking straight to the Phoenix Famous Qin, Hua Yu gently lifted off the top Suzhou embroidery that covered it, and underneath was the famous Qin from that day. It could be seen that Long Yang cherished it, the whole body of the piano was spotless and shiny. clean!

Since it's a song for waking up and drowsiness!The magic song "Uneasy" was first thought of by Hua Yu. In modern universities, Hua Yu is the one who wakes up with the alarm clock every morning, and she continues to sleep. The ringtone, this time Huayu gets busy as soon as the bell rings, because as soon as she listens to this song, goose bumps will come down all over her body, and she won't be able to wake up.

Hua Yu sat down and began to play, secretly laughing inwardly, seeing you ignoring me while sleeping, I will let you experience how good I am.Since her back was facing Long Yang, Hua Yu couldn't see his condition, she thought he must have sat up and covered her ears, after a rest, Hua Yu turned to look at Long Yang who was on the reclining chair, this time she was not calm, why? Can someone be so unaffected, I saw that Long Yang maintained his previous sleeping posture, fell asleep with a calm smile, and fell asleep instead of being woken up, Hua Yu was inexplicably angry, it just so happened that Fu Bo came up with food and invited him with a smile on his face. Hua Yu sat down and smelled the aroma of food again, Hua Yu calmed down and sat down obediently.Uncle Fu filled a small bowl for Hua Yu with a bowl, thanked Uncle Fu, Hua Yu took it up to the tip of his nose and smelled it, "Wow! Her favorite scallop soup!" I don't know how Uncle Fu got it?This Yacheng is not close to the beach, so it is not easy to eat fresh seafood!
Hua Yu took advantage of the heat to drink it again and again, and I don't know how Uncle Fu did it. This soup is not fishy at all, and it is a hundred times more delicious than the top chefs in modern seafood restaurants that she has eaten!
"Slow down! Slow down! Come here often if you like, and Uncle Fu will make it for you."

"En!" Hua Yu responded with a touch of melancholy. She knew that this was the only time, and she would never have a chance in this life. It was worthwhile to eat such delicious food before leaving. Concerned, Hua Yu bid farewell to Uncle Fu, and then looked at Long Yang, who was still in the same posture, Hua Yu paused, pulled off the shawl on the side to help him cover his body, and then left.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Long Yang slowly opened his eyes, sat up with the opportunity, and looked at the door with clear and bright eyes, which did not look like the eyes of someone who had just woken up.

"Master, why are you bothering?" Uncle Fu looked at his master with a distressed face.

"Isn't this better?... Letting her know about some things will only increase her troubles, let her go! She has her day, the life she should live!...Why? You are so reluctant to part with this girl? ... If you miss her in the future, I will give you a vacation to see her!"

"Master, you are talking to yourself!" After Uncle Fu finished speaking, the two looked at each other and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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