The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 248 Successful Escape

Chapter 248 Successful Escape
As night fell, Luoxia Hall was brightly lit as usual in order to deceive people, Hua Yu told Xiao Lian to supervise the other maids outside, and observe the surrounding movement by the way, Hua Yu herself said that she was tired, and went inside to wait for the person who took her away Hua Yu thought about it, whether it was Yun or Leng Hao, she was destined to go with them tonight. As for whoever came first, she would go with him. This is a strategy to weigh the pros and cons.

The hourglass of time is leaking sand bit by bit, the inside is as bright as day, but the outside is dark and thick, Hua Yu probably won't see her fingers even if she stretches out her hand.Not to mention the moon hiding deep in the clouds!Occasionally, the wind blows, making the flowers, plants and trees "squeak".

It's dark and windy, it's a good time to act!Suddenly it occurred to him that he knew astronomy from the clouds and geography from the bottom. Could it be that he came here because he calculated the right time and place today?
Hua Yu was so sleepy when she was sitting, she simply fell on the bed and thought she would just rest for a few minutes and then she got up. After sleeping, Hua Yu fell asleep until she was in a daze, as if someone was calling her , Hua Yu listened carefully and couldn't tell the direction, she got up suddenly, and the girl Xiao Lian looked anxious on the side of the bed, "Mother, my God! You finally woke up, come and put on this cloak, master They're waiting outside!"

"Your master?"

"And the Emperor of the Clouds" the little girl helped Huayu dress neatly with her hands and feet, and she didn't forget to take out the mask from the box next to Huayu's bed, and carefully helped Huayu fit it on her face. Everything was ready, Huayu Yu turned around and looked at herself in the mirror: she saw a complete stranger appeared in the mirror, still very beautiful, but no longer the smiling Hua Yu. The clothes were a set of court ladies' clothes, which the master and servant had prepared long ago. Alright, in the clothes bag, Hua Yu had already packed some wound medicine given by Yang Zhun as a backup, not to mention the little girl helped Hua Yu comb her hair like hers, and finally... ...the master and the servant came out quickly, and there was no girl outside. It turned out that Xiao Lian sent them all to rest, and Hua Yu stepped out of the door. The sword was sharpened in an instant in the originally silent courtyard, and Yun didn't know where to dodge. Arriving at Huayu's side, before Huayu could react, she had already pulled Huayu into her arms and jumped out of the courtyard.

Seeing that Hua Yu was being guarded, Xiao Lian glanced at Leng Hao who was fighting with people in the dark night, and quickly returned to the hall, quickly put on Hua Yu's usual clothes, combed Hua Yu's usual hairstyle, and put on the hair that she had prepared before. The good mask fit her face, and when she looked in the mirror, she really looked like a concubine. This was another arrangement of the pavilion master, and she had to obey. Pretending to be a concubine could stop her for a while.

After everything was ready, Xiao Lian walked out from the inside, raised a tall lantern and stepped out of the door, "Stop! What's going on? If you want to be wild, you can go outside, don't pollute my Luoxia Palace"

The princess scolded, and the guards saw that their princess was still alive and roaring like a lion, so they stopped for a while, and Leng Hao took the opportunity to quickly evacuate...

The leader of the guards, Zhui Hun, turned green with anger after reacting, but he still didn't dare to do anything wrong in front of the princess. He respectfully greeted him, and then ordered some people to stay at the Luoxia Palace, and lead the rest to chase him himself.

In this operation, all the members of the Blood Wolf Pavilion who stayed behind in Yacheng were mobilized, and the inside line that Emperor Yun had scattered into the Daughter Kingdom in the early years and the guards he brought with him also followed without missing a single one, black color, shadow, flower butterfly All out in force.

The palace of the Daughter Kingdom is heavily guarded, and the guards are often haunted. You can’t see anyone on weekdays, but if you want to pass through the checkpoints guarded by him, he will show up immediately. Don’t talk about swords and swords. Huayu has already learned from it Knowing their exotic amorous feelings, when she first came here, Hua Yu felt the way several times, but she saw no one who thought she could take advantage of it, quietly glanced at no one around, and quickly wanted to go out. She went on her way, and the number of times she failed, Hua Yu became more peaceful, and she didn't think about it again.

Yunhuang held Huayu in one hand, and his Yunhua sword in the other hand, and he slashed one by one, the lethality was so strong that both humans and gods were angry!Coupled with the fact that there was black color and shadow opening the way before, and Leng Hao and the bloody Langge man were cut off later, Yunhuang Huayu's trip has reduced a lot of thrills.

Seeing Yun's skill, Hua Yu was envious and jealous, and secretly vowed that when she got back to Che Ying, she would definitely become a chivalrous woman after training.

"What are you thinking?" Yun Bian whispered softly into Hua Yu's ear when he killed someone, which opened Hua Yu's eyes, how could he be so calm!

It may be that the sound of fighting alarmed the guards of the imperial city. More and more guards from the Daughter Kingdom came to Huayu's side. Even in such a dark night, it was still easy to distinguish the guards of the imperial city wearing gray armor. The other party was killed. The more people there were, the more guards came. Huayu suspected that the Queen had mobilized the Yacheng garrison, otherwise it would be difficult to explain the situation. Sweat broke out on her forehead and she tightened her grip on Emperor Yun's arm.

"Be good! Don't be afraid!" Yunhuang sensed Huayu's fear and comforted him softly. He was not [-]% sure that he would not take Huayu's risk. This is indeed the imperial city garrison. The disadvantage of the enemy is that it is difficult to retreat completely. Fortunately, he has a trump card in his hand-the tunnel of Longyang's residence.

He was not idle during the days when he was separated from Hua Yu, most of the time he communicated with Long Yang in person, at first he was very stubborn, but later he agreed for some reason, judging from the way a man sees a man, This Long Yang is also an upright person, so there is no need to worry about his plotting, since he agrees, it will be safe, let's find out the reason slowly!
"It's here!" Yun Huang whispered to Hua Yu.

Hua Yu raised her eyes, isn't this the Longyang Lenggong that she visited during the day!The sound of beating and killing became farther and farther away. Yunhuang took Huayu and jumped directly over the wall into the inner courtyard. At the end of the overgrown weeds was the entrance of Longyang's palace. At this time, there was a lone red lantern hanging high above the gate. Hearing the sound, Uncle Fu poked his head out through a slit, and was not surprised to see Huayu and Emperor Yun. Huayu went straight to the entrance of the tunnel, Uncle Fu didn't say much, and carried a candle to shine on Emperor Yun to enter. There was already a big torch inserted there at the entrance of the tunnel. Hanging himself on the body, he took out the torch and prepared to enter the cave. At this moment, he turned around and thanked Uncle Fu. Uncle Fu nodded to him, and his eyes were mostly on Hua Yu. Like a father sending his beloved daughter to marry far away, Hua Yu deeply remembered this moment. Years later, when Hua Yu recalled, she understood the meaning of Fu Bo's eyes, and even more understood the profoundness of Long Yang's avoidance.

"I'll leave Hua Yu to you, you must treat her well!" Uncle Fu did not forget to entrust Emperor Yun at the end, but what he said made Hua Yu difficult to understand for a while, as if her relationship with him was not that kind. Deep feelings!Why are you really thinking about yourself? This is a bit abnormal?
This authentic flower rain has also been seen in TV dramas. It was the first time a girl got on the sedan chair so personally. This land is really different from the land. Although it is not like the land to withstand the ravages of strong winds, it can be This place is very choking, there has been no fresh air for a long time, and the smell is very unpleasant!And the ground was deep and shallow, causing Hua Yu to almost fall to the ground several times. Fortunately, Emperor Yun was protecting her all the time, so she was spared from that crime.

Walking to a certain area, there was still water coming down, the passageway was wet everywhere, the ground was muddy, it seemed difficult to get off, when Hua Yu was hesitating, Yun Huang had already hugged her by the waist, Hua Yu snickered, I knew that the fool Yun couldn't bear her to suffer, so he took the torch in his hand, Hua Yu held it up high, just reflecting the entire outline of Emperor Yun, he was obviously thinner, during her absence, could it be that Hua Die couldn't serve her well? It was because of his heart that he didn't gain weight, but he lost a lot of weight. No, he had to be punished. Anyone who served her and didn't care about her should be punished!

"Thinking about it again?"

"Where is it?"

"Who is that distracted all night? Who are you thinking about? Sad! I've only seen you for a few days, and I've moved on!" Yun Huang pretended to be sad, and Hua Yu couldn't help "Pu Chi!" when he saw it, Yun was With this kind of ability, she always irons her heart flat and warm like an iron!Being with him is a comfort.

"You are wrong, master, I am not distracted, my focus is on the person in front of me!" Hua Yu answered.


"Heaven and earth can learn! If you don't believe me, ask here..." Hua Yu said, holding Yun Huang's hand to cover her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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