Chapter 263
"Heh! She looks beautiful, but her character is like a shrew, but... I like it!" A male voice resounded in the empty lobby, making the flower rain and thunder scorched. , It was messy in an instant...

Looking at the reputation, Hua Yu was in a daze, this... This is really different from what she thought!This... What he did is extremely disdainful, but this person looks like a god, with a tall and handsome body, mixed-race pupils, and a mixed-race face, the whole person looks like an exotic handsome boy , Hua Yu was puzzled, is this ancient time so great that it is possible to let people who are not of their own blood be officials?This person is obvious
not native...

"What? Can't move your eyes when you see the beautiful boy?" is it like this?Obviously thinking that he should be shameless, but he looks like a monster; obviously expecting him to be wretched!People are bright and capable, and the sun is bright.No matter how hard Huayu imagined such a person, he couldn't figure out that he actually did some shady things in private, let's not talk about it, let's just talk about the matter in front of him!She obviously came to complain, but she was locked in the dark room indiscriminately. She was not tortured, and she was released after being tortured, but the dried blood on the torture instrument clearly told her that she was lucky. I believe the answer will be revealed soon, but how did those wronged souls come out to defend themselves? A series of questions floated to Hua Yu's heart, waiting for her to answer them one by one...

"You are indeed good-looking, but it doesn't make me unable to look away..." Hua Yu also wanted to say that the prettier than you is in your South County city. If you stand in front of him, you are still inferior!But he still held back, it would be bad if he was a psychopath, it would be too cold for him.

"Oh?" The man overcame the obstruction of the shadow, approached Hua Yu, his head was high enough to be half of Hua Yu's body, and he bent down condescendingly, "Really?...Then I can't take my eyes off you?"

"Cough cough cough!" Hua Yu pretended to cover up, she really didn't want to continue with such teasing remarks, she couldn't get any cheap!

"My last question to you is, 'Who are you?'" Suddenly!The leaning man Fu Huayu whispered in his ear, and Huayu lingered, but suddenly he thought that he didn't seem to be showing any signs, that he should be cheating himself, so he was relieved and smiled brightly, "An ordinary woman Zhuang Xiaoyu!"

She was betting that for a short time she didn't believe he would find out who she was.She has entered the wolf's den and tiger's den now, so don't even think about getting out, since that's the case, she might as well try her best, what should she do!
"Oh, it doesn't matter if you don't say it, everyone is the same, since it is the woman I like, it is mine, no matter what background you have, I will accept you!" The man smiled evilly again, but what he said took Hua Yu to digest for a long time not drop.

"Heh, let's see if you have the ability to conquer me, my lord. My requirements are quite high!" It was the first time Hua Yu heard such an arrogant declaration, and Hua Yu couldn't help but look sideways. With Leng Hao, no matter how domineering he is, it is impossible for him to have such cool bold words. To be honest, she is a woman. These words are really useful and cool!It's just that she is not an ordinary woman, nor is she an innocent woman who is new to love. These words sound nice, but they only go in one ear and out the other. They can't be taken as real, but they can be entertained!

"Oh? Really?" The man seduced Hua Yu with an almost seductive voice, Hua Yu just smiled lightly, she didn't need to be hypocritical in front of smart people, she knew clearly that the person in front of her was not that goat Hu, it's hard to deal with!
"Hey! If I'm not mistaken, you are Zhu Taishou. I don't think we need to pretend anymore. Open the skylight and speak brightly. I have already told your teacher what I should say. Hurry up and lose money. I will leave and starve to death." It's gone," Hua Yu scolded herself secretly, she was too careless, she couldn't bear to show her original shape after a few back and forth teasing, in fact, she didn't show her original shape, but just made herself vulgar, thinking that no man would Would love vulgar women!Then her freedom will come soon, what a plan mistake today!If she was still thinking about how to go undercover to get evidence before, now she doesn't even think about it. Nine lives are not enough to act under the nose of this kind of man. In other words, why is his master so virtuous? He is not a channel at all. People on board!
"Heh, it's not easy to be hungry?" I saw the man clapping his hands, and a group of aunts carrying trays filed in from outside. The delicious food was put down and arranged. Hua Yu still doubted her eyes, and looked at the maids again, haha !It’s really not that I’m blind, it’s really some auntie level, Hua Yu was stunned again, I really couldn’t understand the man in front of me more and more, didn’t the goatee already reveal that he was lustful, why are the servants all aunts? level?It stands to reason that any lecherous man who doesn't like his servant to be pleasing to the eye and the eye should have a better appetite, alas!Ordinary men are the same!Everyone has the love of beauty, doesn't it? ...Could it be that he has an Oedipus complex?

Hua Yu, who was holding the bowl, was thinking about it, thinking about it... and shaking her head again, not to mention the entanglement in that expression!Taishou Zhu was sitting opposite Hua Yu, but he didn't eat anything, just stared at Hua Yu quietly, Hua Yu's hairs were standing on end when he saw this scene unintentionally, she didn't want to provoke anyone, let alone no one Her cloud is good, but if this man didn't do those nasty things, he could match Lin Niang to him, now!It was a waste for a good woman to give him that!
"Didn't you say you're hungry? Why do you look like you don't know what to eat? Oh! me Yunxian, don't call me Taishou Zhu anymore, Taishou Zhu is too born!"

After a long time, when the two recalled today's scene again, Hua Yu still had an expression of gritted teeth angrily, and that Emperor Yun, as soon as Hua Yu mentioned today's events, immediately begged for mercy, no matter how unreasonable She was so afraid of the matter that she quickly agreed, which became a trump card in Hua Yu's hand.

Shadow has been standing behind Hua Yu, with 100% caution, no matter how Hua Yu seduces her, he just shakes his head, as if he is a robot in the 21st century, with only one goal, and that is to protect the master.

Also, why think so much?She was really hungry, it should be past noon at this time, if she didn't eat more, where could she escape? "Yes, yes! I'm too lonely to eat alone, and I'm not in the mood. If someone is willing to accompany me to eat, then this meal will be complete!" Hua Yu intentionally swayed him, just to force him to help her try dishes , she is hungry, but if it is poisonous vegetables, she definitely doesn't need to eat them!
It seems that he guessed Hua Yu's mind, the man is not hypocritical, but he twists and tastes every dish, that movement is extremely elegant, it has nothing to do with his evil just now, Hua Yu will doubt him Was it to tease her on purpose? Shadow has always been like that, fully on guard, defending Zhu Yingyun like a tiger, a wolf, and a leopard.That's good, at least she has a sense of security, but the development of this matter is too illogical!Hua Yu always has a premonition of uneasiness, fearing that the next cataclysmic event will happen, and she has no ability to resist at all, alas!This ancient man is enough!Isn't it tiring to play tricks all day? It's better to go to the mountains and play in the water than to fall here and don't even know yourself...

"Wait... let me ask you, my purse was robbed on the first day I came to Nanjun, and no one came out to help me, let alone the indifference of people, what are you claiming... Nanjun has no thieves? Thanks to you, the eunuch, it’s embarrassing!"

Zhu Yingyun spread her hands and shrugged, "Miss, first, I didn't spread the word about No Thieves in Nanjun. Second, I didn't snatch your purse. Third, I didn't steal your purse instead of other people's." What does that mean?" After Zhu Yingyun finished speaking, she looked at Hua Yu with a smile that was not a smile, as if she was waiting for Hua Yu to explode...

snort!Want to excite me?no way!Hua Yu continued to eat her meal, thinking about it, and ate more than usual, but she really didn't taste it, looking at the dish and guessing that the taste should be very good, but at this time she had no intention of eating it. Just to taste.

After a long time...a voice came from outside the door, Hua Yu could still recognize it, it was a goatee!

Then I saw that wretched figure coming in, and seeing Hua Yu's ambiguous smile, Hua Yu's heart sank, thinking that something bad happened, could it be that they found out her identity?Calm down, calm down...wait and see what happens, and suddenly, Hua Yu laughs paralyzedly and raises her head, boasting that this is delicious, that is delicious, taking the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the goatee whispering in Zhu Yingyun's ear.Hua Yu was more sure that it had something to do with her, and made countless plans in her mind for a while, then looked at Shadow, and found that he was on high alert, good!It means that he also smells danger, since he can't avoid it, then come!Nothing to be afraid of!

"Xiao Yu, isn't it! Heh! Go on eating, go on eating!" After the goatee left, Zhu Yingyun giggled to socialize, and Hua Yu thanked him for deliberately observing his expression, but it was the same, thinking that it might be because of his superb acting skills Maybe!

"Heh, I'm full!" Then he stretched in a very ugly way.What was even more shocking was that Hua Yu still had a look on her face that she wanted to go to the latrine. Zhu Yingyun seemed to be smiling but not a smile... But she still called an aunt-level person to take Hua Yu there. When she walked past the shadow, Hua Yu squeezed Winking his eyes, Ying Ying understood immediately, and greeted Zhu Yingyun, and followed out. The hut is far away from the golden palace, and when Hua Yu finished and sent the aunt away, the time for a stick of incense had passed. When the two were about to find a direction to escape, they suddenly heard a fight in the direction of the golden house just now, Hua Yu was curious, and dragged the shadow back to find out what happened?

The scene was chaotic, but it could be seen at a glance that it was the party in black who broke into the prefect's mansion and caused trouble, but when Hua Yu saw those faces clearly, she was no longer calm, it turned out that Leng Hao brought them here, Hua Yu Yu guessed that he should have gotten the news to save her, so Zhu deliberately yelled that she was there...

(End of this chapter)

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