The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 264 Detonating Explosives

Chapter 264 Detonating Explosives
"Yingying, hurry up! Take Huayu away!" Huayu and Yingying appeared far away in Leng Hao's line of sight and were scolded by Leng Hao loudly. He didn't want his beloved woman to have troubles, he was afraid, really afraid!It's hard to imagine that he would still have this kind of emotion when he came over from the big wind and waves. In the final analysis, this heart has been cared too deeply, too deeply!
The shadow is also unambiguous, and no matter what the status and etiquette are, Hua Yu is about to turn back, but there is a figure in front of them blocking their way. Hua Yu takes a closer look, who else is not this goatee?
"Hey, get out! My sister won't play with you anymore!" At this time, she doesn't need to pretend anymore. Anyway, with the ever-victorious general Leng Hao around, she is destined to not suffer at all, so when will she not be self-willed at this time? ?She has endured long enough!
However, Hua Yu underestimated the ability of this wretched man, thinking that he was just a teacher with bad ideas, and it was enough to compare his feet with him, but he ignored the people who could work beside Zhu Yingyun. He didn't have [-] classes of martial arts, so how could he get in? Taishoufu.

Seeing that Hua Yu forced her to leave, her old face was shaded by the goatee, it was no longer the wretched look before, but a gloomy and cold face, the wind was like Hua Yu's attack, danger was coming, Hua Yu instinctively closed her eyes and forgot out of the way.

For a long time... the pain in her imagination didn't greet her. Hua Yu hurriedly opened her eyes and saw that the shadow was fighting fiercely with the goatee. Hua Yu didn't know martial arts, but he saw the moves of the goatee clearly, and he was shocked. Every move he made was to attack the opponent's bottom, and occasionally to attack the shadow's eyes, but That was also a slap in the face, Hua Yu secretly cursed, he must not have that thing, that's why he can't see other men with that thing, it's really dark!

On Leng Hao's side, Hua Yu also stared at him from time to time, he was fighting that Zhu Yingyun evenly, Hua Yu was startled secretly, she knew Leng Hao's martial arts, and few people in the world were his opponents, and this Zhu Yingyun was able to fight him for so long!Really... things are not optimistic!Looking at other people, although all the people in the Blood Wolf Pavilion are elites, they are few after all. Leng Hao has sent a lot of people away in the past few days, and the rest are only five or six. Looking at the other party... Zhu Yingying obviously raised a lot of minions in this eunuch's mansion. They are servants on the surface, but they are all skilled. After this calculation, they really don't have much chance of winning. Hua Yu quietly retreated while everyone was fighting fiercely She remembered that there was a huge pile of firewood at the corner, and the row of low houses next to the firewood, Huayu guessed it was an explosives depot. When they passed by here before, they smelled a smell, and Huayu wondered... and It just so happened that there seemed to be goods coming in and out today, Hua Yu took advantage of the gap in the latrine to follow, she hid in the corner and watched the group of people carrying them, she didn't dare to approach, the group of people also brought a group of hounds, barking It was as if they were going to eat people. Fortunately, they were all very fast. In the blink of an eye, the door of the row room was closed again. After watching the people dispersed, Hua Yu walked out from the corner and checked the area just now. , as expected... Some fine powder fell on the ground, Hua Yu wiped it up and took a closer look, my good guy, it was indeed gunpowder, no wonder there was a stream of water eight feet wide around the row of houses, people had to temporarily It's weird to build a bridge and tear it down after finishing it!No wonder people don't need to guard it. Looking at the layout, no one can get close, not to mention there are a few hounds barking at the door when they see people. It's really a strange situation for any owner. Learn from it!

The firewood is next to the row of houses, but it is separated by a river eight feet wide, Huayu frowned, how can throw firewood to detonate the gunpowder!This is a difficult problem. Besides, even if it is detonated, with so much gunpowder, the entire prefect's mansion will be wiped out!What's more, she has a small body, it's wrong!inappropriate! ...In a short period of time, Huayu had countless thoughts flying in her mind, but the last one that could be implemented was the last one. Huayu simply started a fire on the spot. If such a large pile of firewood was burned, the flame would be spectacular , and across the river from the powder magazine... No!It should be said that they looked at each other across the ditch, and she didn't believe that Zhu Yingyun didn't know the pros and cons of it. She might pull out all the people and turn off the fire by then! ……hehe!Just thinking about it makes it enjoyable!
This outnumbered fight lasted long enough that Huayu set fire to the pile of firewood at the speed of Huayu Diamond, and they didn't hear the sound of them stopping, but the trend of fighting became more and more intense, after all, it was April God, the flames shot up so high all of a sudden, Hua Yu was afraid of hurting herself, so she ran away quickly, lest she was too late, and the gunpowder depot exploded and her body was smashed to pieces, it was really not worth it!
It's just that there is no wind today, so it depends on luck to detonate it!

Hua Yu just exited that corner, when she heard footsteps rushing towards this side, Hua Yu guessed that her plan had worked, and the cat bent back from the bushes to find the shadow, but... don't look for it, it's far away ...Yang Ying saw Hua Yu and rushed straight over, "My aunt, so you hid here, why...? The more you practice, the less courage you get!"

Hua Yu was stunned!Feeling that she, the queen, is so timid in his eyes?On the other hand, Leng Hao, who was nearby, had a clear smile on his face, which made Hua Yu feel uneasy, and it seemed that he still couldn't escape his eyes...

Everyone gathered together, although there are many injuries, but... it's okay!Not one of them!Leng Hao ordered everyone to evacuate. Originally, Shadow was going to pull Hua Yu up, but Leng Hao pulled him to his side first. He did not avoid suspicion. He held Hua Yu's waist with one hand, jumped into the air, and flew out. During this period, Hua Yu is not hypocritical, she just wants to survive!

A few people had just left the gate of the government office, and there was a sound of "boom!", and a huge mushroom cloud spread in the government office, and the entire prefect's mansion was turned into ruins in an instant, and the three souls of the people went to the second soul, but fortunately they came out quickly , or they would be wiped out

Breaking away from Leng Hao, Hua Yu looked back again, pursed her lips and smiled, such a group of scum, turning into ashes is a kind of retribution!Just infinite emotion, life is impermanent!The person who was still alive just now disappeared like this, the world is indeed too big, and she is too ignorant!There was more than enough guilt for the goatee's death, but Na Zhu agreed, and Hua Yu always felt that something was wrong, but after thinking about it several times, she still couldn't find out the reason, so she had to give up...

Knowing that Hua Yu walks slowly, Leng Hao slowed down on purpose, and everyone laughed, "They Leng Huang are showing courtesy again for nothing!"

Hua Yu didn't care, being with a group of male animals was just like this, being used to talk about things and being teased by others was simply commonplace, but fortunately she had already adapted to it!
After a few people left, a figure came out from the dark, with the corner of his mouth curled up, and he said something that only he could hear, "I said Yun, your little woman is too daring to deal with it! Such a big gunpowder magazine She was blown to the ground in an instant, really underestimated her! But that's okay, it's time to uproot the Wei family..."

"Can you use your brain in doing things in the future?" Leng Hao beside him said coldly, if he hadn't been notified by Shadow, how could he have arrived in such a timely manner, it was the first time that he felt that this woman owed a lesson, a little It doesn't make people worry, she thinks that everything in the world is as bright as the sunshine in her heart, but she doesn't know the sinister nature of human nature, the darkness behind the sunshine!

"...What? You mean I have no brains, right?" She was depressed!I just wanted to vent, but I didn't expect someone to bump into it by myself, very good!She just wanted to fight.

"You... making trouble for no reason!" Why does this woman smell like gunpowder, she doesn't look like a woman!well! ...No way, he just likes her, he will love her wholeheartedly in this life, no matter what kind of person she becomes, she will always be the best in her eyes! ...I was being mean-spirited just now, and I was just worried about her. Why doesn't this woman understand?
It's not that Hua Yu doesn't understand, she just understands too well!All the way from daughter country to here, the more we get along, the more heartbroken she is, the more and more she sees Leng Hao's feelings for her, but... time has passed, everything is too late!Now that she has Yun, even if she understands Leng Hao's love, she can't accept it. In this case, she can't give him warmth and cut off his hope... This is good for everyone!
Inn entrance
Two figures, one big and one small, had been standing there for a long time. From time to time, they stood on tiptoes and stretched their necks to look at the entrance of the alley. Their mouths kept hurting, "This damn girl really doesn't want to live! How old is she?" Being so impulsive!" If it wasn't for Leng Hao telling them not to make trouble, and waiting for them to come back here, she would have rushed to the prefect's mansion to kill the culprit, and even dared to detain her Huayu!

"Sister is back! Sister is back!" Mucun's eyes were the sharpest, Hua Yu just appeared at the corner of the street, the little guy broke away from Lin Niang's hand excitedly, and rushed there quickly, Lin Niang was depressed!The little guy is obviously by her side all day, why can't he support a family?On the contrary, it's the flower rain that hasn't been around for a few hours, so the little guy remembers it... She admits, she's jealous @
Hua Yu was very moved by Kimura who jumped into Hua Yu's arms, she really scared the little guy this time!Like the elder sister, she patted the little guy on the back to comfort him, for no reason, she just loves him... not just what happened to him...

Without any further pause, Leng Hao started on the road immediately after speaking. After all, they had been delayed here for too long. He thought about it just now, and he felt more and more that Shen Yang's proposal was good. A gentleman is not what he does. After all, he is too far away from a gentleman. !Domestic affairs are urgent, and it is imperative to return home...

Sitting in the car, a burst of drowsiness hit her. Hua Yu adjusted her posture and closed her eyes to rest. Under the siege of several pairs of eyes, she did not feel uncomfortable and fell asleep peacefully. Lin Niang said, "Pig!" laugh!Was this girl born to be abused?

As night fell, their small group of people was still moving forward. Except for Leng Hao, everyone in the carriage was taking a nap. Of course, no one knew that the carriage they were sitting in had unknowingly changed its course...

(End of this chapter)

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