Chapter 265
"Giggle...!" The little girl scratched her brother's mature face and kept laughing, why didn't his brother laugh?It's such a pity that this handsome face is so beautiful that both people and gods are angry. Thinking about it, she kept touching her own little face for comparison. Although she didn't look in the mirror, she also knew that she was not as beautiful as her brother, alas!Niangqin is really too much!Why not make yourself prettier than your brother?
In her sleep, a pretty and lovely little girl was talking to her elder brother, but the elder brother was never annoyed by being pinched by the little girl's claws, and still had a cold little face trying to design by her mother. Bricks for him...

Hua Yu was shocked, woke up, and looked again, how could there be a little girl or boy beside her?The slightly bumpy carriage reminded her that she was in the carriage... It turned out to be a dream... Hua Yu smiled, but how could she have such a dream?And the little girl and boy in it are not very old, they only look like three or four years old, and they look so pink and cute, but the boy looks quite amazing, and when he grows up, he will definitely look stunning in the world, Hua Yu "tsk tsk "sigh!The little girl is not bad either, although she is not as good as her elder brother, but she is eccentric, delicate and beautiful, and when she grows up, she will definitely be the target of the princes and generals... But what does this have to do with her?How can I dream? ...Wait, it seems that someone called her mother in the dream!Could it be that the little boy is her little pile... Well, yes!It does look like it!What about the little girl?Aren't they siblings? ...So...meaning she is his daughter?Hua Yu was instantly confused, but her heart was as sweet as drinking honey!
"Oh! Silly woman, you can laugh out loud!" A joking voice rang out, there was no other man in the carriage, it was undoubtedly him, and Huayu retorted angrily, "Why? Envy, envy, hate?...I don't like Some people, a thousand-year-old coffin board, uh! No matter how cold it is, this summer, it can make do, but in winter, people who are close to it will probably freeze!"

"So what if it freezes? Wouldn't it be warm to hold you?" Leng Hao continued to talk nonchalantly, stunned, what's wrong with this guy today?He even laughed!That's right!It's a waste not to laugh!What a joy to smile!If you smiled in front of the street in the daughter's country, you would probably be thrown down and eaten by all the women in the street immediately, so coquettish!Too much potential to attract bees and butterflies...

"Wait... what? Hold me? Leng Hao, can you be more shameless? We have nothing to do with each other now. You are the target of girls from all over the sky, and I... am the Queen of Che Ying, please Don't talk about taking advantage of me again!" Hua Yu was displeased, they don't have that level of intimacy now, and if they don't avoid suspicion, they may cause disputes between countries!
Leng Hao smiled, no one could tell whether he was angry or something else?However, the happiest thing is the shadow outside the car, he has been riding a horse to protect his master, following every step, so... He can hear Huayu and the others' conversation clearly, the empress finally clearly rejected Leng Huang, But he was worried about something else... From the diversion last night, he knew that Emperor Yun planned to take his wife to Tianqi, and he had knocked on the car door countless times because of this, thinking that his wife must have fallen asleep!When the empress fell asleep, no one could wake her up!Thinking of his master's explanation, he didn't dare to leave, but... Worry!
(End of this chapter)

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