Chapter 266
Her whole body was sore, Hua Yu thought it was because she had been in the car for too long, and she thought that she would feel better if she stopped to rest for a while, but Leng Haoyuan's help was already quite good, she really didn't dare to ask for too much... moved a little With a stiff body, Hua Yu leaned against the small window, opened the curtains and looked out, a gust of cool wind hit her face, Hua Yu hurriedly stroked her hair that blocked her view, wow!It's really cool!Lin Niang, Kimura, do you want to try here?

"Miss, you can enjoy it by yourself! We are still sleepy! Continue...continue to sleep..." Lin Niang muttered sleepily!

"Pig!" There is nothing to describe, only this word is very appropriate, Hua Yu finally couldn't bear to disturb them, but started a conversation with Leng Hao who was opposite, "I said, Leng Hao, how far is Jialan City? I’ve been on the road for so many days, why haven’t I arrived yet?” She had asked Shadow Flying Pigeon to send a letter to Qin Xin, telling her about her return, and as expected, she had been delayed for several days. Xiao Zhuang is more than one year old, listening to Qin Xin, the little guy speaks fluently!It's just that I don't like to talk more and more. I can bluff people with a small face all day long, and I walk steadily. In short, I am a completely independent little adult!

well!She has been away for several months, the little guy won't blame her!When she goes back, she has to accompany him well, otherwise she will be a bit dereliction of duty as a mother!Feeling timid near the hometown, the closer she gets to Jialan City, the more disturbed she feels, for fear that the little guy will annoy her and ignore her, alas!What a contradiction!Hua Yu, a few guards riding horses outside, stared around, but couldn't see the figure of Shadow, "Where is Shadow?" Hua Yu turned her head and asked Leng Hao who was opposite.

"Go back to the palace first" That's right!Just before Hua Yu woke up, he ordered his subordinates to play tricks. After receiving a message from the Emperor Yun's flying pigeon, Ying Ying turned around and went straight to Jialan City. Don't call him mean!The people under Emperor Yun are really stupid!Ah! ...

It is said that this section of the road is the grain plank road used by Cheying and Tianqi before the war. It has been maintained regularly over the years, but it is smooth. It is not bumpy when sitting in the carriage, and the speed of driving is relatively fast. The scenery along the way is picturesque. , Hua Yu wants to take a break to pick a bunch of colorful and brilliant wild flowers, and the quiet blue of the lake in the distance, all of which are calling for passers-by to stop and appreciate her beauty!And the blue sky and white clouds, wow!The chirping birds, the beautiful nature, Hua Yu turned her head to look at Leng Hao sadly several times, but he turned a blind eye to her, she couldn't stand the slightest wave, and Hua Yu could only accept her fate!Secretly, what an incomprehensible guy!
"Cut!" Silly woman!All the thoughts are on the face, and I think people don't know.He is always watching her every move, how can her little thoughts escape his eyes?It's just that he has his scruples. They will arrive at the border at night, and when the woman wakes up tomorrow, they will already be in the territory of Tianqi. By then...he has a thousand ways to make her stay willingly, at least not for the time being. ...It's just that, right now, he still can't let her know that the non-stop is obviously in a hurry, but it's really caused by his nervous heart!I'm depreesed!I didn't expect that the majestic king of a country would have to use such a low-level method to get back his woman. Who would believe it?
"Hey! Leng Hao, you have to stop and eat something!" It's strange, they don't eat when they see something, and when they see that the inn can't stay, it's dark when they continue on the road. They all eat in the car this day, Getting out of the car is also for convenience, and Leng Hao has limited the time, so you don't have to work so hard when you are on your way, right?Or is it just the spelling of the people in the Blood Wolf Pavilion?Hua Yu is very helpless!Not allowed to sit in a restaurant and taste delicious food slowly, and not to rest in a clean and comfortable inn, this Leng Hao is really making things difficult for everyone...

"Sister, uncle said that this way, I can see my little brother at home soon." Kimura looked at Hua Yu happily, his hopeful face was still childish, Hua Yu was stunned, is that so?It turned out that I misunderstood others!Lin Niang at the side looked thoughtful, she just changed her previous temperament and sat in silently, Hua Yu only thought that she was too tired!

Another night came, the car was still on the road, tired, tired, Huayu fell asleep as usual, Lin Niang moved her body to let Huayu sleep on her body, and Mucun was on her lap. After a long time, Seeing that the two of them had fallen asleep, Lin Nang raised her head, staring at Leng Hao at the rear of the car with her penetrating eyes, "Are you lying to Hua Yu?" Yes for sure.

"Wrong! I'm taking her home!" Leng Hao smiled wickedly, he still wanted to show some face to Hua Yu's sisters.

"Take her home? Heh!... Leng Hao, you're too embarrassed! I can't participate in the past grievances, but today, if you are not honest, it is your fault!"

"...Take her home? Have you ever asked her about her wishes?...No! You are the queen who robs others, be careful if Emperor Yun finds out and smashes our apocalypse!" I don't know what happened to Emperor Yun. What?Is my queen safe to be escorted by her love rival?It's all right now, people's daring has come, although I haven't seen that Emperor Yun, but I still think that Emperor Yun is good in my selfishness, but whose fate and love have already been destined, she is inconvenient to intervene, and this Leng Hao She didn't mean anything malicious, so she temporarily tolerated it...

The night was so cold that Lin Niang hadn't felt sleepy, her body was numb and unbearably numb by the big one and the little one, and she could only bear it. In comparison, she felt sorry for the big and little one, forget it!Let them have a good rest...Although Leng Hao at the back of the car is sleepy, Lin Niang clearly knows that this man is definitely not asleep, he is always guarding the woman on her back, alas!Missed love! ... When you don't hurry up, life is like this... No matter what the ending is, she will not be surprised, as long as Huayu is happy, she will be happy... As for other people, she is too lazy to care!
Driving at night is really a scary thing, this Leng Hao is too bold, just listening to the howling of wolves and tigers in the forest on both sides of the road makes her hair stand on end, fearing that she will be swallowed in the next second In the middle, she poked her head out to take a look. Fortunately, there were those horse guards on both sides of the car. Lin Niang's heart sank a little, and she suddenly envied the silly girl on her shoulders. Isn't it a blessing to be able to sleep?
Finally, finally...there was no more howling ghosts and wolves outside, but only the buzzing of some bugs. Lin Niang finally relaxed, thinking that the sky was about to dawn, and the border was probably coming soon, so she closed the door herself. Her eyes forced herself to fall asleep, she didn't want to open her eyes and wait for the girl to wake up and force her to ask her, if there is something, she should avoid it for a while...

"Master, we're here!" The voice of a male animal outside the car sounded softly, and as the voice fell back, the man inside the car finally opened his ancient well-like black pool, and the inside was clear. The sleepy eyes looked like the truth came out after a verbal battle with the officials, so it was!
"Enter!" Oh!This girl really hasn't woken up, everything is so perfect!He will step on the heaven and earth immediately, and even if you have the ability to insert wings, you will never fly over to take Huayu away. At least he will have a period of time with Huayu, huh... the future... infinite possibilities!

The general guarding the border city is Yu Mu, a poor student who was personally promoted by Leng Hao. He is also a guy with good eyesight. When he saw the guards on horseback on both sides of the car, this smart general immediately understood and ordered the soldiers to open the city gate. Finally, he bowed from a distance, the most heartfelt bow in his life.

In Wangyue City, everyone found a restaurant to sit down, rest their feet, and fill their stomachs by the way. They haven't sat down to eat properly for two days. Every day, there are steamed buns and clear spring water. I've eaten it, but... sometimes, I really don't understand the master's mind, it's hard!
After the restaurant served all the dishes, Leng Hao got into the car and woke up the group of people in the car. Hua Yu was the first to wake up. Seeing that it was Leng Hao who came to wake him up, he thought he had arrived in Jialan City, and almost shouted out a cheer. Think about it or be reserved, there are people beside you!After Nao understood what Leng Hao meant, Hua Yu woke up Lin Niang and Mu Cun one after another. After they got out of the car, they became puzzled. Was it early in the morning for Zhaoxia? ...Then why are you eating now?Something is wrong!They all just woke up, and no one is hungry!
"Eat even if you're not hungry, I won't eat lunch later!" A cold voice rang out from behind Hua Yu.Hua Yu didn't bother to respond to him, but after thinking about it, people sent her to the door of the house. For this sake, it's good to have something to eat, and then go straight to the palace and go back to her Yuhua Palace to see her poor little pile go!

"..." Hua Yu slowly followed Lin Niang and the others to a seat near the flower garden, and Leng Hao also sat in. Hua Yu raised his head, and opposite him were those diamond kings and fives from the Blood Wolf Pavilion. It's as hard work as if you didn't eat, my God!If she is the store owner, she will be scared!She also ate steamed buns last night!Why is she not hungry like a foodie!What Hua Yu ignored was that he had traveled all night, but she had slept in the car all night, how could it be compared?There is no way to compare!

However, Hua Yu has a doubt. Why is such an inconspicuous restaurant, Leng Hao can cook whatever dishes Leng Hao ordered? Not to mention the speed of the dishes Leng Hao ordered, just the ingredients... Hua Yu looked at it My eyes are dazzled, it's strange!This kind of store will have so many precious ingredients, and some ingredients are so rare that the emperor may not even have them,...

What Huayu doesn't know is that this is also a stronghold of the Blood Wolf Pavilion. In their own country, they are not so hidden. They all use tea shops, wine shops, inns, etc. as their strongholds. Of course... ordinary people can't see what they have. difference?

For the sake of rarity, Hua Yu also had a big appetite, and kept sending it to Kimura's bowl. This kid has never eaten so much delicious food!eat more...

(End of this chapter)

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