The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 267 Apocalypse Capital

Chapter 267 Apocalypse Capital
After eating and drinking enough, Hua Yu asked Shang Lin Niang and Mu Cun to walk away, she had to go back to the palace quickly, please understand her feeling of "going home like an arrow" at the moment, I really hope she stays by her little pile now !

Hua Yu walked a few steps, saw no one followed, turned around and saw Lin Niang holding onto the small stake and standing still, Hua Yu was stunned, "Didn't you come to see me? Oh!... Did you say I met a scumbag man, is it a shadow to our palace? It doesn't matter, you tell me his appearance and characteristics when you go back, I will draw it out and let someone help you find it, and keep it for you to find within a day, and then you can dispose of it Isn't it okay?" She has been reduced to this level, Lin Niang will not refuse anymore!You have to think how much she wants her to be by her side!

"Hua Yu..." She couldn't bear to watch it any longer. Although it might not be a good thing to say it at this time, she really couldn't ignore the hope on Hua Yu's face, alas!After all, I need to know... "Hua Yu, that... this is not Jialan City!" Lin Niang finally told the truth.

"It's not Jialan City? It means... We haven't arrived yet?..." Seeing that Lin Niang didn't answer her for a long time, Hua Yu looked at Leng Hao at the side, "Then how long do we have?" Enough is enough, let's go It's been a few days, why not yet?When we parted ways with Yun, we promised to arrive in three days, and we will arrive in three days... Why hasn't he arrived yet? Could it be that Leng Hao deliberately took a detour for her?Otherwise how to explain, too slow?

Hua Yu was so indignant, what a snail!

"Oh! long? What if I say a lifetime?" Leng Hao ruffianly sat there resting, he was not joking with this little woman, he really wanted to imprison this little woman for the rest of his life, look at her Where are you going?Then find the right opportunity to pick Xiao Zhuang back, then their family of three will be truly complete!

"Too lazy to tell you..." Hua Yu raised her chin to provoke the man in front of her, she was not in the mood to listen to his jokes.A child's voice sounded, oh, as if he had done something bad. "Sister, this is not the Jialan City you are going to, this... this is the Mochiyue City within the territory of Tianqi Kingdom." Mucun also heard what Lin Niang said just now, and felt the need to tell this sister the truth, so he mustered up his courage. Once the simmering words are spoken out, people will be much more relaxed!
Looking at Kimura's bright eyes when he spoke, and the look of lowering his head when he did something wrong, Hua Yu no longer thought it was a joke, and finally believed that this was not Jialan City. After looking around, it was indeed not Jialan style, showing the style of the former apocalypse everywhere, Huayu fell to the brink of collapse in an instant, isn't she getting farther and farther away from home?

"Leng Hao, what you say doesn't count! You promised Yun to send me back to the palace safely! But what are you doing now?... The majestic king of a country, you are a little honest, okay?" Hua Yu was full of resentment, fiercely scolding the leisurely Leng Hao...

Everyone in the Blood Wolf Pavilion smiled when they saw their pavilion master being scolded, and they all said "tsk tsk!" They were amazed, there are still people who dare to scold their master in the world, except for the Supreme Emperor and the Grand Empress Dowager, the future queen can be ranked first. She hasn't been thrown out of the customs yet, so her status can be seen to be extraordinary!It's really one thing and one thing!

"Integrity? What is integrity, tell me?...Could it be that two people got married as evidenced by heaven and earth, and one of them planned to run away with the man? Meihuayu, is this your integrity?" The guards heard, God!It's too private!Although everyone likes to listen to gossip, but also to see if there is a destiny to listen to?At that moment, everyone quietly put down their bowls and chopsticks and walked towards everyone's back. It's a dangerous area, it's better to stay away!

Hua Yu was speechless, even though it was a secret known by the whole world, but when Leng Hao said it on the street, Hua Yu was so angry that she couldn't express it, and immediately ran in the direction she came from...

Leng Hao was frustrated, the conscience of heaven and earth, he really didn't mean it, he also knew it was too hurtful, so he raised his hand and gave himself a slap to warn himself of speaking without restraint, alas!He was so broken when he met this woman!

Hua Yu sprinted all the way for [-] meters. In fact, she didn't know the way. She was still sleeping when she passed by just now, but she found that her sense of direction was getting better and better. This road was in her consciousness...

At the gate of the city, there was an endless stream of people coming and going, Hua Yu broke through the crowd and squeezed in, it didn't matter!After leaving this door is Che Ying, she doesn't believe that if she leaves him Leng Hao, she really can't go back, "Please let me go, let me go... Excuse me... Excuse me..." At this time, she couldn't care less There were so many, I just started yelling loudly, trying to get out quickly by all means, as if someone was waving to her over there and waiting for her to go over and walk together.

"Girl, there is an order from above, you are not allowed to go out!" The soldier guarding the gate just stared at Hua Yu for some reason, he had a sharp eye for so many people, so he just said it!That guy Leng Hao must have done something wrong, now she is finished, and she has no martial arts, so she must follow him? ...Hua Yu was so helpless that she rushed forward cruelly, thinking that she must go out today, isn't it just two gatekeepers?They may not be able to beat themselves!Before reaching the limit, Hua Yu clearly felt a shadow covering her, which put her under a lot of pressure!

"Girl, if you really want to force yourself out of this door today, then Yu Mu will have to offend you!" Hua Yu looked at this man, he was very big and rough, and he looked like a good material for sandbags, Zhang Fei's type!It looks like a barbarian, but in fact it reveals a shrewd energy. It must be that Leng Hao has explained something beforehand, otherwise... he won't just stop her, and everyone else can go unimpeded, except for her. The man is too naive!Those who didn't know thought she had committed something!
Seeing that her arms couldn't twist her thighs, Hua Yu didn't want the shrew to play tricks, making trouble for no reason. She pulled down her shoulders and turned back on the spot. Lin Niang and Mu Cun followed behind. Of course, she could see her every move clearly. What could be done?It's all to blame for the inhumanity entrusted by the Emperor Yun, but the Emperor Leng is also black-bellied enough! ...

For the first time, Lin Niang felt helpless besides helplessness, unlike the fire a year ago, when she directly raised a knife and broke into Prince Leng's mansion. It's up to you!But this time is different, she can't see Leng Hao's malice, after a few days of getting along with him, she can clearly see something called "affectionate" in his eyes, she thinks why not give him a chance, let alone After all, he is Xiao Zhuang's father, and the family is doomed to be cut off... As for Emperor Yun, she can only let God bless him, she has more heart than power!Besides, it's all self-inflicted.

Seeing Lin Niang, Mu Cun, Hua Yu was stunned for a moment, and then walked past them as if she hadn't seen them, what kind of expression! ... How can you call a stranger!Lin Niang knew that she was wrong, and her former sister Yu's posture had completely sunk to an unknown place, so Wei quietly followed Hua Yu, "Ignore me, you won't let me follow!"

"Traitor! What benefit did Leng Hao give you?... What kind of sisterly relationship? Was it used?...I really want to know when you were bought?...Oh! Or did you get bought a long time ago? Yes! Appearing in that inn was also planned by you in advance!... Very good! Very good! Is my character, Mei Huayu, so bad? As for you, a sister who turned against you?" Hua Yu was purely venting, when she was angry , The space for people to think is terrifying, and they blurted out questions one by one. Although she didn't see Lin Niang's expression behind her, she knew that she had hurt her, so she shut her mouth tightly and didn't make a sound...

Lin Niang was scolded by her, but she didn't take it seriously. This girl's questioning like pulling the switch is a good thing. It shows that she just talks nonsense, and she still believes in herself in her heart. This is more boring than saying nothing. It's much better to be suspicious in my heart!As expected, this girl is still the stinky girl of the day, people just can't hate her, they always want to treat her well...

"Hey! I scolded you so much, why don't you talk back?" Hua Yu finally couldn't help singing by herself, why didn't Lin Niang behind her quarrel with her?It's much better to vent like this. Could it be that she is really angry with herself?
Turning around, turning around, "Ms. Lin, good sister! Don't be angry with me, okay?"

Lin Niang and Mu Cun laughed, especially Lin Niang, can this girl stop being so childish in front of Mu Cun, who is more mature than her!

"You stinky girl! You are the queen of a country, why can't you learn the word solemn? Alright! Alright! I don't think Leng Hao will eat you up, so you just let things take their course. When your Emperor Yun finds out, he will definitely come and take you away, don't worry! No one can force you to do what you don't want to do!"

"Ms. Lin, that's the most effective sentence of yours. It speaks to my heart, fine! I'll listen to you."

In the restaurant, Leng Hao still looked the same as before, looking at his expression... as if she was sure that she would come back to find him, Hua Yu suddenly thought of this man's black belly, and blamed herself for being so defenseless that she believed this Men's words!Follow him, he can't keep her forever!She has a lot of ways to make him despise her and let her go. It's best to send her back obediently... Ha!In the days to come, it seems that I will not be lonely anymore!

After the previous episode, the group of people went on the road again. Needless to say, their goal is the capital of Tianqi. Just in time, she can also go to Meifu to visit again. Dad has traveled all over the world. Tianfenghuang mentioned his mother before. , she can take this opportunity to search, it is hard to say that she can learn something, even if she finds clues!

Hearing the news from the guards that Apocalypse has arrived in the capital, Huayu was excited for a while, wishing they would stop the car and let her feel the nostalgia. This is the place she traveled through, which is equivalent to her hometown. Pain in the bone, she likes Tianqi Capital very much, she has deep feelings for this city!
(End of this chapter)

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