Chapter 278
Looking at the back of Hua Yu and his party going away, Shen Yang closed his eyes for a long time, and said unconsciously, "Hao, the road to love is difficult! I can only wish you good luck!"


As soon as Hua Yu arrived at the door, she could smell the aroma of the food. At this time, several people were so hungry that Hua Yu pulled Mu Cun and walked away to smell the fragrance. Only when she entered the door did she find that there were many people in the previously empty Hall of Mental Cultivation , It was like going to the market, Hua Yu had sharp eyes, and saw the two imperial cooks in the imperial dining room before, the other guards, eunuchs and maids, Hua Yu had never seen it before, but she recognized that Director Li, at this time he bowed and stood Behind Leng Hao, and Leng Hao...he was sitting at the dinner table enjoying the meal alone, that gesture was extremely elegant, Hua Yu thought to himself, let him starve for a few days, see if he is still so elegant?But this seems impossible, she is sitting on such a huge apocalypse, there are so many people, and the family has a big business, how can she be hungry, she is thinking for nothing!
But... It seems that she ordered this dish in the imperial dining room before!no!Even if it was his territory, he couldn't be so unreasonable. She was so hungry that she sat down with Mucun, and unceremoniously asked Mr. Li for a few sets of bowls and chopsticks. Instruct a servant girl to prepare...

Leng Hao used his food from the beginning to the end, as if no one bothered him at all, he seemed to treat Hua Yu as an act of air, completely ignoring Hua Yu and angered Hua Yu, "Hey! On the other side, you seem to be eating What do I want first?"

Leng Hao raised his eyebrows, "Really?"

Hua Yu bowed her head guiltily, forget it, it's better to be a human being with your tail between your legs under the eaves, and keep a low profile!low profile!

But Leng Hao really seemed to be interested, and he said reluctantly, "I said girl, this house is my home, this person is my person, and of course this dish is also my dish, why do you order it?"

"You..." Hua Yu was at a loss for words, what he said was the truth, what item in the palace is not his?well!Don't talk back to him anymore, it's more important to eat, I greeted a few people to sit down, and seeing Leng Hao was not unhappy, Hua Yu hurriedly brought food to Mucun, this kid in Mucun was afraid of Leng Hao, so when he met the uncle in front of him, he was cold. He is an acquaintance and doesn't even greet him, he feels awkward in his heart, he has a small injury, but that big ice cube never cares about other people's thoughts, and of course he also ignores other people's feelings!Hua Yu felt sorry for Mu Cun, and there was a little displeasure on her face, but she had to calm calm!She knows that people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Compared with Lin Niang and Ying Ying, they are much more self-conscious. They should sit and eat. Hua Yu noticed that, and the maids and eunuchs were all surprised. Where is the emperor sitting with you?But... Strange?The emperor didn't get angry?
In Hua Yu's eyes, there is no distinction between master and servant, only relatives. She treats them as family members. Of course, family members have to eat together. Is this normal?She couldn't bear to sit and enjoy the food while her family stood by and watched. This was a torment for was unbearable!

Besides, the owner on the opposite side had no objection, so of course she followed her own wishes.The flavor of this Tianqi is slightly different from her Cheying. Cheying’s food is generally light and natural to nourish the body, while this Tianqi’s taste is more spicy, spicy, and the meat food is still obvious. It is more enjoyable on the mouth, but the flower Yu likes this taste. In modern times, she and Song Xue have always liked Sichuan cuisine. They love spicy food very much, and they still love spicy hot pot. It is really a joy in life to have such a big pot in winter!
Several people were extremely hungry, a large table of food entered their stomachs almost instantly, looking at the expression on Manager Li's face, it was incredible!Hua Yu guessed that he was not incredulous that they were eating in a hurry, but how could his master tolerate them eating so rudely in front of him, but he observed that the master was not displeased, but enjoyed it This kind of atmosphere, the master has been watched by him since he was a child. Although he is old, he will not be wrong. Those who betrayed his mind were invisible to others, but he never missed them...

It seems that the master still loves this princess very much, but it is inconvenient for him to intervene in the affairs between them as a servant.

After eating a good meal, Leng Hao went to his study as if fleeing, but in Hua Yu's view, he just ignored her, cut!Everyone who comes is a guest, so how can he treat guests well?A great country is also known as a state of etiquette. If the head of a country is so rude, how will his people be better?
This meal was very enjoyable for several people!In this palace, Huayu also has no more information she wants, and she wants to leave the palace as soon as it is still early, but she also wants to find some traces of Empress Duanmin from Leng Hao, and she is afraid that he will refuse to ask directly... Sigh !No matter how you ask, people are avoiding her. It seems that she has no chance if she doesn't take the initiative!

Hua Yu told Lin Niang and the others to wait here quietly, she went to have a look, at the door of the study... Hua Yu took a deep breath
"Come in!" A voice rang out coldly, Hua Yu paused, she had deliberately slowed down her steps, but people still knew, couldn't this man pretend?It made her very embarrassed!
Straightening her back and raising her head, Hua Yu calmed down a little bit, and Leng Hao inside was even more displeased. Is he that scary?He tiptoed to the door and didn't dare to come in. Is he a tiger?well!She was still afraid of herself. He had known this a long time ago, and it had always been in his heart. Why did this woman drag his heart so much?

"Is something wrong?"

Hua Yu nodded towards the man in front of her, and asked, "Where did your mother go? Do you know?"

"What's the matter? Is there something wrong with my mother?"

"Just tell me if you know it or not"

Ah!how?If you start to care about her, it's better to bring her grandson back, then I guarantee that the queen mother will be happy to run back when she finds out.He was telling the truth. Ever since she knew that Hua Yu was not dead and had given birth to a grandson for the Leng family, her mother, not to mention how happy she was, had already clamored for him to bring Hua Yu and grandson back, and even said that if he did not bring Hua Yu and grandson back, Come back, she will never return to the palace in her life, one can imagine how much the queen mother cares about the two of them!

Hua Yu was speechless, and she talked about the business with him, and he came to talk about other things, and it was the last thing she wanted to talk about.Why is this man so stubborn!That's all!That's all!Everyone is an adult, and they all have the ability to completely act and control themselves. If he wants to, that is his business. She is too lazy to take care of it, and she doesn't want to do it anymore.

Hua Yu's expression was cold, and he saw it for a long time... "The mother's whereabouts are uncertain, and she can only stay in a place for three days. Even if I told you, she would have gone to several places before you arrived. Can catch up with her footsteps!" Leng Hao said truthfully.

"You really want to see my mother that much?" Leng Hao was rarely serious.

"En!" Hua Yu nodded.

"Just for your mother?"

Yes, you know, I am her daughter, and I want to listen to what she tells me. Now I want to know more about your mother from your mother, since your mother and my mother had nothing to say when they were young. If you don't talk about girlfriends, then I think your mother should know something.

Ah!Filial piety is commendable, but I suggest you ask your father directly.

But Dad also traveled around the world!

"That's why you don't want to go anywhere. You'll come back when they should come back. Your legs are on their feet. No matter how anxious you are!"

"Cut! It seems that it was a mistake to ask you, but thank you... promise, I will return this to you." Hua Yu raised her thumb as she spoke, and there was the jade wrench borrowed from the desk before. It was too big to fit on her finger, and it is now returned to its original owner.

The thing has been returned to its owner, Hua Yu said that he is going to leave the palace now, Leng Hao's reaction is flat, without much expression, Hua Yu feels that things are going well, and the nervous mood is slightly relaxed.

After leaving the study room, everyone was relieved to see Hua Yu coming out, Hua Yu winked, a few people understood, and quickly flashed out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but the sad thing was that it was already dark outside, guessing that even if you go out now, the palace gate will be closed tightly, Without Leng Hao's will, he could not be released.snort!No wonder he was so talkative today, it turned out that they had long been sure that they would not be able to get out.Hua Yu was discouraged for a while, standing at the door of the store, she didn't know where to go?At this time, Director Li came, "The emperor asked the servant to arrange a place for you, and the servant will take the empress." After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Hua Yutong agreed or not, he walked straight away.Hua Yu was angry, and wanted to ignore it stubbornly... Lin Niang pulled the corner of Hua Yucoat, and winked to follow. In the huge palace, this time, this stage is really not the time to be impulsive.Seeing the slightly tired looks of the people, Hua Yu felt guilty, so she pulled Mu Cun to follow her, and let it go...stay here first, and think about some things when the sun rises tomorrow.

What Hua Yu didn't know was that Li Dahai took Hua Yu and his party to the Central Palace, the residence of the empresses of all dynasties. When Hua Yu and the others arrived, the palace was already brightly lit, and Hua Yu had the illusion of going home ...In the hall, two rows of Qi Pupu's court ladies stood up on both sides of the road, and when they saw Huayu approaching, they said in unison, "Welcome your empress to return to the palace!"

Hua Yu was puzzled, why this battle seemed to have been arranged long ago, and the greeting seemed to be ordered by someone, Hua Yu seemed to understand... Feeling uneasy for a while, she said loudly, "First, I am not your mother, So the title has to be changed, everyone can call me madam." Hua Yu thought about wanting a title, they definitely wouldn't dare to call her by her first name, and it's not appropriate to be called Miss Mei, only this madam is okay.

Several people were really tired. After the usual washing, they were arranged to sleep in different rooms. According to the rules, male guests are not allowed to stay overnight in the harem. Huayu guessed that it was because there were no flowers in the back garden, and Shadow had this Fuli, during the day, she quietly asked an elderly court lady, and she confirmed from her that there were indeed no flowers around the emperor, not to mention the radiant peonies, even small flowers and grasses, a veritable loner, golden The best of bachelors!
Large room, quiet night, chasing away the maid on duty, tired from a day's work, but Hua Yu still didn't feel sleepy, so she opened her big eyes and looked at the top of the gauze tent, but there was a small pile in her mind. ...Little Zhuang, her little Zhuang...

(End of this chapter)

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