Chapter 279
Inside the Cheying Palace, Yuhua Palace
"I want my mother, I want my mother, I don't care... You guys quickly help me find a mother! Um... um... um..." A childish voice kept crying, a beautiful little face Full of grievances, as if someone snatched his mother and refused to give it to him. Dad also came, but it didn't work, because what he wanted was mother. After two hours of crying and tossing, no one could do anything to him... Linger Xiaocui was surprised, she didn't make trouble like this on weekdays, the empress had gone out with the emperor for almost four months, but she still hasn't come back, the problem is that the emperor has come back but the empress has not come back, the emperor's explanation is that the empress is too happy to leave, and she wants to leave. Play outside for a while, but based on their understanding of the empress, it is impossible for the empress to miss home so much, how can she not bear to come back, unless there is something procrastinating, the emperor is also, why not wait for the empress to come back together , is really too much!

In the end, the little guy was tired of crying and fussing enough, so he fell asleep quietly. Ling'er felt distressed for a while, the child who couldn't see his mother was really pitiful!But the missing lady was even more worrying. Walking out of Xiaozhuan's side hall, Ling'er went straight to the empress's room. She had to tidy up the lady herself every day, so that the lady could rest at any time when she came back. I really don't understand, the lady is not here, even the emperor doesn't come to sleep on this bed...
Had a fight outside?One or two are so abnormal?Why is it like this after going out for a while?But maybe it's just her narrow-mindedness, her own wild imagination, I hope everything is fine, miss!
"Qin Xin, how is Xiao Zhuang?" He has always loved Hua Yusheng's child very much, and has always regarded it as his own. He was a little displeased by the little guy just now, but thinking about it, he might be too He didn't want his mother to kiss him, so he stopped worrying about it. He was still unprofessional in taking care of the child, and it was more prudent to let Xiao Cui and the others do it, but he was always worried about the little guy, afraid that something might happen to him.

"Go back to the emperor, the young master has calmed down and fell asleep, your majesty, you can rest assured!" Qin Xin said with a smile.

"Have you visited Wu Fan?"

Qin Xin was taken aback for a moment, and replied with difficulty, "No... I haven't seen it!"

The memorial in Emperor Yun's hand was slammed onto the table with a "slap", obviously... the emperor was angry!

"The emperor... Your majesty, it's all due to Qin Xin's negligence. Qin Xin will arrange it now." She didn't wait for Emperor Yun to attack again, and she ran away wisely. No one cares about anyone, but well!This little master's abnormality is not a trivial matter, if she is sick, it will be troublesome, just now it was really her negligence, it should have been thought of long ago, it is all her fault!Qin Xin rushed to the Tai Hospital in a hurry, she had to go there in person before she could rest assured!
Yuhua Temple

"Ling'er, come and see, why is Xiao Zhuang's head so hot?" Xiao Cui said very worriedly. She was still taking care of the child in her mother's arms. Yongyuan was her first discovery.

Ling'er, who was arranging Xiaopiao's clothes, heard Xiao Cui's unusual tone, put down her work anxiously and hurried to the little guy's bed, and also probed with her hands. Sure enough... Ling'er's face changed, how could it be ?They were all fine before going to bed, why did they develop a fever in just a while, it was too sudden, the imperial doctor hadn't arrived yet, Ling'er and Xiao Cui decided to use the method that their young lady taught them before, because children are different from adults, they have fever Sometimes the heat couldn't dissipate, so he had to take off his clothes and let them hang out to dry. Furthermore, he even applied a cold towel to his forehead, and the effect was also very good!

Little things didn't have a fever when Qin Xin left, so Wu Fan saw that it was Qin Xin who came looking for him, although it was for Xiao Zhuang, it was business!Besides, it was just making a fuss, he must be missing his mother, don't worry, he'll get the emperor's wound medicine ready first, and this emperor is also... so seriously injured, he rushed back from the border city without stopping, it's really desperate!The injury was already serious enough, but his life was hanging by a thread after tossing around in this palace. Fortunately, he had an ancestral healing elixir, which pulled him back from the gate of the King of Hell's palace. It can be said that this imperial doctor is doing everything possible to help the emperor get back to normal as soon as possible. No... he doesn't even dare to use other people's hands to make the medicine juice, because the medicine must be specially controlled. It is very difficult to control the effect, it is very difficult to control, during this period of time he stayed in this hospital day and night either to boil medicine or to read medical books, the emperor's illness hurt all internal organs, one careless will affect whether he will recover in the future get once upon a time...

"Are you still angry with me?" Qin Xin thought that Wu Fan was deliberately neglecting her, and said displeasedly.

"Angry?...I'm not free!" He was so busy day and night, he didn't have time to be angry, but it was just angry words, there was some anger, but it was not yet time, he was busy now...

"Then hurry up!" She was so anxious that he couldn't see it?The empress is not here, and the emperor is not feeling well, this family can't let the little master have anything...

"You go back first, I'll get the emperor's medicine and rush over here." Wu Fan said displeasedly, the so-called urging work is not urging food, Qin Xin has passed her!

"Surnamed Wu, do you want to leave?" Qin Xin was furious, assuming that if you don't leave, I will smash your hospital posture.


"No hurries?"


Just when the two of them were at war, a footstep hurriedly came, "You...don't quarrel!...Mr. Wu...quick! Xiao Zhuang has a high fever, and now he has a rash..."
"What?" Wu Fan was shocked. He even forgot the emperor's decoction that was brewing on the fire. He immediately took the medicine box and walked quickly in the direction where Linger came. Qin Xin, who hadn't reacted yet, stood there alone, but it was only for a while, no one noticed that Qin Xin's face had already turned pale, how could it be?Immediately jumped onto the roof and used all of his internal strength to fly towards the Yuhua Palace...

"It hurts... I want a mother!" Xiao Zhuang on the bed kept repeating this sentence, Xiao Cui didn't know whether the little thing was awake or talking in sleep, but his eyes were closed tightly, and he seemed to be in a coma. up.

Wu Fan who rushed over hurriedly shouted as soon as he entered the hall, "How is it now?... Get out of the way, I'll take a look.... Have you notified the emperor?" Wu Fan shouted as he walked anxiously. According to his son's description, he was worried that it was chickenpox.

"The guards at the emperor's side have already gone to call, Imperial Physician Wu, is the young master not serious? Why is your body so hot!"

Wu Fan looked at Xiao Zhuang wholeheartedly as if he hadn't heard what Xiao Cui said, and hurriedly sat down, looked around and asked everything, and did everything without hesitation. Everyone only saw the serious look on the imperial doctor's face, yes...he was really caught He guessed right!well!This little guy is still so young, how could he contract this disease, this time...he is not very sure, he is resigned to his fate.

Come on, isolate them quickly, Qin Xin, take an inventory of the people in Yuhua Hall, those who have never been in contact with Xiao Zhuang, move out of Yuhua Hall now, and quickly arrange a place for them to settle in the outer hall, like Xiao Zhuang. Cui Ling'er and you, you just have to stay in this Yuhua Palace, and you are not allowed to take a step out of this palace gate. Later, I will ask the emperor to send guards to guard here, and I will block the emperor at the gate, so that he will never leave. Don't come in, they won't be able to meet until Xiao Zhuang recovers, go! ... Hurry up and do it.

Next, Wu Fan wrote a prescription with a few strokes, and asked someone to wrap it in paper and deliver it to the entrance of the hall. Contact, even the mouth and nose are covered tightly.

The little master in the palace got sick, and the whole palace was very worried. They heard that it was chickenpox and no one hid, but they would rather serve the little master by themselves. If necessary, everyone can run frequently, and the efficiency is frighteningly high.

Emperor Yun was the last one to know. When he heard about this, he coughed up blood anxiously on the spot, the internal injury recurred, the wound healed opened again, and he fell to the ground unconscious.Tie Feng, Bingxue and Qiu Shui learned of the situation and rushed into the palace overnight, how could this happen!The lifeblood of the lady!If something goes wrong, not to mention the young lady, even they may not be able to survive.Among them, Tie Feng was the calmest. After thinking about it, he still notified the Blood Wolf Pavilion's stronghold in Jialan City. He hoped that they would notify Hua Yu. Xiao Zhuang is also Leng Huang's child. If he still loves Hua Yu Yu will find a way to find Hua Yu and send it back. After all, a sick child needs the comfort and care of the mother most.

Yuhua Temple

The lights are bright all night, and the people inside are busy all night, so they dare not close their eyes, for fear that the situation of the little master will change, everyone lives in fear, the little master of Amitabha survived the dangerous period safely, the calmest person inside is Wu Fan, and the rest of the Tai Hospital Everyone was sent to the Hall of Mental Cultivation by Wu Fan, and he was the only one fighting alone in the Hall of Yuhua, but...he knew in his heart that the little thing would be safe and sound, but the waiting time was too tormented, which made him feel anxious. A look of decadence!
Time is moving bit by bit, the entire palace is covered with dark clouds, everyone's face is full of gloom, everyone is sweating for the little guy, and the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Emperor Yun is still unconscious, so of course he can't. After being given any kind of medicine, the condition has no progress...and it is getting worse and worse. Chen Wenzhong hastily posted a notice, offering a reward to seek medical treatment, stating that if he can cure the disease of the master and the master, he will be allowed to be prosperous for generations to enjoy. The imperial salary, no need to relieve the king's worries!

For a while, the news that the emperor's prince was dying spread across the country, and the whole country was silent, everyone was worried about the master, and people with ideas looked for remedies everywhere, and sent them to the yamen one after another. The local yamen was crowded, but the yamen was too busy The people in the village, they have to break down the "mind" of the people, and the secret method will naturally be presented to the court as soon as possible. As for those old hens, fresh eggs!Pork and cabbage... He couldn't teleport, and he had a headache for a while, it looked difficult!
(End of this chapter)

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