Chapter 297
The big servant girl kowtowed to Hua Yu several times in gratitude before hurriedly walking towards the table. After a while, the maid took a few silver ingots, a total of 200 taels, which also encouraged the people behind, and they left all morning. It's almost done, Huayu asked Xiaoyan to count, and the eight people on her side, there are only 20 people in total, compared with the hundreds of people just now, the cost is greatly reduced.Taking this as an example, Huayu in other palaces also let Xiaoyan do it. There are not many people left in the palace, but... the people who are willing to stay are exactly the number Huayu wants. within range.

This is the first time she has been involved in personnel matters since she entered the palace, and it turned out to be very successful. I believe that the next thing will also make her wish come true!

Today, Huayu took Xiaoyan and his party out of Sunshine Avenue, so they must go out for a walk!When the smell of autumn is the strongest, yellow leaves flutter everywhere, like a butterfly flying in the air, and finally fall back to the earth, piling up a thick layer of beautiful leaves, which are soft and tender when stepped on. With a crunchy and rustling voice, it sounds nice and comfortable. Hua Yu is alone under the tree, and she can't help reaching out to catch the falling colorful butterflies, like a girl full of innocence, beautiful and affectionate!

Mu Huaibai sighed in the distance, what a beautiful picture!Just like a fairy, it is very confusing to people's eyes.

Mu Huaibai accompanied the empress and the empress to visit Miss Hua today, it's pitiful, their majesty the empress is very afraid of Miss Hua!No, Miss Hua has been here for more than a month, and she didn't dare to step into the imperial palace to meet that girl, she just dared to hide and watch like this every day. Willing, no one is sorry for anyone, in his opinion, the empress has nothing to feel guilty about, just step forward to recognize each other generously, and he doesn't know what the dragon and phoenix are insisting on?It's sad, but he has to do this kind of sneaky thing every day, and if he wants to let that girl know, he won't laugh his ass off.

"Huang'er, look, our child is really like you, beautiful and innocent!" The empress who was also hiding in the dark looked at Hua Yu and sighed.

"What kind of compliment is this? Beautiful and innocent? Beautiful and wise are always better than yours." The queen was not happy. Her daughter is the most beautiful and wise woman in the world.

At this time... the empress's expression froze instantly. Before Long Yang could ask her, she jumped out of the bushes. This is the man's rainforest specially designed by her before. It looks like a big forest, so hidden, but there is no Too much modification, natural and comfortable.

"Huang'er!" Long Yang blurted out, his Huang'er was still impulsive, wouldn't he expose all of them by going out? ... But it was obviously too late.

Although Hua Yu was surprised by the figure that suddenly appeared, it was also expected. Just now, she vaguely felt that someone was staring at her. She looked over, but couldn't see any figure.I thought I was thinking too much.

"Heh! Heh!" Regarding her appearance, Her Majesty showed unprecedented embarrassment, and Mu Huaibai was shocked. Some women really forgot who they are!It's really rare to see Her Majesty the Queen being so down-to-earth!

"Hua Yu pays homage to Her Majesty the Empress!" For this empress, Hua Yu is more or less afraid of her rights, royal power!If she is unhappy, let alone her, even the whole world can be wiped out. Therefore, it is better to be a human being with your tail between your legs when you are under the eaves!She really didn't think that she was the master of the palace, the empress of the daughter country, she couldn't take it seriously until the matter became a reality.

This person is strange, a few months ago, he was given the position of prince, and he ran away desperately. After a few months, he was caught again, but his mentality changed. Now she hopes that she is the empress, at least in the kingdom of daughters. It's just that she has the final say, and it's much easier to find other things after taking power. Power is a good thing if it is used correctly!
"You don't need to be polite, daughter, please get up quickly!" The queen who stretched out her hand to support Hua Yu was staring at Hua Yu with eyes full of flowers. The more she looked, the more satisfied she was. This is the number one beauty in the world, the more she looks the more satisfied she is!

Hua Yu got goosebumps all over her body, this empress can't judge people like this!Apart from this look, she was satisfied with everything else. Anyway, she didn't have a mother in this world. It's a good thing to have a mother now, it means that there is one more person who loves her!But you can't use this kind of look, she is a bit creepy!
"En!" Hua Yu responded.Her Majesty quickly took Hua Yu's hand, "Daughter! No wonder I felt familiar when I saw you for the first time, very kind and caring!" The Empress still clearly remembers the meeting at Jingxin Pavilion that day The scene, for some reason, she liked this girl at a glance, so she invited her to be at the same table. mother and daughter.

Long Yang also stepped forward, and quietly elbowed the queen. The queen understood, "Yu'er, I am your mother, and he is your father. Don't you like so many rules? When you see your parents in the future, you will be happy." You don't need to salute!" She loves her daughter very much, she discussed this matter with Long Yang before, their daughters will not be able to bend down to anyone in the future, only allow the whole world to bend down to their daughters, as if they were alive Queen Supremacy!

To this day, Hua Yu has already seen the facts clearly. She likes and doesn't dislike this pair of parents, but... it would be great if her prime minister father was there, and Chu Xiang, whom she has never met Mother, I wonder what a real person looks like?If they were all there, would they all like her?Don't fight!
The real family of three looked so alike to others, even Mu Huaibai was secretly surprised, why didn't he notice it before?The three of them got together today, but they were very harmonious. It is estimated that walking on the street, one hundred out of a hundred people would say that they are a family. Take it easy!After all, it takes time to make up for the lack of family affection that has been lost for more than ten years...

Anyway, being idle is boring, but Huayu is willing to take a walk with the new parents, chat, drink tea, and talk about some things about the child in her stomach, and she has never been cold, because they always have endless things to say .

After a few hours, Hua Yu yawned several times. She sleeps much less now than when she was in the car, and she is not as sleepy as before. I guess she is sitting here too much today, and she is so sleepy!Seeing Hua Yu's appearance, the empress was terribly distressed!He hurriedly ordered someone to help Hua Yu go back to rest, and he did not forget to tell the maid to give Hua Yu something to eat first, for fear that one of them would be hungry.

Seeing the back of the girl going away, the queen burst into tears. She really endured and endured just now. No one knew how she was excited when she saw her daughter. She didn't know that she was her daughter before, but now she knows. I also saw her, not to mention how excited she was, but she held back.

It seems... There is progress, at least the daughter does not reject their second son, the next thing is how to let the daughter successfully enthroned, it is not an excuse to say that she is seriously ill and can't handle state affairs, but the fact, these days, she has handed over all state affairs I gave it to Longyang to take care of it, but she also has selfish thoughts. She and Longyang have lost more than [-] years of time. Now that the clouds are blooming to see the sun and the moon, she doesn't want to waste time with him, and his heart is the same , So... In the future, they will step back as soon as possible and let their daughter ascend the throne. With their backing, I believe that those people in the court will not dare to do anything wrong.

After everything stabilized, she went boating with Longyang on the lake, traveled north and south, and then sought medical treatment for her hidden illness. In this palace, the imperial doctors took turns to show her, and the unanimous conclusion was that there was no cure. , but Longyang knows medical skills, he said it can be cured and it can be cured!
Once they withdraw, their daughter will be alone and helpless. Therefore, they want to pave the way for their daughter's future first. First, they want to let Mu Huaibai enter the imperial palace. He is the prime minister of the daughter's country. Only then will it be calm and soothing.Furthermore, Che Quanyun, the emperor of Che Yingguo, is the person her daughter loves, and even the father of the child she is pregnant with. He must give up the emperor to accompany his daughter, and Leng Hao, although his daughter It's the past tense with him, but the child is sincere and devoted to his daughter, and he is also the father of his grandson. Besides, they learned from Mu Huaibai that his daughter still has an old love for him, so they also hope that he will come too This Daughter Country is with her daughter, when the time comes... Daughter Country will be able to dominate the world without any effort, why not do it?Think about it is beautiful!

In the country of daughters, it is normal for a woman to have a husband with ten or eight families, and it is a symbol of status. What's more, a daughter is a queen, and all the men in the world belong to her, and they can be included in the harem. As long as the daughter likes it, So... It is not too much to let my daughter marry Muhuai Baiyun Emperor Leng Wang at the same time. This is a happy event, but the harem is still not full, but...they can only manage here, the matter of setting up a queen, setting up a concubine and taking concubines Let the daughter worry about it herself.

Hua Yu, who just undressed and fell asleep, sneezed for no reason, turned her head slightly, Hua Yu thought, the new parents were probably planning on her again, shook her head, she was also very helpless, let's talk when she wakes up !

And King Yun Leng, who was far away from Che Ying and Tianqi, received a letter at the same time this day, a letter from Feige from the palace of the visitor's daughter country, and the inside was an extremely sincere invitation, heh!It's the father-in-law and mother-in-law, the kindness is hard to refuse!The kindness is hard to refuse, but they all decided not to go south at sunrise, and set off as soon as everything was arranged, even if there was no invitation, they would chase after their wives wherever they were, it was only right and proper!

(End of this chapter)

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