Chapter 298
Hua Yu, who just undressed and fell asleep, sneezed for no reason, turned her head slightly, Hua Yu thought, the new parents were probably planning on her again, shook her head, she was also very helpless, let's talk when she wakes up !

And King Yun Leng, who was far away from Che Ying and Tianqi, received a letter at the same time this day, a letter from Feige from the palace of the visitor's daughter country, and the inside was an extremely sincere invitation, heh!It's the father-in-law and mother-in-law, the kindness is hard to refuse!The kindness is hard to refuse, but they all decided not to go south at sunrise, and set off as soon as everything was arranged, even if there was no invitation, they would chase after their wives wherever they were, it was only right and proper!

However, regarding the fact that Hua Yu is a direct descendant of the daughter country's royal family, the time when Leng Hao knew about it was obviously Empress Yun. , and it made him even more unbelievable that he...was actually a half-brother with that annoying Emperor Yun. It was too scary. How could he have any contact with him?

He couldn't digest this matter even after thinking about it for a few days. If it was true, wouldn't Hua Yu marry her younger brother first and then her older brother? This would let people in the world know and not despise her. This would ruin her reputation. Very worried!

Leng Hao's worry is also what Emperor Yun is worried about. If this matter gets out, then what face will her Yu'er have, so...he must act, and let everyone who knows about this matter and who has taken over this matter Shut up, but the living will never shut up, he will do anything for Huayu!On this point, King Leng had the same thoughts and actions as him. How many people died overnight, but they didn't know why until they died?A bloody storm broke out again...

Apocalypse Imperial City, it was night, a group of people drove out from the city gate, and the guarding generals wanted to stop them, but they did not open the door at night, until a gold medal was revealed from the curtain of the car, the officers and soldiers present were shocked Dumbfounded, he didn't have time to kneel down and hurriedly opened the city gate, until the group of people walked away and the sound of horseshoes faded away, everyone turned their heads and pinched each other one after another, wondering if they were dreaming just now?Facts have proved that it will hurt!

As for Che Ying, there was also a group of people leaving Jialan City at the same time, traveling at the same night, it was really exciting!

Hua Yu's belly is becoming more and more visible now. Fortunately, the ancient clothes are wide enough to cover her stomach, but her gait cannot be covered. The empress has already discussed it. Tomorrow is an auspicious day, Prince The enthronement ceremony will be held tomorrow, and the rush is a bit rushed, but everything that should be prepared is meticulous, and everything is meticulous. I have to say that this ancient man is still very efficient!
Huayu was very tired and wanted to learn how to govern the country with a full stomach. She thought it would be great if there was a team to advise her. She had seen the group of people in the court before. They were just a group of rice worms. Doing practical things, thinking about forming a party for personal gain all day long, self-interest and bullying the country, is not reliable at all.I have to fight wits and courage with them all day, and solve a bunch of problems they created.Just thinking about it makes me upset!well!It would be fine if Yun was here, and so would Leng Hao, at worst, she would hire him!
Thinking of her college students in the 21st century, she is rich in knowledge!But... it's useless!It was useless to deal with those old stubborn people, so she went to the court with Tian Fenghuang a few times, and she stopped working. very helpful.

I have never seen such a sad student like her, who has to go to school with a big belly, alas!It's not easy to be a queen, you have to have real talents!She is serious now, without any support, it turns out that she can be so strong!
On the second day, the autumn weather was still fresh, the clouds were light and the wind was breezy, and Hua Yu's heart was more relaxed and happy, so Xiao Yan and the others followed her out of Sunshine Avenue. She has been here for a while, but there are few places outside of Sunshine Avenue. , I haven't finished stepping on this palace so far, no... The master and servants walked out of the Sunshine Avenue and walked through the most open Maple Leaf Forest.

The maple leaves in this autumn are as red as fire. Looking around, it is like entering a sea of ​​fire. Huayu also smells a fragrance. After careful identification, it is the fragrance of nature. When the wind blows by, the yellow leaves are like flowers. Breaking free like a butterfly, she floated down free and easy. Hua Yu hurriedly reached out to catch it. Her beautiful eyes watched the leaf fall smoothly onto her little hand, and she jumped up excitedly. Yan hurriedly reminded Hua Yu to hold back, but luckily she stopped.

But a person in the distance saw this scene, but his eyes were fascinated, and he comforted himself, even a man would be fascinated, such a fairy moment!For several days, he followed the emperor and empress and hid in the dark to watch Huayu, alas!Speaking of which, what about being an emperor and queen?In the end, I still yearn for the life of ordinary people, but now I don't even dare to look at my daughter openly!well!His poor emperor and queen!

As for Longyang Tianfenghuang, they had been staring at their daughter all the time, but they started arguing again. One said that Huayu looked like him, and the other said that he looked like him. They fought back and forth, and in the end only Longyang compromised. well!She said that her daughter is like her, just like her! ... In fact, my daughter is more like me!Even that character is similar.

After playing with the leaves enough, she still has to move forward. Hua Yu wants to walk more. She doesn't want to imagine those young women who stay still in their yard all day waiting for their husband to come. In the end, they get sick all over. She is different. She knows that It's through exercise. Now she can't practice square dancing, yoga, or sword with her belly upright, but she can walk more, which can also exercise her body.

A layer of leaves has been spread on the ground, like a bed of red, yellow and white autumn colorful carpets. When you step on it, there is a soft "rustling" sound, and it is still soft, very comfortable!

Hua Yu's infatuated play does not mean that she has no awareness of the surrounding environment. She always feels that there are several pairs of eyes staring at her, but when she looks back along the place where her gaze came, there is no one there, but , she was sure someone was following her.

"Come out, come out now that you're here" Hua Yu finally said, if her guess is correct, it should be the new parents again, alas, always sneaking around, wasn't it the same yesterday?
For a long time... A few people walked out from behind the shorter apricot tree. Hua Yu looked at it and despised it. It really was them!

"It's you? You're following me again!" Hua Yu pretended to be displeased, but she couldn't tell them with a smile, right now, it's much easier to put a straight face than a smile!
"! Daughter, we didn't follow you. We just wanted to see you every day before we came to take a look, but we were afraid that you would get angry when you saw us, so we only dared to watch secretly." The queen said first, but the queen always At this time, the domineering real body surprised people, and he said it timidly, as if he was afraid of making his daughter unhappy!
Hua Yu suddenly felt that she was sinful, so she quickly greeted her with a smile, followed the etiquette of a monarch and minister, and called her parents, only then did she see the new parents smile and squint their eyes.

Seeing his beloved wife, well, Long Yang quickly stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around her shoulders, she is also his own daughter, if someone else, he will teach her a lesson today, in the future, whoever speaks rudely and hurt her, he will not let him see Let the sun shine tomorrow! "Huang'er!"

Long Yang's soft call successfully caused the empress to raise her eyes, and the two people's eyes met, they knew each other, and they smiled tacitly!In an instant... Hua Yuzhen saw the real picture of "holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son", well, she admitted, she was jealous!
well!Where is her cloud?And what about her pile?This ancient is ancient, there is not even a phone!With a phone, she can still call every day to relieve the pain of lovesickness, alas...

Today is the first few days that she has sighed in her heart. Xiaoyan can see it clearly. Although she has only been with the new master for more than a month, she really likes this master who is unassuming and considerate, so... the group of them are also Seriously consider the master, don't be careless!
"Daughter, tomorrow is the enthronement ceremony. I asked Huai Bai to explain the process to you. Actually... just listen, everything that needs to be prepared is ready."

"En," Hua Yu responded.

Mu Huaibai stepped forward, took out a file from his cuff and handed it to Hua Yu, Hua Yu glanced at Mu Huaibai, saw him nodding for her to open, Hua Yu then untied the ribbon, and unfolded the records inside. There are densely packed words on it, which record tomorrow's enthronement. Hua Yu glanced at the project, my god, there are more than 100 items, and Hua Yu's head was big in an instant, so she found a table and sat down to read carefully When she got up, the people around her also cooperated, and they didn't even say a word. Hua Yu also watched quickly. Finally... asked the palace man to give a pen, raised it up and stroked it for a while. Huai Bai, the prime minister will take another look, heh!This girl, she is the only one who dares to be so unscrupulous, even the rules and regulations left by the royal family's ancestors have been completely saved by her!However, there are three most important and crucial matters left behind, which are feasible, depending on the pair of dragon and phoenix supreme beside him.

Hua Yu took the scented tea that Xiaoyan made for herself, and took a sip, um, the taste is mellow and fragrant, really comfortable!She also checks on the new parents from time to time, and she doesn't know if they allow it, just joking... More than 100 items have been completely held, so the enthronement ceremony will take five or six days, it is a waste of money, she looked carefully, just this There are more than 20 sacrifices to ancestors, but Mu Huaibai told her before that there is no royal garden in this day's family, they are all located in the east, and when they go out to the west, the entire daughter country, where the geomantic omen is good, there are royal ancestral cemeteries .How did this happen?It's terrible, even a normal person will be tossed half of his life, let alone she is pregnant!
Wait... Hua Yu peeked at the expressions of Long Yang and Tian Fenghuang, tsk tsk... Wonderful, but... In the end, he was calm and controlled like a fish swimming in water!
After a long time, Huayu still waited for their consent, and couldn't help but treat the new parents differently, not bad!He also knows how to listen to kind words!And she could suffer less.Squeezing out a trace of gratitude to look at the parents, Hua Yu was filled with emotion!

(End of this chapter)

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