Big Islander 2

Chapter 195 The Price of Victory

Chapter 195 The Price of Victory

Brown has now fully entered the state, and he has never felt so good, not only the touch, but also the spirit has always remained in a stable and excited state, and Brown in this state is almost invincible.

Unfortunately, his opponent is Daxing.Daxing is not fighting alone, Tang Datou, who is present in the audience, is his closest comrade-in-arms.Every inadvertent pointing and pointing can save the big star from danger, and even hit many incredible goals.Even so, the one-man-one-monkey game on the table was still inextricably linked, and the game was dragged into the tiebreaker.

Now even the two guest commentators closed their mouths, stretched their necks and stared intently at the table. The neck of Mr. Yingdi was even longer than that of a pheasant.

The audience in front of the TV was also attracted by this wonderful game, and at this moment, the ratings of this small TV station had surpassed the live football and NBA.

If the audience knew the huge stakes involved behind the game, I'm afraid it would be even crazier.Most of them were originally Brown's supporters, but as the game progressed, more and more people supported the big star.

At the scene, those dandies also fell into a state of madness, and that feeling even surpassed taking ~ drugs.Including David, none of them looked sideways and had no distractions, only the billiard ball was slowly rolling.

A servant walked quickly to David's side, leaned over and whispered a few words.Although David was very reluctant, he didn't dare not answer his father's call, so he walked outside the door, answered the call, and looked back at the ball table.

"What's going on with this game?" His father's majestic voice came from the phone, and David turned his head quickly in surprise, with a respectful look, although his father couldn't see his posture at the moment.

After listening to David's explanation, a roar came from the other end of the phone: "Stop the game immediately, if you lose Paradise Island, you will jump directly into the Caribbean Sea and never come back!"

For a while, David was in a trance. Although he was a dude, he was quite aware of the seriousness.The reason why Paradise Island and several small islands around it were bought by the family is because there are rich oil and gas resources under the bay here, which occupies a vital position in the family's strategic deployment.Originally, he thought that inviting Brown would be a surefire win, but he didn't expect that the game would be so stalemate.

This call also completely awakened David. For him, this was a game that he simply couldn't afford to lose.So he turned around and rushed back.But within two steps, there was warm applause and cheers in front of him, as well as the broken voice of the parrot: "Win, win—"

David felt his head buzzing: Is the game over?

Then, he saw Brown walked up to the orangutan, bent down to shake hands with it, and the usual triumphant smile was replaced by a kind of disappointment; while the orangutan was excitedly waving the club, frequently to the audience blow kisses.

Lost, I actually lost Paradise Island, the family will not spare me—David’s eyes were blurred, his whole body seemed to be falling apart, and he collapsed to the ground.

"Hahaha, we won!" Tang Jide was even more excited than Daxing. He, the behind-the-scenes hero, finally rushed to the front of the stage, picked up Daxing, and threw it high into the air.

The big star danced the cue, like a golden cudgel, knocked on Tang Jide's big head, and then landed with a somersault, he carried the cue on his shoulder, and put his hand on the backside.

"Dare to ask where is the way? Daxing, you are preparing to learn scriptures from the western sky, quack quack, you have become a Buddha now, and you are still fighting against the Buddha, who will destroy whoever you see!" .

The live broadcast of the match was over, but the audience still couldn't get enough of it. The TV station's phone was almost ringing off the hook, all asking when there would be another big star match.However, it might be difficult to see big stars playing billiards again. Not everyone is willing to pay a bonus of several hundred million.Even a top golfer like Brown would not be able to earn such a sum of money throughout his life.

It wasn't until this time that someone found David who had fainted. The servants had a good meal before waking him up, but this Mr. David's eyes were dull and he didn't say a word, just staring at the ceiling , just like stupid.

His cronies and friends also realized that something was wrong, and they began to think about getting out.Although there are many celebrities and rich people who own private islands in the United States, an island as large as Paradise Island and with an excellent location is simply priceless.This time David got into a catastrophe, obviously his family will be very annoyed, and they are not prepared to suffer from the disaster.

But it was already late at night, and they couldn't leave for the time being, so they all went back to their respective rooms with heavy thoughts.The arrogant voice of the pheasant came from behind: "Now this island is ours. In the middle of the night, I will ask you to stay for another night, and you will all get out tomorrow morning-and you must pay the accommodation fee!"

A place of right and wrong, don’t stay for long——After returning to the room, the little boy tossed and turned, saying that he couldn’t sleep well, and finally slipped out of the room, found a set of diving equipment, quietly came to the beach, and then got into the sea, as if That's the only way to feel a little safe.

It's not that he is as timid as a mouse. In his nearly 30 years of life, he has experienced too many storms and seen too many swords and swords in the dark. Be careful when sailing for thousands of years.

Not long after the little white face dived into the water, a huge monster appeared like a ghost in the sea not far from him, with a long cigar shape, indicating that it was the deep-sea killer-submarine.And it's not an ordinary submarine, but a strategic nuclear submarine.

The reason why a nuclear submarine is called a strategic weapon is because of its super power and powerful and sudden strike capability.Some people say that even if a country is wiped out, as long as there is still a nuclear submarine wandering in the depths of the ocean, then his enemies will not dare to relax in the slightest, and his country will not be completely destroyed.

And such an Ohio-class nuclear submarine quietly appeared in the waters of Paradise Island at this moment.Never doubt the background of a big family, they have always been in control of a country's politics and military either explicitly or covertly.As for the Mr. President in the White House, he is just the spokesperson they push to the front.

For the Lucefeller family, Paradise Island was a place they couldn't afford to lose, so they prepared a massacre; and the owner of Peach Blossom Island was actually in Paradise Island, and the military was overjoyed: sent to the door Come, kill without mercy!

Speaking of which, Big Head really offended him. Whether it was the explosion at the Guam base or the last time he threatened a nuclear submarine, the U.S. military was ashamed, so his head had long been listed as the number one target.

Therefore, a nuclear submarine from a secret base closest to Paradise Island came here to perform this special mission.Perhaps because of the lesson learned from the last time, this nuclear submarine is really equipped with two powerful machine guns, which slowly rise from the opened airtight cabin.If someone entangles the nuclear submarine like Tang Jide did before, he will suffer a storm of machine gun bullets.

A group of heavily armed soldiers began to rush to land on the beach. They were well-trained, no less than the Navy SEALs, as if they were divine soldiers; everything.

The little white face just took a quick glance, then dived into the water again, and swam away quickly.Because of his nervousness, he could even feel his heart beating rapidly: fortunately, he had the foresight, otherwise, he might be murdered in a daze.

He secretly made up his mind: he must disappear for a while, this world is too dangerous.

The soldiers worked together in a division of labor and moved quickly and orderly. They quickly took control of several main buildings on Paradise Island, and then began to invade the small white western-style building in the middle, where the guests rested and entertained.

Soon, two soldiers came out to support a man, and it was David. This guy was not honest at all. He probably thought he was being kidnapped.So a soldier chopped a knife on his neck, David's head drooped, and he passed out completely.As long as this target is brought to the submarine, the soldiers will have no scruples and can do whatever they want, even if they launch missiles to blow up this paradise island, they will not hesitate.Because they have been ordered: at any cost, no one will be left alive.

"I want to run away if I owe money, there is no way, first hand over the ownership of Paradise Island to me!" There was a yell from above the door, it was the pheasant who was there after the sale.This guy has a lot of eyes, and he was worried that David would slip away, so he just squatted here all the time. It's just that Brother Pheasant, who is always delicious and lazy, fell asleep unconsciously. If David wasn't tossing around there, he wouldn't be able to wake up.

Before the pheasant finished shouting, two submachine guns fired at it. The clear gunshots completely broke the tranquility of the night, and a killing kicked off the dawn.

The instant the gunshot rang out, the pheasant was jerked up and flew into the house through a window.Tang Jide scolded in the darkness: "You are stupid, you didn't see so many soldiers!"

"Didn't I sleep in a daze—" the pheasant justified, and then Tang Datou rudely stuffed it into the pitcher.Afterwards, the little Xiami in the suite also ran out with Shagu and Princess England, all dressed neatly, it seemed that they had already noticed it beforehand.

"What's going on outside?" Tang Jide looked at the board squatting on Xiao Xiami's shoulders, which had acted as a temporary sentinel just now.

Woooooooo—Xiaobai's excited howls sounded in the room. This guy got excited when he heard that there was going to be a fight.But soon Daxing jumped up and knocked him on the head a few times: I know if someone has a gun, that thing is not something that flesh and blood can stop.

Xiaobai had never seen a gun before, so he hummed twice unwillingly, and then there was a loud gunshot, dense bullets hit the window, the glass was instantly shattered, and sawdust and sand flew around.Xiao Bai was so frightened that he flopped on the ground and put his head in his hands. He finally knew how powerful the bullet was——

(End of this chapter)

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