Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 101 Temporarily Retreating the Enemy

Chapter 101 Temporarily Retreating the Enemy

Although Xu Miao's body has been forged by the blood of the consonant green ox, he is powerless to resist the fourth-level monster.Xu Miao raised her right hand high, allowing the forest spider to step on this person's body.

As soon as the footsteps entered the body, Xu Miao clearly felt the venom of the forest spider penetrate into the body.The Guangyuan Pill in his hand had already been given to Dong's family at the very beginning. There was no detoxification pill, and the venom immediately entered the dantian along the meridians.

There was still half a cup of tea before the poisonous hair, Xu Miao raised her eyes and glanced at the few legs stuck on his body, calculating the best path for the sword in the sleeve to attack in her mind.

After calculating the path, Xu Miao quickly swung the sword in the sleeve and slashed at the joints of the legs and feet. The forest spider did not expect that the monk in front of him could launch a counterattack when he was poisoned.

Shi Jian, who was not far away, saw Xu Miao trapped, and his eyes were tearing apart.He wanted to get out to help Xu Miao many times, but was always blocked by the black blood wolf.Dong Wenbi, who was replaced by Xu Miao, joined Shi Jian and Dong Wenjie's team to kill the Black Blood Wolf together.

The existence of the sleepy formation traps the monsters inside the formation, but it also blocks those who want to rescue outside the formation.

The joints are connected to the legs, and the weakest joint of the forest spider was attacked by the top-grade magic weapon. The legs lost their attack power instantly, and the venom could not continue to be injected into Xu Miao's body.

Xu Miao hooked the corners of his mouth, showing a cruel smile, and he shot like lightning, pasting a few top-quality talisman seals on the joints.Monster beasts are no less sensitive to spiritual power than human monks. The moment the talisman seal appeared in Xu Miao's hand, Mori Spider felt the crisis of life and death.

The damaged joints cannot withstand the power of the talisman. As a monster, it is born with the instinct to survive by breaking its legs.The Mori Spider reluctantly broke off the leg that was stuck on Xu Miao's body, and let the talisman stick to the broken leg.

The sleepy array was not big, but it was not small either. After the forest spider broke its leg, it dragged its stump to the place farthest from Xu Miao.As long as it is given time, the broken legs can grow back.

The footsteps pinned him to the ground, and if he wanted to leave, he had to pull out the footsteps from his body.The poison had penetrated into the whole body, Xu Miao's hands were trembling, but his face remained calm.

Calmly pull out the legs one by one, and each step leaves the body, bringing out a stream of blood.The color of this blood is no longer bright red, but the dark red that only appears when poisoned.

After Xu Miao put all her steps aside, she looked at the forest spider.His eyes flickered, and with a wave of his right hand he put away all the talismans on his feet.

The green eyes on the forehead of the forest spider stared at Xu Miao with imperceptible fear.Even for a Level [-] Monster Beast, it would be a great injury to lose so many legs at once.

Xu Miao's current condition could no longer support him to stand up.With his right hand, he slowly grasped an array flag beside him, and with his left hand, he held a stack of talismans.

The spiritual power has been running slower and slower, and the scenery in front of Xu Miao's eyes has also begun to produce double images.Both hands are tightly grasping the things in their hands.

The forest spider has already noticed that Xu Miao is at the end of his strength, and this is its best chance to kill the human monk in front of him.This human being does not have a high level of cultivation, but has a lot of tricks.

From trapping it, designing to break its footsteps, to now a posture of wanting to die with myself.But who is it, a fourth-level monster, how can it be defeated by a little monk.

Everyone thought that Xu Miao was going to perish with the forest spider. The existence of the sleepy array made the sound transmission invalid. Shi Jian yelled sharply. In the end, the ending sound was a little unstable: "Xu Miao, protect yourself, don't have the idea of ​​dying together!" !"

It is not something Xu Miao would do to risk her own life for a fourth-level monster.Xu Miao was waiting to suppress the toxins in his body together, lest the toxins affect his plan.

When her hands stopped shaking, Xu Miao knew that the opportunity had come.Both hands moved at the same time, the left hand threw the talisman towards the moving forest spider, and the right hand pulled up the formation flag.

The left hand that was left was free to prop up on the ground, and then the body quickly swung back, exiting the range of the sleepy formation. After the divine sense detonated the talisman, the right hand immediately inserted the formation flag back to its original place.

As soon as Xu Miao appeared outside the sleepy formation, Dong Xincheng took Xu Miao away from the formation.He took Guangyuan Dan from the tribe and fed it to Xu Miao.The talisman erupted with a roar in the strange formation, and the limited range condensed the power of the talisman.

The forest spider that had just lost its legs was attacked by so many talismans, enough for it to drink a pot.The vitality of the fourth-level monsters is extremely strong, and Xu Miao has no intention of killing the forest spider with a talisman.

As long as he can seriously injure the forest spider with the talisman and let it withdraw from the battle, it will not be in vain to calculate the opponent step by step at the cost of injury and poisoning.

Seeing that the alliance was injured, the black blood wolf lost his mind for a moment.Shi Jian seized the opportunity, and the magic weapon just pierced the black blood wolf's soft abdomen, leaving a long and wide wound.

The two fourth-level monsters were injured, but the three foundation cultivators on Xu Miao's side were not injured by wounds that would affect their combat power.Comparing the two, the forest spider and the black blood wolf looked at each other, and then slowly exited the range of the Dong family.

But at this moment, the morning sun has just risen from the east, dispelling the deep night.After a day and night of fighting, everyone was so exhausted that they could only let the monsters leave and had no energy left to chase them.

Dong Wenbi directed the disciples in the family to perform their duties, heal those who should heal, rest when they should rest, and patrol when they should patrol.After the confession, I deliberately walked around to the room where Xu Miao was resting.

Zhou Fei'er is a tree with dual spiritual roots of water and spirits. She has practiced healing techniques and is currently treating Xu Miao's injuries.Guangyuan Pill can only detoxify, but not heal.

The forest spider's footsteps pierced several holes in Xu Miao's body. Although Xu Miao's spiritual power can repair the wound by itself, he is not as fast as Zhou Fei'er, who specializes in exercises.

Xu Miao also didn't want to reject the other party's kindness, and let Zhou Fei'er heal him.Shi Jian stood aside frowning, still thinking about what happened just now, and just wanted to reprimand Xu Miao severely, but seeing Xu Miao lying on the bed weakly, he couldn't say anything.

When Dong Wenbi came in, Xu Miao had almost recovered.Embarrassed, Dong Wenbi took out two bottles of elixir to restore spiritual power, saying that there were too many losses in the family, so he could only take out so much.

Xu Miao didn't care. After entertaining Dong Wenbi with all her strength, she closed her eyes and rested.Even if the sky is falling now, it can't stop him from resting.

It has to be said that although Zhou Fei'er is very good at treating injuries, such a serious injury cannot be cured quickly.Xu Miao sat on the bed bored, summing up her experience in fighting monsters.

Injuring the two leading monsters this time will only result in two consequences. One is that the other party retreats despite difficulties, and the other is that they regain their strength and make a comeback. Xu Miao prefers the latter.

It is absolutely impossible for monsters to recede easily based on their character of vengeance.Moreover, the other party has almost understood Dong's hole cards, there are only three middle-stage foundation-building monks.

The rest were either injured or insufficiently cultivated, and it was really difficult to form an effective defensive resistance.Dong Wenbi first said that he was attacked by the black blood wolf, and did not mention the forest spider.

Moreover, seeing the reaction of the Dong family when they met the forest spider, they really did not lie.The black blood wolf will look for allies, so after the forest spider is injured, it will definitely continue to look for allies.

The next attack would be either a forest spider or another monster, and there would definitely be a second, or even a third level [-] monster.

The two fourth-level monsters have already let everyone do their best.If three fourth-level monsters appeared together, Xu Miao suddenly felt that he could no longer afford to fight against them.

There were three Foundation Establishment cultivators sitting in the lobby. Their faces were solemn, and they were also thinking about the situation of the next batch of monsters appearing.As a question that Xu Miao, who is in the Qi refining stage, can think of, the three monks who have already matured in the Foundation Establishment stage will naturally think of this question.

The three looked at each other and smiled wryly. There were less than ten Guangyuan Pills left, and they didn't think they could resist the next wave of monster attacks.The best way is to break it up into pieces before the monsters attack, and make everyone flee in all directions.

However, Dong Wenbi and Dong Wenjie, who are the patriarch and elders of the Dong clan, are not willing to give up the family at all, and hand over the territory to the betrayed elder.

Shi Jian proposed to gather the strength of the three of them to hold back the Great Elder and others, trying to send a message to He Qinggu for help.Whether it is the sound transmission talisman or the letter disciple, all of them are sent out, and there is always one who can deliver the message.

Dong Wenjie listened to the order to select someone who was good at body skills from the disciples of the family. Shi Jian thought that among the Heqinggu people brought along, only Xu Miao's wind attribute was the most suitable for sending messages.

However, the Dong family is far away from Heqing Valley, and it takes a few days to go back and forth by the treasure ship. If there is a monster comeback on the way, without Xu Miao, a person with high combat power, the Dong family may not be able to wait for reinforcements. Has been destroyed.

Therefore, Shi Jian ruled out Xu Miao immediately.The disciples who followed him here to perform the task were all strong disciples, except for Zhou Fei'er.

But Zhou Fei'er is not good at physical skills, if she is outside alone, if Cheng Xuanzong catches her, the consequences will be disastrous.There was no suitable candidate, so Shi Jian could only shake his head regretfully.

Fortunately, there are still two or three monks who practice body skills in the Dong family. As long as they can be sent out, there is hope.Dong Wenbi explained to the three of them carefully, and handed them three jade slips printed by Shi Jian himself.

The three of Shi Jian walked towards the place where the Great Elder was entrenched. At first the Great Elder saw the three of them stunned and thought they were here to surrender.However, the other three didn't say a word, they just did it.

The Great Elder's cultivation base is only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, but there are not only the clansmen who betrayed Dong, but also people from Chengxuanzong, and one of them is in the late stage of foundation establishment.

Shi Jian and the three were terrified, but they couldn't turn their heads and run away. They fought each other, hoping that the talisman and the person who communicated could pass one out.

When the three of Shi Jian were fighting with each other, the three monks and countless sound transmission symbols flew towards the direction of He Qinggu.Suddenly, a spirit beast flew out from the place where the Great Elder was, and swallowed all the sound transmission symbols into its stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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