Chapter 102
Dong's family may not know the spirit beast, but Shi Jian recognized it at a glance.That spirit beast is a talisman-devouring beast, which specializes in devouring talisman seals.As long as the owner is alive, it will continue to devour talismans.

All the sound transmission talismans released were devoured by the talisman devouring beast, and everyone's hearts sank, and they could only place their hope in the three people who transmitted the message.

At this time, the third elder who had not shown himself flew into the air, his fingertips glistening with silver.He raised his hand, and the silver light on his fingertips turned into three streaks and rushed towards the three messengers.

Shi Jian and the others wanted to stop the third elder, but they were stopped by the late stage foundation monk of Cheng Xuanzong.Shi Jian was furious: "Fellow Daoist Xu He, are you, Cheng Xuanzong, sure that you want to be an enemy of me, He Qinggu?"

Xu He waved his hand: "Your Daoist Shi is serious. It's just that you had some friendship with You Daoist Dong in the past. Recently, you were entrusted by him to come to help. It has nothing to do with the sect."

Xu He attributed the matter of helping Dong Wenqi to his friends, and put aside his sect.Even if Shi Jian returned to Heqing Valley at that time, he still couldn't say one thing or two.

But Shi Jian is not a three-year-old child, Xu He said, he believed it.Without Cheng Xuanzong's instruction, how could Xu He, a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment, talk to Dong Wenqi, who was only in the middle stage of cultivation.

This is Cheng Xuanzong's revenge. Xu Miao robbed the ancient books last time, and exchanged the ancient books for Lingxi Qingniu.Cheng Xuanzong, who has always been high-spirited, would not swallow this breath no matter what.

Now, there happened to be an incident involving the Dong Clan, and while the other party was fueling the flames, He Qinggu's people were trapped.There are also Xu Miao and Yang Lin's future and hope for He Qinggu, Shi Jian thought of this, and suddenly shuddered.

Cheng Xuanzong's goal may not be the Dong family at all, a formation family may be beneficial to the sect.However, two genius disciples will definitely bring about great changes in the sect.

Their real targets were Xu Miao and Yang Lin, and Cheng Xuanzong would definitely send someone to kill them.But now, the three foundation-building monks are here, and no one in the Dong family can block the attack of the foundation-building monks.

Shi Jian's complexion changed drastically, he didn't even have time to greet Dong Wenbi and Dong Wenjie, leaving the opponents behind, and rushed back to the Dong family as quickly as possible.

Dong Wenjie turned his head and asked Xu He: "Senior Xu, are you going to let the three of them go like this?"

Xu He smiled contemptuously, and did not look directly at Dong Wenjie, but said: "Seeing the best disciples die in front of you is worse than killing them."

The Dong family lost the protection of high-ranking monks, and the people in the mansion were turned on their backs.Xu Miao, who was thinking about what would happen next in the room, was affected by the noise outside the house.

Only after asking Dong's family did they know that it was the three Foundation Establishment cultivators who were out trying to attract the other's attention and send out a message for help.The monk's intuition made Xu Miao feel that something was wrong, but he still couldn't explain why.

He walked towards the lobby, and suddenly found a foundation cultivator appearing in the sky.Xu Miao stopped, looked at the high-altitude monk, and thought about where he came from.

In an instant, Xu Miao finally understood what was wrong.This is a trap, a trap that no one is forcing.The Dong family has been attacked by monsters for a long time, and sooner or later they will not be able to survive.

The first sound transmission talisman was stopped by the elder Dong Wenqi. To successfully send the sound transmission talisman, Dong Wenqi must be unable to move.Therefore, the three of Shi Jian will dispatch together to contain each other.

But in doing so, it just hit the opponent's plan.Without high-ranking monks sitting in the town, any foundation-building monk could slaughter the members of the Dong clan, which is a good way to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

When Xu Miao figured this out, the monk in mid-air had already started to do it.With a wave of his hand, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and endless rocks fell from the sky.

In addition to the monks who practice magic arts, the members of the Dong clan also have low qualifications and ordinary people who do not have magic skills.The first batch of falling rocks fell, taking away such mortals and low-level monks who practiced Qi.

The sudden attack caught everyone off guard and could not even stop an effective defense.The second batch of falling rocks fell without any gaps. Most of the mid-level monks in Qi refining died, and some high-level monks who were seriously injured and couldn't escape were also stoned to death.

Everyone panicked and just ran blindly, trying to escape the attack range of this foundation cultivator.But in front of the monks who established the foundation, how could they let the monks in the Qi refining period go.

The opponent tapped his finger, and the spell burst out from his hand, rushing towards the running monk.Only screams could be heard one after another, and many people died.

Originally, there were not many members of the Dong clan who were capable of fighting, but after being beaten by that foundation cultivator, there were less than ten people left.The monks of He Qinggu avoided the falling rocks in time, and although they were in a panic, they escaped with their lives in the end.

Everyone ran and retreated, and a dozen people finally stopped at the back mountain of the Dong family.The Foundation Establishment cultivator slowly descended from the air and walked towards them.

Without the protection of the elders, several monks even cried aloud.Impatient with the noise, Yang Lin reprimanded him sharply, making the crying people no longer dare to make a sound.

Xu Miao took a few steps forward and looked directly at the person who came. The Dong family was not familiar with this person, which meant that Dong Wenqi had invited him to help.The visitor looked at Xu Miao without any fear, and secretly praised him in his heart. He is indeed a person who can refine the laws of heaven and earth.

But this person will soon die under his hands, just thinking about it makes him feel very happy.Xu Miao estimated the strength of both sides. It seems that the situation of the Dong family is hopeless.

The best way is for him to team up with Yang Lin, but if Yang Lin doesn't stab him in the back, even if he is righteous, how can he feel at ease to join forces with Yang Lin.

The opponent's right hand has been raised, and the fluctuation of spiritual power makes the opponent's robe fly around.In any case, we must first cooperate with Yang Lin.Xu Miao quickly sent a voice transmission to Yang Lin, mentioning his plan.

The two teamed up, one with the tenth level of Qi refining, and the other with a single fire spiritual root, it was not without the strength of an enemy.As long as they can stop the opponent a little bit, the dozen or so people behind them will have a chance to escape.

Originally, I thought I would need to spend more time talking, but Yang Lin unexpectedly agreed directly, which made Xu Miao look at Yang Lin in surprise.Now that Yang Lin had agreed, Xu Miao didn't say much, and drew out the Huaying sword and attacked the opponent.

Although Yang Lin has always hated Xu Miao, but in the face of a big enemy, another internal strife would really insult his dignity.Therefore, he has no objection to Xu Miao's proposal.

Xu Miao had already made a move, followed by Yang Lin, Yanxi sword was unsheathed, and it was a move that sparked a prairie fire.Now that Yang Lin has used fire attribute moves, he is no longer suitable for water attribute swordsmanship.

The two attributes are mutually restraining, but give the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of.Xu Miao decided to cooperate with Yang Lin, and the core of Xinghuo Liaoyuan's power was quickly found.

A drop in the ocean, under Xu Miao's blessing, Yang Lin's sword move became more powerful in an instant, attacking the person again.Yang Lin was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect his Xinghuo Liaoyuan to have such power.

These two moves looked very lively, but Xu Yang and the two knew very well that they could not cause substantial damage to the incoming enemy at all, at most they could only delay the opponent.

But that's enough, Yang Lin shouted to the people behind who were stunned in place: "Hurry up and run!"

Xu Miao then added: "Remember not to run in the direction where Dong Wenqi is, run in the opposite direction!"

Hearing the words of Xu and Yang, more than a dozen people woke up like a dream, and tried their best to escape.A trace of displeasure flashed across the face of the foundation-building cultivator, but it was quickly hidden again.

Anyway, my mission is to kill Xu Miao and Yang Lin. As for the others, it's fine to run away, the two in front of me are the most important.The killing intent of the cultivator who established the foundation was suddenly aroused, and the power under his hands was more than a little bit stronger.

Xu Miao's pressure instantly increased. The Foundation Establishment Cultivator was too strong, and it was difficult to get benefits from the opponent with a big difference in realm.Yang Lin was also complaining endlessly, he was worse than Xu Miao, he would be overwhelmed with just one move.

The other party also found out that Yang Lin was weak, so they turned all their attacks on Yang Lin.Persimmons also need to be picked and pinched. After dealing with this weak one, are you afraid that you may not be able to deal with this slightly stronger one?
Yang Lin sensed the other party's thoughts and couldn't help cursing in his heart.Seeing this, Xu Miao quickly stepped in front of Yang Lin.It's not that he wants to protect Yang Lin so much, at least Yang Lin can help him while alive.

If he died, he would be left alone to fight alone, but it would not be worthwhile. Xu Miao never traded at a loss.With Huaying lying across his chest, a large amount of spiritual power was poured into the Huaying sword, causing the blade to hum.

The north wind swept across the ground, Xu Miao didn't spare any energy for this move.The true strength of the tenth level of Qi Refining was revealed, even forcing the opponent to retreat several steps, and the face of that person showed surprise.

No wonder Xu Miao was regarded by Zhang Mingxi as the sect's great enemy. He could display such great power during the Qi refining period. Once the foundation was established and the alchemy was formed, he could even imagine the scene of He Qinggu soaring into the sky.

As a monk of Chengxuanzong, he would never allow such a thing to happen.His face became solemn, and his hands quickly formed seals in the air.

Xu Miao didn't know well, so she could only say something to hinder the other party: "This senior, with such strength, why don't you join me as a pawn for Dong Wenqi, why don't you join me, He Qinggu, Dong Wenqi agrees to your conditions, and I, He Qinggu, can double the gift."

Hearing this, the other party glanced at Xu Miao with interest: "Boy, at this point, you are still trying to delay the time. With such a state of mind, why didn't you join our faction at the beginning?"

In the end, the man's voice dropped.Although the other party didn't point it out, Xu Miao had already guessed that the only person who could do anything to himself and Yang Lin so openly was Cheng Xuanzong.

"Cheng Xuanzong wants to kill my two senior brothers, isn't he afraid of being revenged by He Qinggu in the future?" Xu Miao looked at each other seriously.Yang Lin guessed which sect the other party was from, but unlike Xu Miao, he actually pointed out the other party's identity bluntly.

The other party just looked at Xu Miao appreciatively, but stopped answering.The light seal has been formed, and with a push of both hands, the light seal will attack Xu and Yang.

Xu Miao and Yang Lin looked at each other, then ran away separately from the left and right sides.

(End of this chapter)

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