Chapter 103
How could the monk let Xu and Yang leave easily, only to see his hands forming claws and grabbing towards them.The man's hands formed two light claws in midair, before the hands arrived, the light arrived.

Xu Miao backhanded a sword, and the light claws were in front of Huaying, without a pause, passing through Huaying, grabbing Xu Miao in front.Xu Miao's shoulders were clamped tightly by the light claws, unable to move.

Xu Miao discovered from the corner of her eye that Yang Lin had the same problem as him. The opponent's light claws were too strong, and he couldn't get out of the trap at all.Xu Miao gritted her teeth and took out a bunch of talisman seals, intending to use the power of the talisman blasting to affect the light claw, so as to get rid of the light claw.

But the power of the explosion of this pile of talismans, Guangclaw couldn't bear it, and I probably couldn't bear it either.In order to affect the light claws clamping her shoulders, Xu Miao had to resist with her body, and could not use defensive magic weapons.

The monk also didn't expect Xu Miao to use this method of injuring one thousand enemies and self-injury eight hundred. When he wanted to withdraw his light claws, Xu Miao had already detonated the talisman.

The power of the talisman instantly pushed Xu Miao tens of feet away. Xu Miao didn't even have time to look back at the specific situation, so she forcibly used Feng Ling Jue to leave the Dong family's range and enter the mountain.

The wound on Xu Miao's body hadn't healed in the first place, and the energy detonated by the talisman seal completely tore up the old wound, adding appreciation.Xu Miao's spiritual energy in her body is unstable now, and there is still blood left when she takes a step.

He leaned against a big tree, panting heavily.If this continues, people from Chengxuanzong will definitely find him based on the blood.At that time, there will be no way to go to heaven, no way to go to earth, only death.

Xiaotian appeared from the Huntian Stone, and touched several large acupuncture points all over Xu Miao's body, temporarily stopping the bleeding wound.Xu Miao's face was extremely pale, and his vision had become blurred due to excessive blood loss.

Xu Miao reluctantly swallowed the healing elixir, adjusted her breath for a while, and then continued to run for her life.The mountains were lush with vegetation and towering trees shaded the sun. Xu Miao couldn't tell the direction through the sun, so he could only run blindly.

Along the way, he kept swallowing the elixir, which was quickly consumed.When he took the last empty bottle, he smiled wryly and threw it back into the Hunting Stone.

The medicine bottle cannot be thrown away at will. If Cheng Xuanzong and others find out, his whereabouts will be revealed.Xu Miao stopped and walked, without the assistance of the elixir, his wound cracked again.

You must stop to heal your wounds, otherwise you will be dragged down by your injuries sooner or later and die on the way to escape.Xu Miao raised his eyes and looked far away, finally found a small cave, and he stumbled towards the cave.

After re-covering the bushes at the entrance of the cave, Xu Miao finally couldn't hold on and fell to the ground.

As a weapon spirit, although Xiaotian has the level of a human monk in the early stage of foundation establishment, she can't fight or heal her wounds. She can only act when necessary, scare others, and can't help Xu Miao fight the enemy.

And once the identity is revealed, the enemy cannot be killed. Xu Miao still has a foundation cultivator beside him, which will only lead to more troublesome pursuit.Therefore, Xiaotian could only stand by and watch out.

Although Xu Miao was in a coma, the vortex was still spinning, and the aura from the heavens and the earth continuously entered Xu Miao's body to help him recover from his injuries.

There is no master to control the vortex, and the spiritual power is only flowing by instinct, without focus, so the recovery from the injury is very slow.Xu Miao's body has been tempered by the blood of the consonant green ox, so that it can sustain until now despite constant injuries.

Anyone who changes another person, even if they are both at the tenth level of Qi Refining, will die.

While looking at Xu Miao worriedly, Xiaotian looked anxiously out of the cave, for fear that some monks would approach.

"Search carefully! Don't miss any place!" A young woman's voice came to mind not far from the cave.

Xiaotian's eyes widened instantly, and she carefully moved Xu Miao behind a rock in the cave, and sat cross-legged in the middle of the cave pretending to be practicing.

By doing this, when the opponent finds this place, he can use his cultivation base in the early stage of foundation establishment to repel the opponent.As a tool spirit who was once an innate spirit treasure, Xiaotian was uncontrollably nervous when it came to Xu Miao's safety.

If she could sweat, she would definitely be drenched in sweat by now.Xiaotian closed his eyes and carefully detected the coming person with his spiritual sense.The people who searched outside the model were all at the Qi refining stage, otherwise it would only be more troublesome.

Xu Miao, who was in a coma, felt a voice coming from outside. The instinct of a monk made him struggle to wake up, but found that he was placed behind a stone.He raised his elbows and looked out, but saw Xiaotian sitting in front of the stone, looking like a monk practicing.

Xiaotian found that Xu Miao woke up, and quickly sent a voice transmission to Xu Miao, telling him what happened and her plan.When Xu Miao heard this, she immediately realized that it must be because the monks of Chengxuanzong failed to find him, so he mobilized his disciples to start searching for the mountain.

Xu Miao's face was as heavy as water. Although Xiaotian's method was good, it was easy to attract the foundation-building monks of Chengxuanzong, and they would definitely be discovered by then, which was too dangerous.

He told Xiaotian to go back to Huntian Stone, and he took care of the rest.Although Xiaotian was puzzled, he returned obediently to the Huntian Stone.

Xu Miao walked slowly towards the shadow of the cave entrance, which was dark under the lamp.The monks who discovered this cave would first react to look in instead of looking at the cave entrance.

This gave Xu Miao the opportunity to kill the opponent from behind while he was looking for it in the cave, and then disguised himself as the opponent to find a gap to escape.

After Xu Miao changed her face, she hung Xu Mi Pei around her waist to hide the aura of spiritual fluctuations, and her whole body was in the dark, motionless.Holding the sword in his sleeve, he quietly waited for the monks outside the cave to approach.

"Senior Sister, there is a cave here, I'll go and have a look first." It was a man's voice, Xu Miao kept this voice in her heart, and she needed to imitate this voice when she went out.

The footsteps gradually approached, and Xu Miao's hand became tighter and tighter.A luminous pearl was thrown into the cave, and the cave was illuminated in every detail.

Fortunately, Xu Miao had the foresight. Even if the place was illuminated, it would be difficult for the monks who entered the cave to find a person hiding in the first place.

The man poked his head in, glanced at it casually, and found nothing unusual, so he stepped into the cave boldly and confidently.

When his back was completely exposed in front of Xu Miao, Xu Miao took a step forward, covered the opponent's mouth with one hand, and pressed the sword in the sleeve against his neck with the other.

The other party had no intention of killing him, and Xu Miao didn't want to reap this person's life easily.Xu Miao asked in a deep voice, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" The tone was fierce, and it was quite a threat to monks who were new to the world of cultivation.

"Junior Pang Jian, a disciple of Chengxuanzong, was ordered by his master to search for Xu Miao, a disciple of Heqinggu." Pang Jian replied hastily, fearing that Xu Miao would kill him if he was unlucky.

Xu Miao's heart sank, as expected.He stunned Pang Jian with one hand, changed into the opponent's clothes, threw Pang Jian into the Hunting Stone, tidied up a little, and walked out of the cave.

A man saw Xu Miao come out and asked casually, "Is there no one in the cave?"

Xu Miao shook her head, did not speak, and the other party did not become suspicious, so Xu Miao walked in another direction alone.Although there are not many monks around here, there are also many. Every few hundred meters, there are monks from Chengxuanzong.

Xu Miao's complexion is not very good. His injuries have always been very serious. He only recovered part of his body in a coma, but it was far from the point of recovery.He barely controlled his pace so that others would not notice his strangeness.

"Pang Jian, assemble!" A beautiful woman called Pang Jian, and Xu Miao hurriedly responded and walked to the assembly place.Xu Miao stood aside quietly, listening to the woman's instructions for the next task.

According to the woman, they have been searching for a week. In other words, after excluding the escape time, she has been in a coma for so long.Xu Miao was thinking about how to escape from Chengxuanzong and return to Heqing Valley.

"Senior Sister Lu, disciple He Qinggu has appeared over there!" A monk hurried over to inform everyone.Xu Miao's face remained unchanged, and she looked in the direction the man pointed.

Under the leadership of Senior Sister Lu, everyone rushed to their destination.When seeing He Qinggu's person, Xu Miao's eyes froze.It was Zhou Fei'er and the other two He Qinggu disciples who were besieged by Cheng Xuanzong's monks.

The three of them had obvious wounds on their bodies, and Zhou Fei'er kept healing the other two, ignoring her own wounds at all.

Xu Miao looked coldly at the monks of Chengxuanzong. More than a dozen people surrounded and killed the three injured.

Senior Sister Lu asked Yang Lin about Xu Miao's whereabouts, but Zhou Fei'er and the others glared at her.Don't say they don't know, even if they know, they won't tell Cheng Xuanzong's people.

The few of them escaped from the Dong family thanks to Xu Yang's delay, how could they betray the same family at this moment.

Senior Sister Lu didn't give up, she followed the temptation carefully: "Who among you three is willing to tell me the whereabouts of Xu Miao and Yang Lin, I can make him immortal, and I can worship Chengxuanzong and directly become an inner disciple."

Zhou Fei'er laughed, and she looked at Senior Sister Lu sarcastically: "What are you, you still call the shots, those who don't know think you are the head of Cheng Xuanzong!" The other two He Qinggu laughed out of face.

Senior Sister Lu's face became distorted and ugly, and she immediately ordered everyone in Chengxuanzong to do it.Xu Miao was one step behind, and when everyone was in front of him, Huaying unsheathed and attacked with a north wind.

Xu Miao lacked spiritual power in her body, and the power of her moves was also greatly reduced, but these people who stopped Cheng Xuanzong were enough.Brother Chengxuanzong didn't expect Pang Jian to do it, and some people questioned him angrily.

Xu Miao looked at the man as if he was mentally handicapped, and kept moving, knocking the person standing in front of him into the air.

Seeing Chengxuanzong's chaos, Zhou Fei'er was stunned for a moment. She was still thinking about why Chengxuanzong's people had internal strife.When she saw the very distinctive Huaying sword, her face immediately turned happy.

"Shadow Sword! It's Xu Miao! He must have killed Pang Jian!" Someone in Cheng Xuanzong also recognized Xu Miao's true identity.

Zhou Fei'er shouted happily: "Brother Xu! It's great that you're fine!"

(End of this chapter)

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