Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 104 Hostage

Chapter 104 Hostage
"This way!" Xu Miao opened a gap for the three of them, Zhou Fei'er and the three were overjoyed, and quickly approached Xu Miao.

Chengxuanzong's people experienced the initial chaos, and quickly reacted to prevent them from counterattacking, trying to surround Xu Miao and the others again.The leading Senior Sister Lu was already burning the sound transmission talisman to notify the head of the school.

There can be no further delay. When the monks in the Foundation Establishment Period arrive, it is impossible for the four of them to escape.Xu Miao threw out a bunch of talismans again, temporarily slowing down the opponent's pursuit.

Xu Miao separated a ray of consciousness and counted the remaining talismans in the Huntian Stone.The high-level talismans have been used up, leaving only the low-level talismans.Low-level talisman seals have little effect on high-level monks, so if you are destined to go back this time, you must draw more talisman seals.

Xu Miao took the three of them to a direction where no one was around. He wanted to find a place where people could hide. He would rest for a while before going out to attract Cheng Xuanzong's attention and let Zhou Fei'er return to the sect to report.

One of the ninth-floor monks, Wu Hejin, was the most seriously injured, and he was almost unable to walk on the way to escape.Xu Miao didn't dare to use the flying magic weapon, so she could only drag Wu Hejin forward.

The pills of the four of them had all been used up, and they began to recover their spiritual power with the spirit stones.Xu Miao specifically told them that the powder turned from the invalid spirit stone must not be discarded at will, in order to prevent people from Chengxuanzong from discovering it.

Suddenly a flash of light galloped from a distance, and Xu Miao hurriedly led the three of them to hide under a protruding rock.The Foundation Establishment cultivator didn't seem to notice Xu Miao and the others, and continued to fly forward without stopping.

It was only at this time that Xu Miao was free to ask Zhou Feier about the situation of the others. Zhou Feier only said that they all ran away separately and didn't know who was going where.The three of them met by chance before deciding to act together to increase their chances of survival.

Xu Miao was speechless upon hearing this.He leaned against the rock, thinking about how to get out.He is not familiar with this area, he doesn't know where it is, how far it is from the sect, if he continues to run around like a headless chicken like this, it will only be more dangerous.

His hand touched the storage bag hanging on his waist, and he suddenly thought that this was Pang Jian's storage bag, and he must still have the elixir.However, this storage bag has the function of identifying the owner, and Pang Jian is still alive, so he can only spend a lot of effort to open it.

Sure enough, there was still a pill to restore spiritual power. Xu Miao took out the medicine bottle and handed it to Zhou Fei'er, asking her to distribute it.The storage bag also gave Xu Miao a surprise, which is the map here.

After carefully browsing the map in the jade slip, Xu Miao had a general understanding of the area.This is Biluan Mountain Range, not far from Heqing Valley.

If Shi Jian's flying treasure ship is used, it will take two days and one night to fly.And they don't have flying magic weapons like flying treasure ships at all, and they don't have enough spirit stones to activate magic weapons.

Zhou Fei'er handed Xu Miao a whole bottle of elixir, signaling him to take it as soon as possible to restore his spiritual power.Xu Miao waved his hand. His current injury cannot be recovered by this bottle of medicine, but should be left to the remaining people.

Pang Jian's storage bag was meaningless except for the map and pills, so Xu Miao hung the storage bag back to her waist in frustration.There is a shortcut to return to Heqing Valley here.

Xu Miao could guess with her knees that Cheng Xuanzong must have deployed people there.That being the case, then take a detour and go in another direction.

There is a disadvantage of the long road, that is, you have to go deep into the area where the monsters are entrenched.Comparing the monsters and the monks of Chengxuanzong, Xu Miao couldn't decide who was more dangerous for a while.

Xu Miao thought over and over again, and decided to take a long way, but try to walk from the edge of the monster area, hoping to avoid unnecessary battles.

This position was not safe, and after Zhou Fei'er and the three had recovered a little, Xu Miao urged everyone to get on the road.With the map in hand, Xu Miao is no longer in doubt, and counts every step she takes.

Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was extended to the widest extent, and he detected the surrounding environment all the time.Using the divine sense for a long time made Xu Miao exhausted and her complexion became very ugly.

"Senior brother, let me use my spiritual sense to detect it. You should rest for a while, otherwise you won't be able to sustain it." Zhou Fei'er worriedly wanted Xu Miao to rest for a while.

Xu Miao shook her head, indicating that he was fine.Zhou Fei'er's spiritual sense is not strong, so she can't detect the danger in the distance in time.If they didn't find out until the enemy approached, there was absolutely no possibility for all four of them to escape.

Xu Miao's footsteps stopped suddenly, Zhou Fei'er and the three hurriedly kept silent, and Xu Miao called the three to walk in another direction.He sensed a powerful wave of spiritual energy in front of him.

If he was alone, he would definitely go to find out.But now, there are still three people around him to protect. Whether it is an enemy or a friend, Xu Miao dare not take this risk.

Taking a detour became Xu Miao's most important choice. The four of them restrained their breath and prepared to bypass the place where the spiritual power fluctuated in front of them lightly.In an instant, a sword light flew from the sides of the four of them, and Xu Miao quickly summoned the purple spirit sand cover to protect them.

He raised his eyes and saw that it was the Foundation Establishment cultivator who attacked them in the Dong family.Xu Miao said that it was not good. He sent Zhou Fei'er to tell them to leave as soon as possible, and he would try to hold them back.

However, Xu Miao's current physical condition could not stop the blow of the foundation-builder cultivator at all.Both Zhou Fei'er and the Foundation Establishment cultivator are very clear about it.

"Senior Brother, I won't leave. Even if he is a Foundation Establishment cultivator, it is not so easy to kill all of us at once." Zhou Fei'er and the three gave up leaving, but chose to meet the enemy with Xu Miao .

Xu Miao smiled wryly and shook her head. When did she have such a good relationship with the disciples in the faction that she actually wanted to give up the chance to escape.Xu Miao sternly reprimanded Zhou Fei'er: "Go, you will die if you meet him!"

With tears in her eyes, Zhou Feier looked at Xu Miao aggrievedly.Xu Miao closed her eyes and turned around: "Go quickly, remember the route I told you, and you must return to the sect."

Xu Miao no longer cared about Zhou Fei'er, but raised her sword to attack him.At the moment when the two waves of spiritual power collided, Xu Miao herself was wondering why she sacrificed herself to save others.

I have never been a kind person, and I have always been aloof.Perhaps it was the care that He Qinggu brought to him that changed him, causing him to change unconsciously, and he was willing to take care of his fellow disciples.

The Huaying sword collided strongly with the opponent's hands, and the opponent's tyrannical spiritual power rushed into Xu Miao's body in an instant, trying to destroy Xu Miao's meridian bones.

The body trained with the blood of Lingxi Qingniu managed to block the impact of spiritual power. Xu Miao withdrew his sword and retreated a few steps.

The moment the other party's spiritual power entered Xu Miao's body, he realized that Xu Miao had been trained with the blood of the consonant and green ox.But he thinks that the power of foundation establishment can sweep away all the monks in the Qi refining period.

Unexpectedly, Xu Miao successfully blocked his spiritual impact.There was admiration in his eyes again, even Cheng Xuanzong had never encountered such a talent.

Now, this person can only use his pseudonym under his own hands, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he looked at Xu Miao who was not far away, who was propped on the ground with a sword.Xu Miao swallowed blood and wanted to stand up, but her body was too badly injured, she staggered and half knelt on the ground.

The monk got closer and closer, Xu Miao looked up at him, the vortex spun rapidly and began to expand.The other party sensed something was wrong, thinking that Xu Miao was about to blow himself up, and backed away repeatedly.

Xu Miao glanced at the man mockingly, taking advantage of the man's inattention, summoned the shuttle leaf, jumped on it and started to run away.Xu Miao's injuries were too serious to drive the shuttle leaf.

Xiaotian didn't dare to appear outside at will, so he sent Xiaobai out and asked him to replace the spirit stone on the shuttle leaf.Xiaobai firmly grasped the spirit stone to replace it, and drove the shuttle to move quickly.

The cultivator who established the foundation turned into a ray of light and followed closely, and Xu Miao used his spiritual sense to control the direction of the flying shuttle leaf.The high-altitude pursuit attracted the attention of other monks, and soon a few more rays of light flew into the sky.

If it weren't for the effort to speak, Xu Miao would definitely curse.A few foundation-building cultivators, chasing after him a cultivator in the Qi refining period, are shameless, do they have the self-knowledge of being a high-level cultivator?

Xu Miao slowly operated the "Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue" to repair the injured meridian. Only when the meridian returned to normal, he could mobilize spiritual power to repair the wound.The spiritual power of the water attribute slowly flows through the injured meridian, repairing the meridian inch by inch.

When half of Xu Miao's meridians were repaired, the Foundation Establishment cultivators following Xu Miao started to attack, and Xu Miao allocated a part of his consciousness to manipulate the flying shuttle leaf to avoid the attack.

However, there was not only one person behind Xu Miao, there were two Foundation Establishment cultivators working together, one of whom Xu Miao was no stranger to was Li Longzhi.

Xu Miao chuckled, didn't Li Longzhi always want to find Tang Hao's trace, now that Tang Hao is released, he wants to see if Li Longzhi can continue to attack him without fear.

Tang Hao was released by Xu Miao, and Xu Miao was not worried that Li Longzhi would discover the existence of the Hunting Stone.Because many monks would capture their opponents alive and put them into spirit beast bags.

As soon as Tang Hao appeared, Li Longzhi saw it, and abruptly interrupted the attack in his hand.Tang Hao hadn't seen the sun for a long time, and when he was released, he looked at Xu Miao with hatred.

Xu Miao said leisurely: "Don't look at me, look over there, and I beg your elders." Tang Hao followed Xu Miao's line of sight and saw Li Longzhi.

Tang Hao quickly shouted: "Master, save me! Kill Xu Miao quickly!" Hearing this, Xu Miao slapped Tang Hao on the head.Tang Hao glared at him, but couldn't fight back because his body was imprisoned.

But because Tang Hao knew that he had a magic weapon of space in his hand, Xu Miao sealed Tang Hao's mouth in time, making him unable to speak, and could only make a whining sound.

Tang Hao was placed behind Xu Miao, and Li Long was too cautious to attack him.He also instructed another Foundation Establishment cultivator: "Junior Brother Ma Xu, be careful not to hurt Tang Hao."

Ma Xu was very disdainful in his heart, this Tang Hao was just a playboy, if he let Xu Miao go because of this person, then Elder Jin Dan would be furious, he couldn't afford it.

(End of this chapter)

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