Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 105 1 Stone 3 Birds

Chapter 105 Three birds with one stone

Most of Xu Miao's meridians have recovered, and the flow of spiritual power has become much smoother, but the injury caused by the forest spider has not shown any signs of recovery, which makes Xu Miao very headache.

The existence of Tang Hao's amulet made Li Longzhi scruples a lot, and he didn't dare to attack Xu Miao with all his strength, so he could only fall behind.Xu Miao quickly flew over the planned route in a flying shuttle.

A figure in front stopped the flying shuttle leaf abruptly, and Zhang Mingxi stood within a hundred feet of the shuttle leaf.For monks in the Qi refining period, this distance may take a while, but for foundation building monks, it is just a matter of breathing.

There is interception in the front and pursuit in the back.There is only one Tang Hao, and Xu Miao doesn't think his value can stop Zhang Mingxi.After Zhang Mingxi blocked Xu Miao's way, he directly reprimanded Li Longzhi, regardless of the overall situation.

He also said that Tang Hao had been imprisoned by Xu Miao for a long time, and he had lost hope of advancing. For a monk who lost his value, he actually showed mercy to Xu Miao's subordinates.

Li Longzhi has always said one thing in the sect, this Zhang Mingxi was not as good as himself before, but now that he has gained power, he openly criticized him in front of others.After some reprimands, Li Longzhi dared not speak out.

Zhang Mingxi ordered Ma Xu to join forces with him to attack Xu Miao, without worrying about Tang Hao's life or death.Li Longzhi wanted to argue, but was suppressed by Zhang Mingxi with the order of Elder Jindan.

Xu Miao watched the undercurrent among the three of Chengxuanzong, and made up her mind.He transmitted voice to Li Longzhi, claiming that if he was willing to cooperate with him, he could save Tang Hao's life.If you don't want to, you will definitely drag Tang Hao before you die.

In fact, Tang Hao is Li Longzhi's illegitimate son, but this matter has not been known to outsiders.In order to protect Tang Hao, Li Longzhi specially asked him to join his junior apprentice and take care of him secretly.

Xu Miao only guessed from Li Longzhi's attitude towards Tang Hao that the two might be related by relatives, but she didn't expect that they were father and son at all.

Li Longzhi remained calm when he received Xu Miao's voice transmission.Sect is important, but no matter how important it is, it is not as important as one's own son.

Xu Miao would be able to escape with a little trickery, and since Xu Miao used Tang Hao as a talisman, he would not kill Tang Hao easily.Thinking of this, Li Longzhi agreed to Xu Miao's condition.

A relaxed smile appeared on the corner of Xu Miao's mouth. He pressed one hand on the shuttle leaf and the other on Tang Hao's body.Obviously, you are sending a message to Li Longzhi, Tang Hao is in my hands, whether you live or die depends on your performance.

Here, Xu and Li had finished talking in secret, Zhang Mingxi and Ma Xu had already started to make a move, and the powerful power of the Foundation Establishment cultivator gathered in their hands.

Although an alliance with Li Longzhi was temporarily reached, Xu Miao did not have the habit of putting all her hopes on others.Only yourself is the most trustworthy.

He glanced at Li Longzhi from the corner of his eye, frantically pouring spiritual power into the shuttle leaf with his right hand.Under the urging of a large amount of spiritual power, the shuttle leaf turned green and transparent with a shining brilliance.

Two foundation-building spiritual forces flew towards Xu Miao at the same time. Li Longzhi moved sideways to block Ma Xu, raised his hands, and a light shield appeared to block Ma Xu's attack.

Ma Xu was only at the early stage of foundation establishment, so naturally he couldn't break through the interception of Li Longzhi in the middle stage of foundation establishment.Ma Xu was anxious and kept urging the spiritual power in his hands: "Senior brother Li, stop your actions immediately, don't make mistakes!"

Li Longzhi turned a deaf ear, neither attacking nor dodging away, he put up his light shield wholeheartedly to block Ma Xu's attack.The spiritual power in Xu Miao's right hand continued to output, and the shuttle leaf still showed no sign of moving.

Zhang Mingxi's attack was imminent, Xu Miao pressed down hard, and the shuttle leaf sank suddenly, barely avoiding Zhang Mingxi's attack.

Losing the spiritual power of the target, he rushed straight to Li Longzhi who was behind Xu Miao.In order to be able to kill Zhang Mingxi in one move, his subordinates have used all their strength.

Li Longzhi noticed the powerful attack behind him, and immediately put away his hands and dodged aside.But because he was restrained by Ma Xu's attack, he consumed some spiritual power, and he was not able to dodge in time, so he was hit by Zhang Mingxi on the left side of his body.

The remaining spiritual power rushed towards Ma Xu. How could Ma Xu's spiritual power be compared with Zhang Mingxi's? Zhang Mingxi knocked him on his back and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Xu Miao's trick of "killing three birds with one stone" was used extremely well, causing two people to be injured without expending a single bit of spiritual energy.Xu Miao took Tang Hao back into the Huntian Stone, and said to Li Longzhi: "Elder Li is righteous, as long as I can survive, I will definitely return Tang Hao to you."

After speaking, the speed of the shuttle leaf increased again, and it left in the dust.Zhang Mingxi's eyes were burning with fire, wishing to kill Li Longzhi immediately, but because the opponent was an elder of a sect after all, he left behind a sentence and returned to the sect to receive the punishment, and chased after him with Dunguang.

The shuttle leaf galloped forward like thunder, and a large amount of spiritual power entered, causing the shuttle leaf to begin to produce inconspicuous cracks.Xu Miao heard the sound of clicking, secretly thinking that it was not good, but she did not stop the infusion of spiritual power.

The distance between Zhang Mingxi and himself in the back is getting closer and closer. Xu Miao can escape from Ma Xu's hands, but he will not be arrogant enough to take the move of the late foundation establishment monks.

"Crack, click——" There were more and more cracks in the shuttle leaf, and Xu Miao obviously felt that the direction-controlling array in the shuttle leaf had become chaotic, and the shuttle leaf would soon fail.

Zhang Mingxi also discovered this, and a lightsaber struck Xu Miao's back.In the blink of an eye, Xu Miao gave up the shuttle leaf, turned over and jumped off to avoid the lightsaber.

The shuttle leaf was hit by the lightsaber, and it became fragments scattered in the air.Xu Miao descended quickly by virtue of gravity. It was impossible for him to be faster than Zhang Mingxi in mid-air, and there might be a chance on the ground.

Zhang Mingxi was not in a hurry when he saw Xu Miao temporarily disappearing from sight. He also fell to the ground, and his extensive spiritual consciousness spread widely the moment he landed.In the late stage of foundation establishment, monks have vast spiritual knowledge and can easily detect all living beings within a distance of ten thousand feet.

Xu Miao's traces were quickly discovered by Zhang Mingxi. Zhang Mingxi followed Xu Miao unhurriedly like a cat playing with a mouse, hitting Xu Miao from time to time, which made Xu Miao furious.

Xu Miao was so aggrieved that she just wanted to fight Zhang Mingxi with a sword, but because of the huge difference in cultivation, she had to try to escape.With another blow, Xu Miao jumped forward, her face covered with dirt and dead leaves.

"Zhang Mingxi, you'd better kill me today, or I will kill you by the sword once I build the foundation." Xu Miao said to Zhang Mingxi without looking back.

Zhang Mingxi heard this and smiled disdainfully.For him, the threat of the weak is just a joke.He has received too many threats in his life, but only now that he has come, those who threatened him have become dead bones.

He raised his right hand, and a ball of flame appeared out of thin air, and he raised his hand and shot it out.Xu Miao felt the flame rising suddenly behind him, and he quickly concentrated the water vapor in the sky and earth behind him to block the flame.

Xu Miao kept on stepping, turned around and turned in front of a towering tree, the flame was about to hit the tree, but suddenly turned around, went around the tree and continued to pursue Xu Miao.The temperature of the flame was so hot that the outer flame that passed by directly burned half of the ancient tree.

At this moment, the meridians of Xu Miao's whole body have almost recovered, and she can bear sufficient spiritual power.All his meridians were opened, and the vortex turned rapidly, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Xu Miao's running speed has reached the extreme. If there are other people present, they will only think that it is a ray of light passing by.Even though Xu Miao broke through the shackles and became the tenth level of Qi refining, he was only a monk in the Qi refining period after all.

There is an insurmountable barrier between Qi refining and foundation building. Facing the monk Ma Xu in the early stage of foundation building, Xu Miao can only escape from his hands.

Now Xu Miao was facing Zhang Mingxi, a stronger late-stage foundation-building monk. Just escaping had already made Xu Miao exert all her strength, and she could no longer have extra energy to fight against the moves.

Zhang Mingxi seemed to have stopped teasing Xu Miao, and the flame in his hand expanded again, rushing towards Xu Miao.Xu Miao could barely condense the ice shield to resist, but the ice shield was destroyed by the flames in an instant.

Xu Miao, without the ice shield to resist, then released the agarwood beads.The appearance of low-grade spiritual weapons took away most of Xu Miao's spiritual power.Although blocking the flame behind her, Xu Miao's running speed inevitably slowed down.

This speed reduction shortened the distance between him and Zhang Mingxi again, and Zhang Mingxi condensed a ball of flame in his left hand, attacking from Xu Miao's left side.

Xu Miao pointed at the agarwood bead, enlarged it, and put it on her waist, trying to resist the attack of the monks in the late stage of foundation establishment with the power of the lower-grade spiritual weapon.Zhang Mingxi quickly formed seals with his hands, and the power of the flames more than doubled immediately.

The heat wave swept across, and Xu Miao was surrounded by flames, unable to break through.The flames kept burning. This flame not only has the effect of attacking, but also temporarily shields the aura of heaven and earth.

Xu Miao was in the flames and could not feel the aura of heaven and earth at all.Xu Miao's spiritual root is the easiest to communicate with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. In addition, he has been forged by the blood of the consonant green bull. Under normal circumstances, there is nothing to prevent him from absorbing spiritual energy.

But Zhang Mingxi's two flames were also not ordinary flames, but a second-level spiritual fire.Spiritual fire is a spiritual creature that appeared by chance in the world. Although its name is fire, not all spiritual fires are of the fire attribute.

Corresponding to the spiritual roots of monks, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, ice, and spiritual fire also have these attributes.In addition, according to the strength of the spirit fire, it is divided into one to nine levels, the ninth level is the strongest, and the first level is the weakest.

Don't think that the first-level flames are all right, that's just for other levels of flames.The first-level flames can be used with all their strength, and can instantly burn a Qi Refining cultivator to nothing.

It's just that spiritual things like spiritual fire rarely appear in the cultivation world.I don't know where Zhang Mingxi got the luck to get a ball of first-level spiritual fire.

Zhang Mingxi's second-level spiritual fire was of the fire attribute, which happened to restrain Xu Miao's spiritual root attribute.This made Xu Miao very upset. The use of the Agarwood Pearl required a lot of spiritual power, and it could still support it normally, but now it is trapped by the spiritual fire, and it is impossible to absorb spiritual energy at all.

(End of this chapter)

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