Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 107 Revenge

Chapter 107 Revenge
In a valley not far from Heqing Valley, some disciples found Yang Lin.There was no serious injury on Yang Lin's body, but he fell into a coma due to excessive consumption of spiritual energy.

After returning to the sect, Yang Lin woke up and was immediately summoned by the elders.Yang Lin's words and Zhou Fei'er's description corroborated each other, and everyone was furious.

After learning of Xu Miao's death, Yang Lin fell into a long silence.

As soon as Xu Miaofu got started, he passed the spiritual root test to draw qi into his body. Such a talent annoyed himself who had always regarded himself as a genius.

Later, from the mouth of his grandfather Yang Qin, he knew that the sect wanted to train him with all his strength.Hearing about this at the beginning, Yang Lin only felt it was unfair. It sounds nice to have a single different spiritual root, but it is just a waste spiritual root, and the final result will only be that the meridian bursts and dies.

Therefore, Yang Lin went to Xu Miao's residence on purpose and told him about it maliciously.However, Xu Miao always looked calm and calm, which made him angry, and he just wanted to break that hypocritical mask.

Yang Lin promised to save Xu Miao's life to Xiaobi, not for anything else, but just to defeat Xu Miao completely and convince him.But Xu Miao was not affected by him at all, he was still concentrating on cultivation.

Step by step, gradually show your own style and light.The disciple of Chengxuanzong who leaped over the ranks and defeated the provocation, the sect Xiaobi first showed his edge, and the sect grand competition was beyond everyone's expectations, defeating the strongest monk Qi Mu.

Qi Mu, the name that even Yang Lin had to admit, overshadowed the brilliance of other people in the world. No one would question Qi Mu's winning the first place in the competition.It wasn't until Xu Miao was born out of nowhere that she forced Qi Mu to be knocked off the altar.

In that battle, Xu Miao's name has been remembered by all the disciples of the five major sects.Perhaps some people questioned Xu Miao's strength, thinking that he was just a fluke.

During the subsequent trip to the secret realm of the Rift Valley, refining the laws of heaven and earth, and advancing to the tenth level of Qi refining, Xu Miao accomplished a feat that no one had accomplished in thousands of years by himself.At this moment, Xu Miao's name was truly on top of Qi Mu's, and no one said anything about it.

As for Yang Lin, seeing Xu Miao getting stronger and stronger, the jealousy in his heart became more and more intense.He refused to accept that since He Qinggu already had Yang Lin, why did he still have Xu Miao.

Since he was born Yu and He Shengliang, Yang Lin hated Xu Miao all the time.When he was captured by Chengxuanzong's disciples and met Xu Miao who was hunted down by Zhang Mingxi, Yang Lin admitted that there was a moment of pleasure in his heart.

No matter how outstanding you are, no matter how dazzling you are, no matter how high you are in fighting, won't you also die at the hands of foundation-building monks?He didn't expect that Xu Miao would save him even if this thought had arisen in his heart.

Yang Lin thought that for Xu Miao, he only wanted to drink his blood and eat his flesh, and it was not worth Xu Miao's effort to save him.

But Xu Miao decided to help. At that time, most of his body had turned into bones, and he couldn't even absorb spiritual energy.Still exerting little spiritual power to help him leave.

In Yang Lin's life, even if he is injured, crazy, or dead, he will never forget Xu Miao's last voice transmission to him: "You are the only one left in Heqinggu, and you have to shoulder the burden of the sect's prosperity, please .”

Yang Lin didn't know Xu Miao's mood when he transmitted the voice to him, but he remembered very clearly how he felt when he heard this sentence.On the way of desperately escaping, he even began to pray to those gods and Buddhas who couldn't tell the truth from the fake.

After all, they were some illusory gods who couldn't hear his prayers at all.As a monk, I strive to change the destiny, and I believe that my destiny is up to me, but when I am unable to fight, I still place my hope on others.

Now that Xu Miao is dead, let me inherit his will and shoulder the burden of his sect's prosperity.

Yang Lin was still healing in the sect, while Ye Qiguang came to Chengxuanzong without telling everyone.Ye Qiguang stood on top of Chengxuanzong's mountain guard formation, wearing white clothes, looking at Chengxuanzong's disciples with neither sadness nor joy in his eyes.

Several elders of Chengxuanzong flew out in a hurry, trying to persuade Ye Qiguang with good words, but at this moment Ye Qiguang didn't want to listen to anyone's explanation at all, he wanted to kill Zhang Mingxi himself.

"I'll only kill Zhang Mingxi, and the others should retreat on their own." Ye Qiguang knew very well that Zhang Mingxi was just a pawn of Chengxuanzong, but with his current level of cultivation, he could only temporarily kill Zhang Mingxi.Golden Core cultivator is not something he can compete with.

Ye Qiguang's killing intent was raging, and even if he was a few meters away from him, he could still feel this powerful killing intent.Not long after Ye Qiguang arrived at Chengxuanzong, Luo Guan and several other Jiji elders arrived one after another.

Almost all of He Qinggu's strongest combat powers have appeared, and they came here not for anything else but to avenge Xu Miao!

The sect's most proud and outstanding disciple, the hope of the sect's rise in the future, was destroyed overnight by Chengxuanzong. How can we let go of this hatred.

Zhang Chenglong, the middle-stage golden core elder of Chengxuanzong, appeared at the same time. He knew that the opponent was menacing and could not be easily treated.

However, the proposal to kill Xu Miao was the idea of ​​Jin Zhen, the late elder of the Jindan sect, and now he couldn't avoid it. Zhang Chenglong was about to scold Jin Zhen's eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart.

When Ye Qiguang saw Zhang Chenglong, he didn't say much, he just repeated: "I only come out with Zhang Mingxi, and the rest of the noble sect can stay out of it." These words clearly separated Zhang Mingxi from Cheng Xuanzong, and if it was possible, Ye Qiguang would show no mercy Completely destroy the whole sect of Chengxuanzong.

But after all, this can only be thought about, he can be desperate, but the sect cannot.

"Hearing that Fellow Daoist Ye lost his beloved disciple, the poor Taoist is also very sorry. Since I sent my disciples to do it, how about this, fellow Daoist Ye and Mingxi resolve your grievances in private."

"As for the rest of the loss, it is up to the poor to decide. Lingxi Qingniu will borrow another 100 years from the noble sect. This is the compensation that our sect is willing to make for the young disciple."

Zhang Chenglong also knew that at this time, he could only push the killing of Xu Miao to Zhang Mingxi, and then pay a lot of compensation, otherwise, no matter how powerful Cheng Xuanzong was, it would cause other sects to backlash.

At that time, if the four factions join forces to deal with Cheng Xuanzong, the loss outweighs the gain.It is still a good deal to temporarily show weakness and compensate for the downfall of a genius.

"It's obvious that you are planning to kill Senior Brother Xu and blame it on a monk. Is this how shameless you Cheng Xuanzong is?" Zhou Fei'er, who forcibly followed Zhou Ruxiang, heard Zhang Chenglong's excuse, burning with anger .

A monk in the Qi refining period said nothing, and Zhang Chenglong's eyes immediately swept over him.Zhou Fei'er suppressed the fear in her heart, and looked at him unwillingly.Luo Guan stood in front of Zhou Fei'er in good time to protect her.

Zhang Mingxi walked slowly across to Ye Qiguang. He didn't know how Chengxuanzong's people broke up with him. He didn't seem to be in a good mood.When Ye Qiguang saw Zhang Mingxi's face, he was even more angry.

It's a shame you're not in a good mood, Ye Qiguang didn't wait for Zhang Mingxi to make preparations, and was hit by a thunderbolt.Ye Qiguang and Zhang Mingxi are both monks in the late stage of foundation establishment. In the era when the elders of Jindan rarely appeared, they were already the peak combat power in the sect.

Ye Qi's light sword moves are fierce and ruthless, each move contains endless killing intent, and the momentum becomes stronger and stronger.Zhang Mingxi seemed to know that he had been abandoned by the sect, so he didn't care about other things and fought back with all his strength.

The two were back and forth in mid-air, powerful spiritual power fluctuated around them, and the surrounding mountains and forests that were not protected by the mountain protection array were instantly destroyed by spiritual power beyond recognition.

The corners of Zhang Chenglong's eyes twitched, he wanted to stop him but couldn't speak, he could only suppress his mood.

Although the two are both in the late stage of foundation establishment, Ye Qiguang's combat power is obviously higher.Within a hundred moves, the two were still at the same level. After a hundred moves, Zhang Mingxi was powerless to continue, and Ye Qiguang found a loophole and trapped him with his hands.

For the person who killed Xu Miao, it would be too cheap to kill him with one knife.Ye Qiguang didn't say hello to Zhang Chenglong, he abolished Zhang Mingxi's cultivation with one palm, and brought him back to Heqing Valley.

A monk in the late stage of foundation establishment was abolished by He Qinggu's people in front of him, Zhang Chenglong couldn't swallow this breath.His right hand was concentrated with spiritual power, and he was about to make a move.

But Luo Guan was standing in front of him, and he replied in his own words: "This matter is just a personal grievance between Qi Guang and Zhang Mingxi, please don't be dishonest, fellow Daoist Zhang."

He Qinggu, good, very good.After Zhang Chenglong gritted his teeth and reprimanded the monks standing beside him, he turned and returned to the cave, leaving only the masters behind.

The monks of Chengxuanzong watched He Qinggu's people leave, but they were unable to stop them, and they were relatively speechless for a while.

As for Zhang Mingxi, he was thrown into purgatory and suffered various inhuman tortures day and night.In order for Zhang Mingxi to receive the most severe punishment, Elder Lingfa specially used secret methods to keep him awake.

It is not known whether Zhang Mingxi, who cannot survive or die in purgatory, will regret killing Xu Miao for a moment.

Time passed by like flowing water. Some of the monks who had been in the same Qi refining period as Xu Miao built their foundations one after another, while some were trapped in Qi refining all their lives and died after exhausting their lifespan because of the hopelessness of building their foundations.

Xu Miao's name gradually became a legend, showing the former glory to new disciples.

As the cold comes and the summer comes, the skeleton in the cold pool has been floating for many years.A monster that came close to the cold pool by chance saw the skeleton and wanted to pick it up and eat its heart.However, he was injured by the power of the skeleton and fled far away.

The bones that were once white gradually changed slowly. Under the action of the cold pool water, they became crystal clear and emitted different lights under the sunlight.

The heart in the skeleton seemed to have rested enough, and the beating frequency began to slowly increase.It would beat once every hour, and Xiaotian in the Hunting Stone was overjoyed to see this change.

But soon, Xiaotian couldn't laugh anymore.The originally clearly visible heart was shrouded in a hazy mass, and it was impossible to see the specific condition of the heart at all.

Xiaotian's heart has been sinking to the ground, and the heart is shrouded in mist, does it mean that Xu Miao can no longer be resurrected.

(End of this chapter)

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