Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 108 Rebirth

Chapter 108 Rebirth
The surface of the water, which is usually as calm as a mirror, with Xu Miao's skeleton as the center, rippling circle after circle of ripples, gradually forming a huge vortex.

The skeleton began to rotate slowly, starting from the heart, the entire skeleton was shrouded in mist.Xiaotian couldn't see what happened to the skeleton. She was so anxious that she could only vaguely see the skeleton sinking.

Under the cold pool, there is a spiritual vein hidden in it, which has been providing spiritual power to the water for many years.Xu Miao's skeleton seemed to have discovered the existence of the spirit vein, and began to approach the spirit vein.

When the bones and spiritual veins were connected, the heart trembled suddenly.Starting from the heart, countless blood vessels, meridians, cling to the bones.

The heart pumps blood profusely, supplying the empty vessels with plenty of blood.The blood vessels kept growing, and soon covered the gleaming white bones. From a distance, it was a red humanoid creature.

After the blood vessels grow, the muscles begin to grow.With blood vessels as the basis and spiritual veins as the guarantee, flesh and blood quickly filled the bones.Followed by patches of pale skin covering.

The bones are completely covered by flesh and skin. If the bones at that time could not be called a person, then the current state can indeed be called a person.

The spiritual power continued to flow into Xu Miao's body. At this moment, Xu Miao's body was no longer like that of an ordinary monk. After many times of cutting hair and washing the marrow, he could retreat from the mortal body.

His body, flesh, and bone marrow are all born of the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and without any training, his body's communication with the spiritual power of heaven and earth is even much stronger than that of spirit beasts.

Accumulated by the aura of heaven and earth, born from heaven and earth, it will also belong to the space between heaven and earth.Xu Miao's heart has recovered its beating frequency, and at this moment, he is no different from ordinary people.

However, Xu Miao has no cultivation, and there is no trace of the vortex in his dantian.Although the spiritual power entered his body continuously, it would overflow into the world after a while.

He didn't know how long he had been in a coma, but he found himself in the snow mountain, without the protection of spiritual power, he could only walk in the snow mountain on foot.

The snow-capped mountains, under the reflection of the sun, still have no warmth.He walked forward all the way, when he suddenly looked back, the footsteps he came from had long been lost in the snow.

He didn't know who he was, and he didn't know what he was going to do, he was just repeating the motion of walking endlessly.

Along the way, he saw many familiar but unfamiliar scenes.A person appeared in the school, shaking his head with his peers and chanting "Zhe Ye".

After this scene, there is a towering ancient building, many people in it are wearing uniforms and flying in mid-air.Immediately afterwards, there is a scene of a man fighting a monster.

This person was seriously injured, and every time Xu Miao felt that this person was going to die, he could survive.He has seen different scenes and experienced different pictures, but all this has nothing to do with him.

On the endless snow mountain, he marched tirelessly.Something entered his body, Xu Miao raised her hand, trying to grab the illusory thing, but to no avail.

A middle-aged woman fell down in the picture, and his heart suddenly became painful.He stroked his left heart and frowned slightly, as if he was confused about why he felt sad.

He thought to himself that this was the first time he saw this middle-aged woman along the way, but he felt that she was so familiar and her death was so sad.

He raised his hand to touch his face, and felt a chill.Tears were uncontrollable and burst out of his eyes.He stopped and looked at the woman with no sadness or joy on his face, just letting the tears fall.

The woman stared in Xu Miao's direction, opened her mouth to speak, and said in a slightly inaudible voice, "A Miao." Such a familiar name, it seemed that this name had always been by his side.

She was calling for A Miao, but who was A Miao?He only felt a sharp pain in his head, and he stepped away from the scene.Who is A Miao, who is he, and why is this woman calling A Miao to herself.

He felt his head was about to explode, so he closed his eyes and ran with his head buried.He wanted to run away from that woman, the one who made him sad.

When he opened his eyes again, the picture that appeared in front of him showed a person talking and laughing, drinking and laughing with others.Wherever that person goes, there will be others by his side.

As for himself, he turned his head and looked around, there was no other living beings except him.Not even a single spiritual herb was found.

At that moment, Xu Miao looked at the person in the picture enviously. He had friends, teachers, and a place to belong to.In this vast floating world, no one wants to go with him, and the wandering soul has no branches to live in.

He stretched out his hand to break the beautiful picture in front of him, but his arm passed through the picture, and nothing hit.He closed his eyes and continued walking forward.

The pictures around me are constantly changing, as if it is a person's whole life.In the last scene, that person was fighting with another person, that person was trapped by a ball of flames, his body was burned, and only bones remained.

A long spear pierced the man's heart. In an instant, he felt the same pain as the people in the picture. He half-kneeled on the ground, cold sweat kept streaming from his forehead, and fell on the white snow under him.

The snow was gradually melted by sweat and turned into a pool of crystal clear water.He turned his head to look, as if struck by lightning, he froze in place.This face, this face that belonged to him, was actually exactly the same as the people who appeared in those pictures.

Who is he?Who is the person in that picture?What is his relationship with the people in the picture?
A series of questions lingered in his mind, but no one answered him.He was the only one in this snow mountain from the beginning to the end.

He looked at the perennial white snow, looked up to the sky and smiled, and the snow fell rustlingly.If he is the person in the painting, why did he come here after he turned into a bone.

There is no human habitation, you can't feel the flow of time, and you can't feel the familiar atmosphere.

Laughter turned into sobs at the end.Crying like weeping, like a child, he curled up his legs, buried his head deeply, and wept wantonly.

Finally, everything becomes quiet and all images disappear from the sky.He is the only one left in the world, alone.

Since everything has been lost, and there is no need for this life, it is better to just leave and return to the floating dust.Without obsession, he sat quietly in the snow, looking at the clouds and clouds in the sky.

Xu Miao's body in the cold pool floated from the depths of the pool to the surface of the water. The mist covering his body had dissipated. There was no fluctuation of spiritual power, no breath, and even the beating frequency of his heart began to slow down.

The fog dissipated, and Xiaotian was able to see Xu Miao's condition clearly.Once the heartbeat stops, Xu Miao will die completely. She cannot allow Xu Miao, who has recovered from a bone to flesh and blood, to die.

She began to call Xu Miao with the bond between the spirit of the weapon and the owner of the weapon. She didn't know any effective method, so she could only use the most clumsy method to wake up Xu Miao.

"Xu Miao, wake up, wake up quickly, don't sleep anymore, Xu Miao." Lying in the snow-capped mountains, he heard this sentence in confusion, Xu Miao, are you calling him?Isn't his name A Miao?
He raised his head stiffly, looking in the direction of the sound.The woman's melodious and melodious voice kept echoing in the snow-capped mountains: "Wake up, Xu Miao, your body has recovered. As long as you wake up, you can become that powerful monk again."

He stood up and ran towards the source of the sound.The cold wind and the heavy snow are blocking his progress.However, his speed was getting faster and faster, and he was getting closer and closer to the voice.

Xu Miao, she is calling me, I am Xu Miao!He thought like this, and ran towards the finish line against the wind and snow.

Xu Miao, who was floating on the water, suddenly opened her eyes.The snow-capped mountains disappeared, and what came into view was the clear blue sky.Huge memories instantly flooded his mind, and his eyes flashed dazed and helpless.

Seeing Xu Miao open her eyes, Xiaotian wept with joy.She knew that Xu Miao would not die easily, nothing could break him, and he would be able to stand in front of everyone again in a short time.

After sorting out all the memories, a complexion appeared on Xu Miao's face.Zhang Mingxi's flame was so powerful that it directly burned his flesh and blood to nothing.

If he hadn't made a mistake at that time, smashed the bones, tempered them with the blood of the consonant green ox, and encountered second-level flexibility, I am afraid that even the bones would not be left.

Fortunately, he survived the attack of the spirit fire, but his cultivation was all lost.The dantian is empty, and there is only a little spiritual power in the meridians, which cannot form a systematic flow of spiritual power.

Xu Miao turned over and swam to the shore, looking at the environment near the cold pool.This place is located in a deep valley, except for the cold pool, other places are also bitingly cold.

No wonder, in that inexplicable dream, I was in the snow mountain.It's also lucky that the cold pool matches his water attribute spiritual root, if it's in the fire, it's really over.

He summoned Xiaotian and wanted to thank Xiaotian for calling him persistently.Unexpectedly, as soon as Xiaotian appeared, he fell into Xu Miao's arms.Xu Miao was stunned for a moment, and then stretched out her arms to wrap around Xiaotian's waist, and a wonderful affection flowed between the two.

At this moment, Xu Miao sighed for the way of heaven.If it wasn't for a coincidence that he picked up the Huntian Stone in the ruins of the temple in Dianhou Village, his later self would not have achieved such a high achievement.Not to mention being rescued by Xiaotian many times, turning the corner into safety.

Several spirit beasts were also released by Xiaotian to celebrate Xu Miao's rebirth together.

According to what Xiaotian said, only a low-level monster came here, and there is no trace of a high-level monster, so it should be relatively safe.Xu Miao decided to practice here, and wait until her cultivation base has recovered to the tenth level of Qi Refining before making other calculations.

As for the small spiritual vein in the cold pool, Xu Miao would naturally not miss it.When he dived into the cold pool, he noticed that his spiritual power was getting stronger and stronger.

Use the Huaying Sword to create a cave the size of a person at the bottom of the water. The bottom of this cold pool is also very strange. The cave created by the sword will no longer have water flowing in, which is just suitable for Xu Miao's cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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