Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 109 Restoring the cultivation base

Chapter 109 Restoring the cultivation base
Xu Miao bent down to enter the cave, sat down cross-legged, and began to draw air into the body again.Spread your hands flat and close your eyes tightly, feeling the aura of heaven and earth around you.

In the darkness, the divine consciousness can see the light balls of different colors around him.Red, cyan, blue, green, etc., among which blue and green light balls drilled into Xu Miao's body one after another.

Different colors represent auras of different attributes. As before, wind aura enters from the left hand, and water aura enters from the right hand.

But what is different from the past is that the wind aura can enter the body from anywhere on the left half of the body, and the water aura can also enter the body from anywhere on the right half of the body.

The number of entrances increases, and the spiritual power in the body increases rapidly.Xu Miao carefully controlled the spiritual power to enter the dantian, so that it was located on both sides of the dantian.

Xu Miao has done every step countless times, and she is already familiar with it.Wind spirit power and water spirit power accumulated rapidly, gradually becoming the embryonic form of the spirit vortex.

Once the prototype of the vortex is formed, the spiritual power will automatically flow into their respective vortexes. Xu Miao only needs to pay attention to it with a touch of spiritual consciousness, and there is no need to guide it all the time.

The spiritual power of wind and water circulates along the meridians, perhaps because of the re-condensation of the body, there is no situation in which the meridians cannot bear the spiritual power.

The seemingly fragile and frivolous meridians showed no signs of being unbearable under the continuous flushing of spiritual power.Xu Miao increased the speed of absorbing spiritual energy, and her meridians were still safe and sound.

That being the case, Xu Miao was completely relieved.The primary level of comprehension has been achieved, and you can start practicing exercises. "Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue" and "Western Wind Withered Green Trees" are two-step formulas that run at the same time.

With the blessing of the law, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy accelerated again.Looking from the outside of the cold pool, one would see an underwater vortex constantly spinning.If there are monsters coming here, they will also feel the temperature of the cold pool is gradually rising.

"Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue" is still as usual, strengthening the toughness of meridians and laying a solid foundation for level advancement.As a heaven-level middle-grade exercise, it mainly condenses the monk's body and restores the monk's injuries.

Of course, this is when the spiritual power is sufficient and the meridians are running without hindrance.For example, Xu Miao was injured by forest spiders and Zhang Mingxi before, the circulation of meridians was directly interrupted, and the flow of spiritual power was hindered. Even the "Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue" could do nothing.

"West Wind Withered Green Trees" is running, and Xu Miao's body continues to experience the ups and downs.The skin and flesh go back and forth into youth, adulthood, aging, and suspended animation.

The two major exercises continued to operate, pushing Xu Miao's cultivation to continuously break through.The diameter of the vortex gradually extends, and when it reaches the limit of the vortex, it starts to liquefy from the core.

The process of liquefaction was very smooth, almost without any hindrance.

Xu Miao's eyes opened suddenly, she was radiant, and her whole body showed a different aura.Returning to the tenth floor of Qi Refining, and the spirit vortex is still condensing at this time, which means that Xu Miao will step into Foundation Establishment in a few days.

Thinking of it, Xu Miao's heart felt hot.Only by stepping into the Foundation Establishment can one be considered a real monk.Feeling agitated, the spirit vortex in her dantian was temporarily unstable, Xu Miao quickly stabilized her mind and prepared to build a foundation.

He now has ten Foundation Establishment Pills, and if there is no accident, he should be able to advance to Foundation Establishment.But this is just summed up based on other people's experience. His biggest anomaly now is the law of heaven and earth.

The law of heaven and earth was in his body before, but after the body was reorganized, no trace of the law of heaven and earth could be found anymore.Xu Miao didn't know whether the laws of heaven and earth had evaporated in the heaven and earth, or remained in the newborn body.

All of a sudden, ripples suddenly appeared in the calm pool water. Xu Miao leaned against the stone wall to stabilize his figure. He looked out suspiciously. It seemed that there was no difference. He also turned his attention back to building the foundation. .

.Xu Miao was so absorbed in her cultivation that she didn't know what was happening outside.

The sky turned dark, the sea flooded, and the storm raged. The five continents shook at the same time, and sand and rocks were flying everywhere.From time to time, there will be fire from the sky, and the mysterious thunder will fall to the ground.For some small sects, their families were wiped out in an instant, and no trace could be found.

The sun disappeared, and looking up, the earth fell into a dark chaos.The spiritual plants that depend on sunlight to survive quickly withered and died.The tremors continued, and the ground fire spewed out from the depths of the ground and spread to other parts of the continent.

The rapid rise in surface temperature is unbearable even for monks, not to mention the mortals who depend on the land for survival, and the lives are harvested in cities and towns.

During the shock, the aura of the heavens and the earth became disordered, and creatures could not directly absorb the aura for cultivation.It must be extracted first before it can be used on oneself, monks who cannot adapt, and large numbers of monsters die.

The law of heaven and earth in some areas is abnormal, and a large number of space cracks are generated. In less than a day, this place has become a dead place, and there are no more living creatures.

The powerful monk who once could call the wind and call the rain, lost the pride of pointing the sky in the face of the changes in the world.Facing the heaven and the earth, no matter how strong one's cultivation is and how hard one's body is, they are all frighteningly small.

The five continents became a purgatory of death, and the cries echoed in the air from time to time.One after another corpses were spread randomly on the ground, and many people still couldn't match their eyes after death.

All the high-ranking monks in the various sects gathered together to discuss the recent changes in the world and discuss solutions.

Even the cultivator of Huashen took action to control the laws of heaven and earth. As the most powerful existence on this land, the cultivator of Huashen was helpless in the face of all kinds of changes.

Everyone thought of the two previous changes in the world, turning the ancient into the ancient, and the ancient into the present. Do they also have to experience what their ancestors have experienced.

Fortunately, this turmoil lasted only three months, unlike the history that took years or decades.

However, even so, countless human beings, monsters, and spirits were affected, and a large number of families and sects were wiped out from this world, leaving no trace of their existence.

The human monks and the demon cultivators reached an agreement to temporarily refrain from using weapons and focus on restoring vitality.Humans and monsters entered into a brief period of peace, but it was quickly broken after a few years, but this is a later story.

The bottom of the cold pool is like a safe barrier, no matter how turbulent the outside world is, it will not affect Xu Miao who is at the bottom of the pool.The existence of the pond water conceals the changes in the outside world, and the aura at the bottom has not changed much.

Xu Miao recalled the formulas of foundation building in the two exercises. Although they are both foundation building methods, the foundation building methods mentioned in the two exercises are completely different.

"Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue" creates a stable image of the blue sea and blue sky through water and spiritual power. No matter how it changes, the blue sea and blue sky will never change.

However, "Western Wind Withers Green Trees" creates images that change in four seasons, in line with the purpose of growth, flourishing, withering, and withering.Even if it doesn't change, the image needs to change by itself.

The two books of exercises happen to coincide with each other, one is still and the other is moving. Xu Miao can easily complete one book alone, but the most difficult thing is to combine the two books to make the movement and quiet coexist harmoniously.

The consequence of forced integration is likely to be that it conforms to one and violates the other.Either the sea and sky are calm and the green trees are evergreen all year round; or the trees change with the seasons and the waves are always noisy.

No matter what kind of result it is, it will lead to another practice error.Mistakes in kung fu practice are fatal to monks.The spiritual power is in disorder, and the decline of cultivation base is already the best result.

Under normal circumstances, it will make it impossible for a monk to make further progress for life, which is a more painful thing than death.Xu Miao couldn't allow this to happen to her.

He thought about the distribution of spiritual power and spiritual consciousness. During the foundation building, a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy would flow into the body. It must be more than during cultivation. As long as they can be divided equally, images can be temporarily formed.

Xu Miao simulated the operation of the foundation's spiritual power in her mind. The previous steps were relatively simple, but the most difficult thing was the fusion of two completely different images.

He conceived several methods of fusion, but none of them succeeded.Establishing the foundation fell into a bottleneck for a while, but the spiritual vortex in the body kept spinning, and it had completely liquefied, which meant that establishing the foundation could not be delayed.

Xu Miao really fell into a dilemma. Forcibly suppressing the spirit vortex and suspending the impulse to build the foundation would do great harm to the spirit vortex. Taking advantage of the trend, she started building the foundation, and there was a problem in the last step of foundation building.

He rubbed his chin with his right hand, thinking about the solution.While he was thinking, the aura of heaven and earth suddenly rioted and entered Xu Miao's body like crazy.

Xu Miao was stunned for a moment, what happened, how did these auras seem to be fleeing for their lives.Due to the changes in the world, the spiritual energy changes, and the former spiritual energy will be transformed into another spiritual energy.

The aura of heaven and earth also has the instinct to survive, they don't want to become another kind of aura, and entering Xu Miao's body at this time is the best ending.

However, this made Xu Miao suffer. A large amount of aura entered his body, and now he couldn't do it even if he didn't want to build a foundation.The arrow is on the string, and he has no choice but to launch it. Apart from building the foundation, he has no other way to go.

The two divine senses silently recited two heart formulas respectively, and mobilized their spiritual power to start operating according to the foundation-building route.Xu Miao tried her best to make the two spiritual powers independent of each other and build their own foundations.

In the beginning, the two spiritual forces did go their own way, without affecting the other spiritual force.When the vortex began to transform into a foundation building, the difference in skills began to appear.

The spiritual power guided by "Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue" is obviously stronger than that of "West Wind Withered Green Tree". The water spiritual power attracts the wind spiritual power to approach it, thus destroying the wind spiritual power.

Seeing the situation of the spiritual power in the meridians, Xu Miao's head felt dizzy.He forcibly controlled the water spirit power so as not to affect the wind spirit power, but the mid-level heavenly skill was too strong, even if controlled by Xu Miao, it would instinctively affect the wind spirit power.

The poor wind spirit power was trembling under the influence of water spirit power, and its operation was extremely obscure.When practicing, Xu Miao could suppress the water spirit power with a little control.

But when building the foundation, all the spiritual power will show the strongest state, and the wind spiritual power is no match for the water spiritual power in an instant, and it can't occupy the position of the meridians at all.

(End of this chapter)

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