Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 110 Imagery

Chapter 110 Imagery
The reduction of the power of the wind spirit power will make it impossible to build a foundation smoothly, which will lead to an imbalance of the two types of spiritual power in the body, which will make Xu Miao's life threatened once again like a school Xiaobi.

Xu Miao was anxious and tried her best to suppress the water spirit power.However, in normal practice of "Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue", the speed of spiritual power circulation can be controlled through spiritual consciousness, but when building the foundation, monks will only think that the spiritual power is not running fast enough, how could it be slow.

Therefore, Xu Miao couldn't reduce the running speed of "Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue" at all. Right now, he could only run "West Wind Withered Green Tree" with all his strength to make up for the gap between the two kinds of spiritual power as much as possible.

The water spirit power flows unhindered in the meridians, washing the meridians at full speed.When ordinary monks advanced to build a foundation, they would perform the last hair cutting and marrow washing, to expel the last impurities in the body, and truly get rid of the mortal body.

Since Xu Miao's body has already undergone a reorganization, and the flesh and blood are transformed from spiritual power, this process is also directly omitted.The spiritual power flows into the spiritual vortex along the meridians, and the water vortex shrinks and rotates frantically, pressing towards the core.

Xu Miao has given up suppressing the water spirit power, and puts all his energy on the wind spirit power.Quickly pull the wind spirit power into the spirit vortex, and push the core of the wind spirit vortex to compress.

All Xu Miao has to do now is to wait for the two vortexes to be compressed.Only when the vortex is so concentrated that it can no longer be concentrated, will the core be used as the starting point to create an image.

After the initial construction of the image is completed, the monk officially enters the foundation building period.Xu Miao went one step further than other monks, that is, after the images were constructed, they needed to be fused together.

This step of integration is very important, and no mistakes can be tolerated. Once a mistake is made, it will be lost forever.

The vortex continuously inhales spiritual power, speeding up the process of concentration.The vortex has begun to slowly recede from its original blue and green colors. When it returns to its true nature and becomes pure white, it is not far from being condensed.

"West Wind Withered Green Tree" continued its withering and flourishing circulation, and the left half of the body showed a sickly light, which is a unique expression of practicing "West Wind Withered Green Tree".

Advance in apoptosis, use death to live, do the opposite, the so-called break and then build, if you don't break, you can't stand.Through this extremely dangerous method, the monks can be advanced.

The speed of dry-glory conversion is getting faster and faster, and a cycle has been completed in the time of a cup of tea.With the faster circulation, the speed of the wind spiritual force has gradually caught up with the progress of the water spiritual force.

Xu Miao couldn't help sighing that the monk who created this technique was a genius. He exchanged death for practice, and survived death. Only with such a decisive attitude can he go further on the road of cultivation.

Now, the two spirit vortexes have completely faded from their original colors and turned white.At this stage, no matter what kind of attribute spiritual power enters the vortex, it will be refined into non-attribute spiritual power.

Cultivators have the attributes of spiritual roots, and spiritual energy has attributes, but heaven and earth have no attributes.If you want to advance in the laws of heaven and earth, you must get rid of the restricted attributes and the attributes that suppress yourself.

The two cores have been completed, they stop rotating, and they are fixedly separated on the left and right sides of the dantian.

Xu Miao looked dignified, and mobilized the two cores at the same time to create an image. Even if she had two spiritual senses, it was not easy to complete.

"The Art of the Blue Sea and the Blue Sky" and "The West Wind Withered the Green Trees" are recited at the same time to create images, starting from the core.

A core turns into white mist, which expands rapidly and becomes taller. At this time, it seems as if Pangu opened up the world. The misty white mist is separated from the middle, and the clear ones go up, and the turbid ones go down.

The shape and color of the two changes as they go up and down.The blue sea and blue sky formed in an instant.There is no obstacle in this process, and the image of the water spirit vortex is quickly formed.

At the same time, the core of the wind spirit vortex turned into a tree seed, which slowly expanded, and a young leaf grew out of it.What Xu Miao has to do now is to pour spiritual power into the tree seed and stimulate it to grow into a tree.

He mobilized his whole body to absorb the wind energy around him.The wind spirits scrambled into the tree species, and Xu Miao watched as the tree species gradually produced two or three bunches of roots and tender stems.

The tiny roots go down shallowly, and the wind energy begins to enter from the roots to nourish the growth of other parts.The stem climbs up one by one, and the color changes from the initial tender green to brownish black, forming a trunk.

Branches extend from the main trunk and grow in all directions.The green leaves stretch out from the branches, and the breeze blows, swaying slowly.The green tree has already formed, but the westerly wind and death are still needed.

Xu Miao manipulated the wind power to form a cold westerly wind, blowing it towards the lush trees.Under the invasion of the cold wind, the green leaves gradually turned yellow, and another gust of westerly wind blew, and the leaves fell one after another.

The bare old tree branches are staggered, and only a few sparse yellow leaves are left to show its breath of life, a sign of depression and decline.

The spring breeze blew past, giving birth to several green buds, and soon, the green buds grew into green leaves, and the lush trees reappeared in the image of Dantian.There is no need for Xu Miao to control it. The trees can grow and wither with the changes of the seasons.

The two images were initially formed, and Xu Miao stared at the images, thinking about the method of fusion.He didn't have much time. After constructing the image, the monk only had half a cup of tea to organize the image.

If it is not sorted out within the specified time, it will enter the foundation building period with an unfinished image.The completeness of the imagery directly affects the power of the foundation building period, therefore, this period of half a cup of tea is very important.

In addition, Xu Miao's law of heaven and earth has not yet appeared, which has been hanging in Xu Miao's heart like a time bomb, for fear of when it will explode.

The image of water spirit power has nothing but blue sea and blue sky.For trees to survive, there must be soil.Since there is no soil in the blue sea, let's create some soil.

Xu Miao controlled her spiritual power to form a small island in the center of the blue sea with a thin layer of soil on it.Xu Miao doesn't have an earth attribute spiritual root, so it's not easy to create an island out of thin air.

The west wind green tree was picked up by Xu Miao and appeared in the midair of Dantian.The water spirit power poured in again, and he wanted the blue sea to cover the entire dantian.

The blue sea and blue sky expanded again, but the island remained unchanged.Xu Miao looked at it at a glance, and in the vast sea, the island had turned into a small black spot.

There is still a little soil on the roots of the Bishu, and several of the roots have withered.This was the reason why he had been away from the spiritual land for too long, so Xu Miao quickly put Bi Shu on the island.

It was at this time that the sudden change occurred.Two completely different images can be fused at will without Xu Miao's imagination.The sea level, which has been calm as a mirror, set off monstrous waves, and the sea level rose rapidly, intending to submerge the island.

Xu Miao hurriedly suppressed the impulse of the sea water, trying to calm down the shocking waves.It was not easy for the sea to calm down, but when he transplanted the green tree again, the sea fell into chaos again.

A deep sense of powerlessness lingered in my heart. I was separated from the soil for a long time, and the leaves of the green tree fell in large quantities, without going through the state of withering at all, and directly entered death.

This is an ominous omen, if Bishu dies, even if Bihaiqingtian is still there, it will be useless.The time for half a cup of tea is about to run out, Xu Miao must suppress the sea water as soon as possible.

He gritted his teeth, regardless of the turbulent waves, and forcibly placed the green tree on the island. While urging the blue tree to stretch its roots, he suppressed the sea water near the island.

He couldn't care less about the sea far away from the island. As long as the green trees could take root and sprout, even if the sky turned upside down, he would still have a way to clean up the mess.

There was a root system on the island, and Xu Miao was overjoyed.But Bihai's repulsive reaction was even greater, and the waves set off almost washed away Bishu and the island.

Suddenly, an unknown force rushed into the image.Xu Miao looked intently, and the law of heaven and earth finally appeared.When it appears at this time, I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse.

At this time, the law of heaven and earth is not restricted by Xu Miao at all, and wanders freely in the image.Xu Miao's consciousness paid close attention to this law, and after hovering for a while, it slowly landed on the island where Bishu was.

Strangely, as the law entered the island, the sea water near the island gradually became calm, and the roots of the green trees were slowly pierced into the soil.The blue trees, the west wind, the blue sea, and the blue sky blend together harmoniously.

Just when Xu Miao was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the law of half-way rushed into the image again.Xu Miao had a bad heart and forgot the existence of this half way.

The half way law is different from the first way law, it directly rushes to the root of the green tree.The roots that had just penetrated the soil were immediately uprooted by the law, and the whole tree was crumbling.

Damn, I was careless.Xu Miao hastily controlled the half-way law, but when the half-way law was refined, it was barely refined, and it was not completely refined at all.

Now it is urgent to use means, and it is impossible to control it.Xu Miao watched the roots of the green tree being pulled out little by little, and the top of the tree withered and died little by little, but there was nothing he could do.

He secretly hated, is this God's will?No, even God's will cannot dominate his life.It's just a law of the half way. If he can refine a law, he can refine the law of the half way.

Xu Miao's consciousness sank into the image, looking for the complete law.Many of his methods can't fight against the law, so the law must be against the law.

If one rule is against the upper half rule, he doesn't believe that he can't win.The divine consciousness swept across the blue sea recklessly, and easily found the law.The complete law is like a golden dragon, quietly entrenched on the bottom of the blue sea.

With a thought in Xu Miao's mind, he summoned the law to go out to sea.I don't know if it's an illusion, but Xu Miao feels a little dissatisfied with this rule.Could it be that the rules have become fine? Xu Miao thinks he may have seen a ghost.

Fortunately, this law still obeyed Xu Miao's will, jumped out of the sea, and went straight to the half-way law.

One and a half rules coiled together in mid-air, shining golden light.Xu Miao is like an outsider, unable to understand what the law is doing.But he quickly came back to his senses and manipulated Bishu to re-root the island.

(End of this chapter)

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