Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 111 Foundation Building

Chapter 111 Foundation Building
After re-contacting the soil, Bishu's condition improved slightly, but it was still not very optimistic.Xu Miao extracted the spiritual power of the wind and poured it into the roots to stimulate the roots to grow.

The law of half way seems to have been tamed by that law, obediently following a law into the bottom of the blue sea.Xu Miao stared blankly at what happened in her dantian, not knowing why.

In any case, the two images finally merged together without any risk.Once the image is constructed, the spiritual power will undergo a qualitative change, transforming into a high-concentration liquid.

Although the aura in the vortex has been liquefied during the Qi refining stage, the spiritual energy will reach a high concentration state only in the foundation building stage, providing a solid backing for monks to practice and fight.

At this time, a lot of spiritual power is needed to fill the image to promote the cultivation base.Under normal circumstances, monks need to take the Foundation Establishment Pill to improve their cultivation.

The spiritual power contained in the Foundation Establishment Pill is far beyond the reach of the elixir of the Qi refining period. This elixir contains a large amount of pure spiritual power and is specially used for monks to advance.

The Foundation Establishment Pill has far-reaching and strong medicinal power. For monks with excellent talents, it can promote them to absorb the aura of heaven and earth as a catalyst. Therefore, such monks do not need many Foundation Establishment Pills.

For monks with poor talents, their speed of absorbing the aura of heaven and earth is too slow to keep up with the concentration of spiritual energy required for foundation establishment, so Foundation Establishment Pill has become their main source of spiritual energy.

Therefore, this kind of monks will need a lot of foundation building pills to ensure that their spiritual power can support themselves into the foundation building period.Just like Zhu Ping, Xu Miao's former subordinate, he used three Foundation Establishment Pills to step into the Foundation Establishment Stage.

It's not a good number, but it's not bad either.As a casual cultivator, Zhu Ping was able to use only three Foundation Establishment Pills, which proved that his Dao heart was firm and his aptitude was not bad.

As for those wonderful geniuses in history, all of them entered the foundation stage with only one Foundation Establishment Pill.There are also rumors that there is a monk in Qianyangmen who did not take the Foundation Establishment Pill at all when he established the foundation, and directly relied on himself to establish the foundation.

At that time, the news spread throughout the mainland, and all the monks were astonished, and even thought it was a big lie, just to increase the reputation of Qianyangmen.

The reason why the Foundation Establishment Pill is precious is precisely because, in the cultivation world, all monks need to take the Foundation Establishment Pill to enter the Foundation Establishment Stage.This cultivator was able to skip the Foundation Establishment Pill, which is really rare in ten thousand years.

Later, this rumor was confirmed to be true, and the monk later advanced to become a god and ascended to the upper realm.The experience of this monk has always inspired people who came after him, but there is no monk like that sage.

Xu Miao took out the jade bottle containing the Foundation Establishment Pill and put it aside.No matter whether you need the Foundation Establishment Pill or not, you have to prepare it first.

He took a deep breath, turned his heart upwards, and began to absorb the aura of heaven and earth.At this moment, the speed of absorbing the aura of heaven and earth is more than twice as fast as the speed of creating the image before.

The existence of the imagery is really unusual, directly raising the speed of spiritual energy absorption to an incredible level.Xu Miao's images are complex and huge, requiring a lot of spiritual power to fill them up.

He didn't control any spiritual power absorption speed, let go of all the positions that could absorb spiritual energy, and tried his best to absorb it.Abundant spiritual power quickly flows through the meridians and merges into the image of Dantian.

The images have been fused together, Xu Miao deliberately no longer distinguishes between wind and water attribute spiritual power, and absorbs the two into the body regardless of each other.Wind, water and spiritual power are intertwined, condensing flesh and blood, meridians.

The toughness of the meridians has increased again, and even the width has been expanded by the two kinds of spiritual power.The upper layer of the jade slip mentioned that when a monk enters the foundation building period, the eight main meridians will be tempered and strengthened again, and the width will reach one centimeter to accommodate more space for spiritual power.

However, the width of Xu Miao's eight major meridians has reached two centimeters. This kind of meridian width is beyond the reach of ordinary people.The wide meridians easily accommodate a large amount of spiritual power, laying a solid foundation for Xu Miao in the future.

In the past, one was divided into two for the balance of spiritual power, and now the two are merged into one for the purpose of spiritual balance.However, it is more difficult to combine two into one now than to divide one into two.

It is tricky and troublesome for monks to mix the spiritual power and ensure that the two kinds of spiritual power are equal.Xu Miao is used to maintaining the balance of spiritual power, so it doesn't feel too complicated after a set.

The images filled with spiritual power become more real.If the blue sea was just like the blue sea in the picture before, now it has become a real ocean.

The sea is tolerant to all rivers, and its tolerance is great, and its blue waves are vast and unfathomable.The blue sky that forms a line with it is clear and clear, like a dome above the dantian.

The blue tree in the center of the blue sea, with the rotation of the westerly wind, has undergone four seasons changes, withered and prosperous, and the four seasons are impermanent.Each season, the tree exhibits a certain condition, just like the trees in the external environment.

The aura of heaven and earth is continuously sucked into the artistic conception, driving the concentration of spiritual power to rise continuously.

When the spiritual power cannot be reflowed into the dantian, but can only be dispersed in the body, the foundation building is successful.Up to now, Xu Miao's aura is still entering the dantian, and up to now, he doesn't need the foundation pill to promote the absorption of aura.

Ordinary monks need Foundation Establishment Pills because they communicate with heaven and earth through a body after all, and Xu Miao, since his body was reorganized, his flesh and blood meridians are all generated through spiritual power.

This problem, which is regarded as a natural barrier by others, does not exist at all in Xu Miao's case.This is the formation of spiritual power, so how can it be hindered.

Before he knew it, the tiny spiritual vein at the bottom of the cold pool was almost drained by Xu Miao.Xu Miao didn't seem to notice, she was still absorbing spiritual energy, but the speed had slowed down, which also proved that the foundation building was coming to an end.

Xu Miao didn't notice that the spiritual power that entered the imagery was gathered somewhere in the blue sky.When the spiritual power accumulated more and more, Xu Miao suddenly discovered that a red sun seemed to have formed there.

The advancement of monks in the foundation building period is judged based on the formation of a complete image in the image.Xu Miao can be sure that he is definitely not in the middle stage of foundation establishment now, but there is an extra image for no reason.

With the appearance of the red sun, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy, which had been slowed down, increased again, and it gathered towards the red sun.When the sunlight became stronger and more stable, the concentration of Xu Miao's spiritual power reached a whole new level.

Successful foundation building!After going through so much, I finally stepped into Foundation Establishment.Xu Miao was in a very happy mood at this time. She opened her eyes and stared at her hands, as if her gestures carried endless power.

However, the corners of Xu Miao's grinning mouth hadn't dropped when he heard a rumbling sound.Xu Miao was at the bottom of the pool, but she intuitively sensed that the roaring thunder was coming towards her.

He had heard that Jindan and Nascent Soul would lead to catastrophe, but he was only building a foundation, so why would thunder catastrophe appear.A thunderbolt fell on the cold pool, and the thunder took advantage of the force of the water to chop Xu Miao squarely.

Fortunately, it was only the first lightning tribulation, its power was not strong, it just burned the body black.After Xu Miao exercised her spiritual power for a while, she returned to normal.

You can't stay at the bottom of the pool to pass the tribulation. With the addition of the pool water, this thunder tribulation will definitely not be easy.Xu Miao jumped out of the water and sat down beside the cold pool.

As soon as he got out of the water, Xu Miao noticed something unusual.He remembered that before entering the bottom of the pool, the surrounding environment was not like this.Such a change cannot be caused by a single thunderstorm.

Xu Miao didn't have time to think, the second thunder had already fallen.He quickly mobilized his spiritual power to form a mask to protect his whole body.The power of this lightning tribulation was much greater than the first one, and cracks appeared in the mask within a few breaths.

He continued to draw aura, trying to strengthen the defensive mask, but found that there was a problem with the aura of heaven and earth.The spiritual energy of this world is mixed and mottled, and it cannot be directly used by monks at all.

There is no other way, Xu Miao can only take out the purple spirit sand cap to cover her head.The result of the collision between the ultimate magic weapon and the sky thunder, don't even think about it, ended in damage to the magic weapon.

After two interceptions, the thunder tribulation has weakened a lot. Even if it hit Xu Miao's head, he can use his spiritual power to dissolve it.Xu Miao additionally discovered that Lei Jie can also temper the body and condense spiritual power.

He grinned, his white teeth in stark contrast to his scorched face.

According to the practice in the cultivation world, both alchemy and nascent souls will encounter nine catastrophes. As for the catastrophes in the foundation period, Xu Miao has only heard of them in legends, and he doesn't know exactly how many.

He looked up at the sky, there must be no two.Since the aura of heaven and earth cannot be used directly, then before the third thunder falls, quickly absorb and purify the aura.

This will greatly reduce the efficiency of his absorption of spiritual power, but there is no suitable solution, so he can only do his best to absorb spiritual energy.Soon, the third thunder thundered down.

Xu Miao didn't choose to use the light shield to resist this time, he wanted to take the initiative to attack.Stretching out the long arm of his right hand, a lightsaber condensed out.Condensing spirits into things is a unique method for monks in the foundation establishment period.By compressing the spiritual power, it condenses into the desired shape.

Pushing down with both feet, Xu Miao flew into the air, and the lightsaber directly confronted the sky thunder.This time there is no buffer, no weakening, directly impacting the sky thunder with oneself, and using the attack to defuse the power of the sky thunder.

With the lightsaber in hand, Xu Miao kept changing her moves.With every move, thunder entered Xu Miao's body. Fortunately, no major damage was caused, which was to the extent that Xu Miao could bear it.

When the third thunder disappeared, the lightsaber in Xu Miao's hand also turned into a spot of light and dissipated into the air.When fighting against the third thunder, too much spiritual power was consumed, and the spiritual power in Xu Miao's body was less than half.

The dark clouds in the mid-air have not dissipated, and there are faint signs of strengthening.It was too slow to replenish the spiritual power by relying on the aura of heaven and earth, so Xu Miao put his left hand into the cold pool, and he wanted to extract the little remaining spiritual power in the cold pool.

The weak spiritual vein at the bottom of the pool, including the spiritual power in the cold pool water, was drained by Xu Miao in an instant, which temporarily relieved his urgent need.The fourth thunder came as promised, and the beam of light of this thunder was more than twice as wide as the third one.

If he was hit by this strike, he would probably go to see Hades soon.Xu Miao quickly drew a circle in mid-air with both hands, and hit the spiritual circle towards the thunder that was about to fall.

(End of this chapter)

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