Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 112 Tianlei

Chapter 112 Tianlei
Several spirit circles crashed into Tianlei, trying to weaken the power of Tianlei.However, this sky thunder is too powerful, even if it is relieved by the spirit circle, it still retains great power.

Xu Miao drew out the blood-drinking knife and slashed at Tianlei head-on.Huo Clay, Tianlei was blocked by the fire-attributed Blood Drinking Knife, and its power was greatly reduced.As a price, the Blood Drinking Knife shattered into pieces.

The rest of the thunder entered Xu Miao's body along the handle of the blood drinking knife, and Xu Miao quickly mobilized the spiritual power in his body to block the damage of the thunder to his body.

Although the sky thunder has the effect of exercising the monk's body, but too strong sky thunder will directly destroy the monk's meridians, and even directly kill the monk.

The "Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue" was running crazily, and the effect of water and spiritual power restoration was displayed to counter the power of the sky thunder.The wind spirit power is trying its best to defuse the sky thunder, and the two kinds of spirit power divide and cooperate, and finally resist the fourth sky thunder.

Xu Miao sat slumped on the ground, panting heavily.Tianlei is far from ending, and his methods are running out.Before the establishment of the foundation, he had experienced fighting with a fourth-level monster, and then dealt with the monks of the establishment of the foundation.

Many magic weapons and talismans had already been exhausted at that time. This time, he took advantage of the right time and place to build the foundation successfully. He never thought that he would encounter catastrophe after the foundation was built.

To make matters worse, the environment of the world has changed, and the aura has become unable to be used directly by himself, which greatly reduces the efficiency of Xu Miao's recovery.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he could still use defensive formations.Xu Miao quickly took out the formation flag from the Hunting Stone, and arranged several simple defensive formations, including a simplified version of the grand formation of millet grass.

Xu Miao didn't arrange the formation that was too complicated. One was that there was too little time, and the other was that there were not enough formation flags.Instead of building an incomplete formation, it is better to arrange several complete formations.

The thunder was rolling, and the sky thunder gradually gathered in the dark clouds and was about to fall to the ground.Xu Miao dodged into the innermost formation, and took out a Foundation Establishment Pill and swallowed it.

Foundation Establishment Pill can not only promote monks to build a foundation, but also replenish spiritual power for monks in time.At this time, Xu Miao's spiritual power cannot be replenished from other sources, and the foundation building pill is the best choice.

A foundation building pill entered the throat, and the medicinal power evaporated instantly, turning into abundant spiritual power and sweeping across Xu Miao's limbs.With the supplement of spiritual power, Xu Miao completely recovered from the injury she suffered from the last thunderbolt, and her spiritual power also recovered a lot.

At this time, it would not be cost-effective to swallow another Foundation Establishment Pill, as it would waste some spiritual power.Xu Miao pressed another Foundation Establishment Pill under her tongue, ready to swallow it whenever her spiritual power was insufficient.

When everything was ready, the fifth thunder fell.The beam of light is thicker and more powerful.The defensive formation that Xu Miao had set up was almost powerless to resist, and was torn apart by the thunder in the blink of an eye.

After Tianlei shredded three formations in succession, only the last formation was left, which imitated the arrangement of Qianlicao's large formation.The Qianlicao formation barely lasted for three breaths, but was also broken by the sky thunder.

Xu Miao's eyes were fixed on Tianlei who was close at hand, he took out his hand and summoned the agarwood beads, and zoomed in to block Tianlei.Chen Xiangzhu is a low-grade spiritual weapon, it blocks the power of the sky thunder.

But at the same time, the agarwood beads consume a huge amount of spiritual power.The spiritual power in Xu Miao's body was emptied instantly by Chen Xiangzhu, and he quickly swallowed the Foundation Establishment Pill under his tongue to replenish his spiritual power.

After taking three Foundation Establishment Pills one after another, Xu Miao was able to block the fifth thunder.Just to resist the fifth thunder, he spent four Foundation Establishment Pills back and forth, leaving six Foundation Establishment Pills in his hand.

According to the trend of the thunder becoming stronger, Xu Miao didn't think that the remaining six Foundation Establishment Pills could block the sixth thunder.The most important thing is that Xu Miao doesn't know whether there will be any thunder after the sixth thunder, which determines whether Xu Miao will give it a go.

The sixth thunder was still gathering momentum in the dark clouds, and it has not fallen for a long time.What Xu Miao can do is to absorb the aura of heaven and earth as much as possible and convert it into usable spiritual power.

If this attack can't be resisted, it doesn't matter whether the sky thunder is the last one or not.As Xu Miao kept absorbing the aura, he found that the conversion rate of the aura of heaven and earth also existed in the situation that practice makes perfect.

In the beginning, the conversion rate of spiritual energy was only a pitiful [-]%, absorbing ten parts of spiritual energy can only be converted into [-]% usable spiritual power.Up to now, whether it was tempered by Tianlei or other reasons, the conversion rate has reached [-]%.

This was a big encouragement to Xu Miao.As long as the spiritual energy conversion rate can be increased, he can use more spiritual energy.Xu Miao swallowed three Foundation Establishment Pills at once to fill the spiritual power gap in her body.

Xu Miao suddenly thought that Lin Zhao's belongings were still in the Huntian Stone.There are many magic weapons in Lin Zhao's storage bag. Before, he dared not use them in front of others for safety reasons.

And today is the best opportunity to use these magic weapons.He took out Lin Zhao's storage bag, and took it out all at once.I didn't look carefully before, but there are indeed many good things among the treasures placed all over the place.

There are three or four top-grade magical artifacts, and even two low-grade spiritual artifacts.At that time, Lin Zhao was just a monk at the seventh level of Qi refining, and he could have so many high-level magic weapons. Even if he had obtained so many benefits, he only had one low-grade magic weapon.

People are more popular than people, but no matter how rich Lin Zhao is, he is already dead, and all the good things are cheap for him.It's just that these magic weapons have been damaged to a certain extent, so their power will not be that strong.

The sixth thunder has fallen, and Xu Miao backhandedly threw the magic weapons to the thunder.Even if it is a damaged talisman, its material quality is there after all.

When all the magic weapons were exhausted, half of the power of the sky thunder had been eliminated, so Xu Miao felt relieved.The Huaying sword was unsheathed and attacked Tianlei.

A drop in the ocean, against the power of the sky thunder with the power of the sky thunder.Using this trick was the result of Xu Miao's deliberation.Relying on Chen Xiangzhu, although he could block this thunder, he was worried that there would be a seventh thunder in the future.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, he chose a drop in the ocean.The biggest danger of this move is that when the two forces collide when a drop in the ocean is used, if the resulting power cannot be avoided in time, they will be directly blasted to pieces.

The power of Tianlei is not so easy to borrow. With Xu Miao's cultivation in the foundation period and his familiarity with the laws of heaven and earth, he can only borrow [-]% of his power.

Even though it is only [-]% of the power, it is enough to destroy everything around it.At the moment when the two forces collided, Xu Miao immediately withdrew and retreated away from the thunder disaster.

However, this damn Tianlei has been chasing Xu Miao, wherever Xu Miao goes, it will follow.Xu Miao wanted to cry, but fortunately, the power of the sky thunder borrowed by a drop in the ocean eliminated a lot of the power of the sixth sky thunder.

The last part of the thunder entered Xu Miao's body, and the "Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue" immediately started to work, repairing the damage caused by the thunder.Xu Miao took a Foundation Establishment Pill to speed up the recovery of the injury.

The dark clouds in the sky seemed to be about to disperse. Xu Miao breathed a sigh of relief. He lay on the ground, wanting to take a good rest before checking the surrounding environment.

What Xu Miao didn't expect was that the dark clouds that were about to disperse suddenly gathered together again, and flashes of light flashed across the sky in the dark clouds.Xu Miao's face was extremely solemn, this thunder should be the last one.

Such an anomaly, its power must not be underestimated.He now only has five Foundation Establishment Pills and a string of Agarwood Pearls left in his hand.Without a magic weapon to weaken the sky thunder, Xu Miao would not dare to use a drop in the ocean even if he had ten guts.

I can only resist, hoping that my good luck has not run out.There are so many monks who have survived the catastrophe, and there are many monks who have survived the previous catastrophes and died in the last thunder.

According to the common sense of Heavenly Tribulation, the last thunder will be the strongest, but the brewing time will not be very long, and it is barely enough for monks to adjust their spiritual power.

Xu Miao raised her head and looked seriously at the thundercloud rolling in mid-air.The sky thunder has revealed a corner, this sky thunder is golden.Even if it is the Heavenly Tribulation of Alchemy, it is difficult to encounter the golden thunder.

Xu Miao didn't know whether to call herself good luck or bad luck.He took out the sun-splitting bow, drew the bow and drew the string, and the spiritual power condensed in the bowstring.The image in the dantian is that the blue sea is noisy and golden, and the green trees are at their most luxuriant moment.

All the spiritual power was mobilized by Xu Miao, and this arrow condensed all the spiritual power in the body.

He wants to use this arrow to weaken the power of the sky thunder as much as possible.Next, he will recover his spiritual power through the Foundation Establishment Pill.

The sky thunder completely showed its true colors, the pressure of the last thunder was far from what the previous thunders could compare with.Xu Miao aimed at Tianlei, loosened his right hand, and left the bow and arrow with all his spiritual power.

The spiritual power of Xu Miao's whole body has already far surpassed that of the monk who just stepped into the foundation. The power of this arrow can definitely be called amazing.But encountering the golden sky thunder only offset [-]% of the power of the sky thunder.

When I hit with all my strength, it was only [-]% as powerful as Tianlei.This greatly exceeded Xu Miao's expectations, and he quickly swallowed three Foundation Establishment Pills to replenish the exhausted spiritual power.

The seventh thunder fell extremely fast. Xu Miao had just recovered his spiritual power, so he had no time to catch his breath. He pointed to the agarwood pearl and placed it on top of his head.

In order to resist the sky thunder, the spiritual power in the body is continuously drawn out by the agarwood pearl to increase its defense.

Ka——Xu Miao heard a crisp sound, even the agarwood beads in a state of full spiritual power could no longer resist the power of this catastrophe.

Xu Miao had no other way out, so she could only resist it with her body.He took the last two Foundation Establishment Pills, and after the medicinal power had fully exerted, he beckoned to take back the Chenxiang Pearl.

The current state of spiritual power has not returned to the best state, but it can only go so far.Tianlei rushed into Xu Miao's body from Xu Miao's brain, Xu Miao's other parts did not feel abnormal, and his sea of ​​consciousness was instantly attacked by Tianlei.

The sea of ​​consciousness is more vulnerable than the dantian. Although Xu Miao's sea of ​​consciousness has been strengthened through training, it cannot resist the attack of Tianlei.Xu Miao endured the pain, managed to maintain a trace of sobriety, and guided Tianlei into her body.

Xu Miao's body was originally tempered by the blood of the consonant green ox, and it was strengthened a lot, but because it was burned by Zhang Mingxi's spiritual fire, the current body is not strong.

(End of this chapter)

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