Chapter 113
Tianlei ravaged Xu Miao's flesh and meridians irregularly, disrupting the flow of spiritual power in the body.Originally, there was not enough spiritual power, and now it is even more unable to organize a powerful circulation cycle.

Xu Miao's spiritual consciousness was damaged at the very beginning, which had a great impact on his later mobilization of spiritual power.In the sea of ​​consciousness, there is also a ray of extremely thin golden thunder, constantly splitting towards the consciousness.

The "Bi Hai Qing Tian Jue" has been used to the extreme by Xu Miao, repairing all the injuries, but the power of the thunder is too strong, and his spiritual power is almost empty, the situation is extremely unfavorable for Xu Miao.

He can only subconsciously absorb the aura of the external environment to supplement the depletion of spiritual power.However, due to the change of aura, even if the conversion rate has reached [-]%, it still cannot make up for the speed of consumption.

The ray of golden thunder in the sea of ​​consciousness finally exhausted all its power and dissipated.Xu Miao was finally able to take a break, and if his consciousness was not attacked for a while, he could mobilize his spiritual power better.

When Xu Miao guided Tianlei into his body, he had guessed the destructive power of Tianlei as high as possible.But when it really entered the body, Xu Miao had to admit that she was still too young.

The destructive power of Tianlei can no longer be described in words. Xu Miao now has no good flesh in her body, her meridians are damaged, and her spiritual power can no longer function smoothly.

He shook his hands and swallowed the Luoluo Pill that Ye Qiguang had given him, but the Luoluo Pill was taken by monks in the qi refining period, and Xu Miao was now a foundation-building monk, and the medicine power of the Luoluo Pill was too weak to restore the meridians at all.

At the same time, Tianlei has entered the dantian.Due to the exhaustion of spiritual power, the situation of the image has become extremely bad. Xu Miao estimates that the image will be completely destroyed if Tianlei gets involved again.

He was powerless to stop Tianlei, so he could only watch helplessly as Tianlei broke into his dantian.As soon as Tianlei entered the dantian, it divided itself into two paths, one struck towards the Cangmu and the other towards the blue sea.

The pain of being attacked in Dantian instantly swept through the whole body. Xu Miao clenched her fists tightly, curled up, and took a deep breath, trying to relieve the pain.

The calm sea was instantly shimmering with golden light, and the sky thunder crossed in the blue sea, destroying the newly formed image.The cang wood was split directly by the sky thunder, split into two, and even the roots were damaged.

Xu Miao was still absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, slowly repairing the damaged meridians.It seemed that her meridians were always being injured, Xu Miao asked the sky speechlessly if she dared to change the place where she was injured next time.

The eight major meridians have not been repaired yet, Xu Miao's eyes suddenly widened.Tianlei was no longer satisfied with destroying the surface of the image, it touched two spiritual cores.

The spiritual core is transformed from the core of the spiritual vortex. All the images of the monks use the spiritual core as the starting point to construct suitable images.As long as the spiritual core is intact, no matter how damaged the object is, it can be restored.

Once the spirit core is damaged, not only the images in the dantian will collapse instantly, but even the cultivation base may fall. What's more serious is that the spirit core will not be preserved, and it will die immediately, and the gods will not be able to save it.

Damn Tianlei, Xu Miao kept cursing, but if cursing is useful, why do you need cultivation.Xu Miao shrinks the image, gathers the spiritual power in the dantian, and protects the two spiritual cores.

The form of the spiritual core is a mist of gas, which gradually liquefies as the monk advances until it becomes a golden pill when it is formed.But now the form of mist is the most unstable, and it is most likely to be destroyed by lightning.

Xu Miao didn't care about the damage to the meridians again, so he sent spiritual power to the dantian at all costs to protect the newly born spiritual core.The meridian that had just recovered half of it fell apart again under Xu Miao's strong urging.

The splitting of the meridians caused Xu Miao's body to twitch uncontrollably.He firmly grasped the soil on the ground with both hands, trying to stabilize his body.Every movement of spiritual power will bring heart-piercing pain.

Cough cough—a mouthful of blood spewed out, Xu Miao pursed her lips, and forcibly swallowed back the remaining blood.

The spiritual power was sent to Dantian by Xu Miao regardless of the cost, and gathered around the spiritual core to resist the attack of Tianlei.The golden sky thunder showed its raging destructive power, directly smashing towards the spiritual core.

Layers of spiritual shields disintegrated one after another the moment Tianlei touched them.Xu Miao couldn't stop Tianlei's attack, all he could do was to send spiritual power uninterruptedly, even if the meridians were broken, he would not hesitate.

When the meridian is broken, and there is still time to recover, the spirit core is abolished, and there will be no chance of recovery.Two evils intersect, whichever is lesser.

The power of Tianlei has been weakened by layers of spiritual power. Xu Miao estimated that there should be only one last blow left by Tianlei.This attack must not be taken lightly, success or failure depends on it.

At this moment, Xu Miao had no more spiritual power to use, so she could only hope on the hardness of the spiritual core.He has done his best, and the rest is to obey the destiny.

With the rest of his power, Tianlei rushed towards the two spiritual cores.The moment the spirit core collided with the sky thunder, Xu Miao realized that the pain from damage to the meridians or sea of ​​consciousness was nothing.

His eyes suddenly became a vast expanse of whiteness, and he could not see anything.Immediately afterwards, there was endless darkness.

Subconsciously, Xu Miao told herself to wake up, but the monk's instinct made him fall into a coma to avoid the severe pain.

Xu Miao's consciousness fell into a coma, but other parts of his body did not fall into a coma, and they were still performing their duties.

His heart was beating faster and faster. Once the drop of "immortal" blood was pumped out of the heart, and entered the dantian by itself, split into two, blocking in front of the two spiritual cores.

The sky thunder rushed towards the blood, and the blood's rotation speed suddenly increased, the power of the sky thunder decreased during the blood rotation, and at the same time, the size of the blood also decreased.

When Tianlei had only a trace of power left that was not enough to threaten the spirit core, the blood droplets recombined into one and returned to the heart.The only remaining golden thunder crashed into the spiritual core, but could no longer destroy the spiritual core.

Uh——Xu Miao wailed, and gradually woke up, the pain came like a tide, from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside of the whole body, it seemed that someone had been severely beaten, and she couldn't exert any strength.

Xu Miao looked at herself internally, there was no trace of thunder, and the images in her dantian were in a mess. Fortunately, the spirit core did not suffer too much damage, which was within the acceptable range.

He didn't even know how his body resisted the final blow of the sky thunder. Xu Miao was not a person who was inquisitive. Anyway, he had already survived the catastrophe, and it was the same whether he was awake or asleep.

The meridian is extremely damaged, and the spiritual power is severely exhausted. There is no medicine to heal the wound, so it can only be repaired bit by bit with the help of the mixed spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

With the coming of cold and the coming of summer, Xu Miao's injuries have healed, and her cultivation has steadily stopped at the early stage of foundation establishment.

Foundation Establishment cultivators can fly with Escape Light and no longer need to issue magic weapons.Xu Miao flew into the air and checked the surrounding environment, but was completely shocked.

The trees were all withered, and the once towering mountain peaks were cut off by something. No monsters or monks could be seen.

Xu Miao thought about the changes in the aura of heaven and earth. When he had just recovered to the tenth level of Qi Refining, the aura hadn't changed like this, but when he finished building the foundation and was about to cross the tribulation, the aura changed.

Backwards, it should be that the world changed when the foundation was established.

Xiaotian appeared from the Huntian Stone, looking at the surrounding environment.She frowned slightly, looking at Ling Zhi's situation from time to time.

"The changes in the world are a bit like the changes in the ancient times in the rumors. However, the time of the changes is too short. The changes in the rumors that change the era need to last for a hundred years. This time it is so short, it is hard to say."

When Xu Miao heard this, she fell into deep thought.Every time the world changes, the cultivation resources will be reduced accordingly, and the forces on the land will also be reorganized, which represents a huge turmoil in the cultivation world.

Although he didn't care much about the change of power, the reduction of cultivation resources and the confusion of spiritual energy really affected his practice.

At that time, when he crossed the catastrophe, if the aura of heaven and earth could be the same as before, he would not be so embarrassed that he almost died.If the quality of spiritual energy continues, it will be a huge disaster for the definition of comprehension.

The surrounding environment has changed, and the biggest impact on Xu Miao is that she cannot confirm her location for the time being.After flying for a certain distance, he managed to find a comparison object.

Having roughly understood the direction, Xu Miao flew towards He Qinggu's position.However, there is nothing on the boundary of Heqing Valley.No people, no buildings, nothing.

Xu Miao looked around in doubt, but still found nothing. It seemed that He Qinggu had never appeared here before, and his memory of He Qinggu seemed to have turned into a dream.

Except for the abnormal changes in the world, Xu Miao couldn't find a second reasonable explanation, which could wipe out a sect from the mainland in an instant, with almost no trace of its existence.

He went to Xici Town and Chengxuanzong in his memory. Like He Qinggu, the traces of their existence disappeared too completely. Even if he spread all his spiritual sense, he couldn't find any clues.

I want to find a monk to ask, but there is no one here, not even the monsters.Xu Miao sat dejectedly at the place where the former city gate of Xici Town was, and there were only rocks left here.

Could it be that master and senior brothers are all in this turmoil? Xu Miao dare not think about it, but she can't find a suitable reason.He intends to go further afield, looking for human traces.

"Plop!" A stone rolled to the ground, Xu Miao raised her head upon hearing the sound, and an old man with a child appeared in Xu Miao's sight.Finally seeing a living person, Xu Miao happily flew to the two of them.

The two seemed to be frightened by Xu Miao, the old man quickly pulled the child to his knees, and kept apologizing, saying that they didn't mean to offend, but just wanted to come out to find something to eat.

They were two humble monks, Xu Miao didn't care, and asked them what happened here.

The old man had never had close contact with a foundation-building cultivator. He was afraid of Xu Miao's unfathomable aura, and wanted to turn around and run away, but he had to be patient to answer Xu Miao's question.

(End of this chapter)

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