Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 114 The Return

Chapter 114 The Return
"A year ago, the heaven and the earth changed, and countless deaths happened—" The old man told Xu Miao what happened in the past year, "As for those great sects, I only heard that they joined forces to resist the change."

After all, the old man was just a lowly cultivator, and the sects of martial arts were unattainable to them, so it was not easy to know about it.

Xu Miao took out two bottles of elixirs suitable for monks in the Qi refining period and handed them to the old man to express his gratitude, and then turned into a ray of light and left.The old man had never seen so many elixirs, and hurriedly pulled the child beside him and knelt down towards Xu Miao's walking figure.

Since the several factions joined forces, there must be a stronghold, and what I have to do is to find this stronghold.Xu Miao stopped and walked, met several monks, and after asking, finally got the news that the five sects were still alive.

The temporary stronghold of the Five Factions is located in the southwest of the Jiuhua Mountains. Xu Miao flew directly to the Jiuhua Mountains without stopping.

The closer to the Jiuhua Mountains, the more and more people flow.Although the five factions announced that they would unite to resist the change, each faction still governs independently and does not want other factions to intervene in their own affairs.

Xu Miao found the area where He Qinggu was, and just wanted to approach it, but was stopped by the disciples on duty: "This is the boundary of Heqing Valley, and idlers are not allowed to approach. Loose cultivators need to register at the Loose Cultivation Alliance in the southeast."

Xu Miao looked up at the serious disciple, took out the disciple token, and handed it to the other party.Unexpectedly, the disciple was even more furious when he saw the word "Xu Miao" engraved on the token.

"How dare you impersonate my long-dead brother, what is your intention? Brothers, join me in taking down this beast!" As soon as the words fell, the disciples on duty surrounded Xu Miao and began to attack.

When Xu Miao arrived at the Jiuhua Mountains, for the sake of safety, he temporarily suppressed his cultivation and became the ninth level of Qi Refining, which made the disciples on duty suspicious.

The leading disciple on duty was a Qi-refining ninth-level monk, who led the rest of the disciples to surround Xu Miao with formations.Xu Miao shook her head and smiled wryly, being surrounded and attacked by her own juniors, how it looked.

Xu Miao lifted the suppression of her cultivation base, and the coercion of the foundation building stage exploded suddenly, instantly breaking the formation attack of the disciples on duty.The leading disciple saw that Xu Miao's cultivation base had recovered, and a look of understanding flashed across his face.

"This person really has bad intentions. First, he suppressed his cultivation, intending to deceive us, but when his deeds were exposed, he resumed his cultivation. He will definitely kill us now, Xiao Wu, hurry up and find Master Fang."

The leading disciple assigned tasks in an orderly manner, and at the same time stood ready.Xu Miao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he wouldn't kill his fellow juniors, let alone they worked hard and made no mistakes.

Xu Miao didn't move, and the disciples on duty also didn't dare to make any moves. The two sides were temporarily deadlocked.

The disciple who had just left came back with another person. Xu Miao took a closer look and thought it was Fang Qingyun, the elder brother.

Xu Miao grinned and waved, "Elder brother!"

As soon as Fang Qingyun landed, he heard Xu Miao's cry.As soon as his smile appeared, it instantly froze on his face.

Fang Qingyun remembered very clearly that Xu Miao's natal lamp had already been extinguished, and it had been stored in the cave of his master Ye Qiguang. When he visited his master, he would often see his master staring at the natal lamp in a daze.

Fang Qingyun's first reaction was that this person took away Xu Miao, turned into Xu Miao again, and tried to sneak into He Qinggu.

But according to what Yang Lin and Zhang Mingxi said, Xu Miao had only a skeleton left at that time, and fell into the river, completely losing her vitality, and there was absolutely no possibility of being snatched away.

He cautiously walked in front of Xu Miao, beckoning the disciples on duty to push behind him.If a foundation-building cultivator suddenly gets into trouble, disciples in the Qi refining stage cannot stop him.

Seeing the change in Fang Qingyun's expression, Xu Miao knew what he was thinking: "Brother, I am really Xu Miao. If you don't believe me, you can try it."

In the words, Fang Qingyun is indeed familiar.But what has a monk experienced before, that he can be resurrected when his natal lamp is extinguished.

Normally, when the natal lamp goes out, no monk can come back to life.There used to be such a situation, but it was later discovered that, without exception, they were taken away.

Fang Qingyun pondered for a while, then said: "If you are really Xu Miao, you must not be afraid of being inspected by Elder Jindan." Xu Miao nodded in agreement.

"In that case, you come with me." Fang Qingyun took Xu Miao to the belly of the sect's resident, the disciples on duty did not dare to comment on Fang Qingyun's decision, and quickly stepped aside.

Xu Miao entered He Qinggu's sphere of influence, looking around as if returning home.Fang Qingyun didn't show it on the surface, but he was secretly vigilant in his heart.

Fang and Xu walked to the innermost cave, and Fang Qingyun announced via voice transmission.

At this stage, the Elder Jindan who was responsible for the stability of the sect was Elder Ma Xin in the early stage of Jindan. Elder Luo Guan was seriously injured in order to protect the disciples of the sect when the world changed. He has been retreating for healing.

Bringing Xu Miao to see Ma Xin directly was also the result of Fang Qingyun's careful consideration.Whenever Xu Miao made any changes, Elder Ma Xin could take it down instantly.

When Ma Xin heard Fang Qingyun's voice transmission, he was also incredulous. His first reaction was that Xu Miao had been taken away.But when Xu Miao entered behind Fang Qingyun, Ma Xin could tell at a glance that Xu Miao showed no signs of being taken away.

As soon as Xu Miao entered Ma Xin's cave, she felt a powerful divine sense sweeping over her, without concealing it, just inspecting it generously.Whether it is the sea of ​​consciousness or the dantian, they have been carefully scanned several times.

Xu Miao and Fang Qingyun didn't make a sound, they just waited quietly for Ma Xin to speak.

After a long time, Ma Xin waved his hand: "Go and meet your master, he has been waiting for a long time."

Before Ma Xin finished speaking, Fang Qingyun's expression of ecstasy was revealed. After bowing to Ma Xin, he pulled Xu Miao away.

Fang Qingyun hugged Xu Miao hard, and patted Xu Miao's back fiercely. The excitement was self-evident. Xu Miao also grinned, feeling the brother's concern.

In order not to disappoint Ye Qiguang, Fang Qingyun did not inform Ye Qiguang in advance.When the two of them appeared in front of Ye Qiguang, the air froze for a moment.

Ye Qiguang's eyes showed joy, but he quickly covered it up.The spiritual sense in the later stage of foundation establishment swept Xu Miao again. This was the third time Xu Miao was swept by the divine sense today, but he didn't have any impatience.

Fang Qingyun told Ye Qiguang from the side that Elder Ma Xin had already checked, and it was indeed Xu Miao who was correct.He Bi who got the news also rushed over, and Xu Miao told the three how she came back from the dead.

When Xu Miao talked about the seven catastrophes, all three of them were amazed.

Just by building a foundation, you will get a catastrophe, which is something that rarely happened in the ancient capital.As for this era, it has never been heard that if a monk builds a foundation, he will go through a catastrophe.

Ye Qiguang carefully asked questions about Heavenly Tribulation, and after Xu Miao answered them one by one, Ye Qiguang asked Xu Miao not to tell others about it.

Xu Miao's resurrection from the dead is enough to make a group of people covet. When they know that he has achieved a catastrophe with such a cultivation base, those old monsters who are about to rot will most likely not be able to help but take Xu Miao.

Xu Miao also knew the importance of this matter, and nodded solemnly to express her understanding.

Ye Qiguang took out the natal magic lamp that once represented Xu Miao, and signaled him to force out his heart and soul.Xu Miao did as she said, and the magic lamp of natal life was lit again, and the green smoke curled up.

Xu Miao finally mentioned that the changes in the aura of heaven and earth greatly affect the cultivation.Ye Qiguang shook his head helplessly, and only said that the top sects in various continents have been discussing the solution, and there is no effective method available yet.

Xu Miao came to the residence that Fang Qingyun had arranged for him. According to regulations, monks in the foundation period had the right to own their own cave.It's just that the current situation is special, so we can only make do with it, and barely opened up a cave for Xu Miao to live in.

I am used to eating and sleeping in the open, now I can go back to the sect, have a place to live, my teacher and friends are all there, there is nothing more satisfying.Xu Miao closed her eyes and went to find a date with Zhou.

The distant sound of the horn broke the tranquility of the sect's residence, and also awakened Xu Miao's drowsiness.He stood up and came into mid-air, and saw that all the sects were in action, although they were busy, there was no sign of chaos.

Seeing Luo Tingyou's figure, Xu Miao flew to him and asked what happened.

Luo Tingyou also learned the news of Xu Miao's resurrection from others, so he patted Xu Miao's shoulder and answered his question.

After the heaven and earth mutated, the spiritual power became extremely heterogeneous and low-quality, only a few places were slightly better.But these places cannot be occupied by anyone, nor can they be permanently occupied.

Each force that occupies high-quality spiritual power can only last for one year, and after one year passes, it will have to compete again to obtain the right to possess it.And the forces participating in the battle for possession rights are not only the major sects, but also casual cultivators, and even demon cultivators.

Fortunately, the quality of spiritual power in these places is not particularly high, otherwise it will attract more forces.

In the previous battle for possession, He Qinggu was defeated by Cheng Xuanzong, and did not obtain the possession of Youling Land, so he could only live in a corner.

The sound of the horn just now means that the new phase of the struggle for possession has officially begun.In order to reduce time consumption, the monks in the Qi refining period do not participate in the competition, only the foundation-building monks participate.

The foundation-building monks of He Qinggu almost came out in full force, and the rest of the Qi-refining monks went to various defensive passes to guard the boundary of He Qinggu.

Xu Miao followed Luo Tingyou into the air and heard Zhou Ruxiang's words of encouragement as usual.As usual, Zhou Ruxiang also mentioned that outstanding disciples will be rewarded by the sect.

It's just that the rewards are much less than usual.The change of heaven and earth has done too much damage to the sect, if it wasn't for He Qinggu's slightly rich background, it is estimated that he would not even be able to get these rewards.

The location of the competition was set on the top of the Jiuhua Mountains, where the aura was thin, which made it more difficult for the monks who were unable to absorb too much aura, which invisibly increased the difficulty of the competition.

(End of this chapter)

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