Taikoo Immortal King

Chapter 115 Exhale

Chapter 115 Exhale
The monks in the foundation building stage go to the competition differently from the Qi refining stage. They no longer need to take the flying magic weapon, but directly ride the light to go.When Xu Miao landed on the top of the Jiuhua Mountains, many people and demon cultivators had already arrived here.

The monks stood up according to the camp, and there was no communication with each other.Demon cultivators are different from monks, they are more willing to work together to participate in the competition in order to gain more possession rights.

Xu Miao turned her head to look at the surrounding situation. In the last competition, the monks who obtained the possession rights will look much better, and their cultivation base will also improve a lot. If it continues, the blow to other forces will be even greater.

Therefore, in this competition, many forces that did not obtain the right to possess at first joined forces to try to snatch the Uringland, while the forces that obtained the right to possess also united to keep their territory.

The competition has not yet started, and all parties are already at war, whether it is a human cultivator or a demon cultivator, they are all ready to fight.

A Jindan cultivator stepped into the air, beckoning everyone present to be quiet.I don't know if this person is showing off his skills, but this move obviously contains an understanding of the laws of space.

The Golden Core cultivator looked around at everyone with his hands behind his back: "My old man, Sun Leizheng, was entrusted by the major forces to preside over the competition for the possession of the Excellent Spirit Land."

"The competition is the same as last time. A monk can defeat ten people or monsters in a row in the early stage, five in the middle stage, and three in the late stage, and get a share of possession." After finishing speaking, Sun Leizheng retreated to the back, leaving the middle field for the contestants .

As soon as Sun Leizheng withdrew, a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment jumped onto the stage, and he bowed his hands to the surroundings: "I am Wu Liancheng of the casual cultivator alliance, and I am willing to throw bricks to attract jade."

The monks in the early stage of foundation establishment can only take the stage in the early stage of the competition. If the monks in the middle and late stages come to the stage, they will not get any benefits.

And all the monks in the middle and late stages also reached a tacit agreement to let the early monks compete and not interfere easily.

Although he was a casual cultivator, Wu Liancheng had a lot of means. He defeated three monks who challenged him one after another, and one of them was a sect disciple.

When he hit the fourth one, Wu Liancheng's spiritual power was exhausted and he was sent off stage by a demon cultivator.

Xu Miao also gradually saw the clues. This competition is not about how strong the combat power is, but about the control of spiritual power.Originally, the aura of heaven and earth had changed, making it difficult for monks to absorb spiritual energy.

In addition, at the top of the mountain, the spiritual power is even thinner, and it is almost impossible to obtain enough spiritual power from the outside world, so the replenishment of spiritual power has become a huge problem.

Therefore, how much spiritual power is consumed in each game, and how to replenish oneself with limited resources to persist until the last game are issues that monks need to consider.

If you only regard this competition as whose strength is stronger, you will think too simply.Some newcomers didn't realize the deep meaning of the competition, and were quickly defeated.

Xu Miao watched coldly as the early stage monks competed fiercely on the field, and the moves were very lively.However, the various forces obviously did not have expectations for the initial stage of foundation establishment, and they just let them exercise themselves through competitions.

When Xu Miao was thinking about this competition, a monk of Chengxuanzong had already won nine games, and only one victory remained.

The people of Chengxuanzong were almost about to cheer for victory. At this moment, Yang Lin stepped onto the stage.As a monk with a single fire spiritual root, Yang Lin's cultivation speed has never been slow. After experiencing Xu Miao's incident, he abandoned distracting thoughts and focused on cultivation.

He is now at the early stage of foundation establishment, and every step he takes is filled with fire-attributed tyranny.From Xu Miao's point of view, Yang Lin has not yet absorbed the ability of the fire attribute, which shows that he has not yet mastered the ability of building foundations.

Also at the initial stage of foundation establishment, Yang Lin's single fire spirit root has a great advantage, and the opponent has gone through nine battles, and his spiritual power has long been insufficient.

There are not many monks left in the early stage of foundation establishment, and most of them have already played.As far as Xu Miao knew, apart from Yang Lin and a few other initial stage cultivators, He Qinggu was left with himself and Luo Tingyou.

Xu Miao is confident that none of the early foundation-building monks present will be his opponents, and he is not in a hurry to play, waiting for Qi Mu to appear.

Cheng Xuanzong, Xu Miao has already put this sect into the blacklist, as long as he has the opportunity, he will not let go of the opportunity to attack the opponent.

Although Yang Lin's fire spirit power is powerful, it consumes a lot of energy. He is not dominant in this arena when fighting with others, and the remaining early-stage monks are stronger than each other.

After four fierce battles, Yang Lin was defeated by Luo Guan, a disciple of the Sword Moon Sect.

The rest of the early stage disciples entered the stage one after another. In the end, Qi Mu stood on the stage and looked around the crowd. Only Xu Miao sat down on the stage with his head bowed.Except for He Qinggu's disciples, the other sects have not received news of Xu Miao's resurrection for the time being.

Qi Mu is also responsible for nine victories, one victory short.He had noticed a long time ago that there was still a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment in Heqing Valley who did not play.

Although he really wanted to compete with the monks in the middle stage, in this case, it was safer to find a monk who was also in the early stage. Qi Mu firmly believed that under the same level, he was absolutely invincible.

After Xu Miao's death was confirmed, Qi Mu became the most dazzling disciple of this generation again. Standing on the stage, he represented the myth of invincibility.

Other forces did not want to offend Cheng Xuanzong at this time, and used mid-term monks to fight Qi Mu.Moreover, Qi Mu's strength is obvious to all, he is also a person who is good at leapfrogging and fighting, so don't make a fuss if you don't get the mutton at that time.

The rest of Chengxuanzong also noticed that there was only one early-stage monk left on the field.But they didn't know that this person was Xu Miao, and they just encouraged Xu Miao to play, and won the first possession for Cheng Xuanzong.

Xu Miao stood up, turned her head and looked at the Chengxuanzong people who had been chattering all the time: "Do you want me to play?" His tone was full of disdain.

Others may not recognize Xu Miao, but the people of Chengxuanzong have firmly remembered Xu Miao. Whether it was the law of heaven and earth being robbed, the sacred beast of the mountain, the rhinoceros, and the green ox being forcibly borrowed, and later the monks who established the foundation were dispatched, Just to kill a monk in the Qi refining period.

Xu Miao's existence was no less than a nightmare to Cheng Xuanzong's people, but just now, they were ridiculed at the once nightmare.Xu Miao glanced at them, and they even felt that the person in front of them was not an early stage monk, but a mid-to-late stage monk.

"Since you want to humiliate yourself, I will help you." Xu Miao looked straight at Qi Mu without any expression on her face.

Qi Mu obviously didn't expect that Xu Miao was still alive, his lips trembled involuntarily: "Master Zhang clearly said that you are dead, why are you still alive?"

Xu Miao chuckled, "Is it surprising that I'm still alive? Surprised? Pricked?" Three consecutive questions made Qi Mu change color.

Qi Mu used to be recognized by the sect as the proud son of heaven, no matter where he went, he would be flattered and flattered.Although he dismissed such words, it might not be because of his recognition of his strength.

Until he was defeated by Xu Miao in the martial art competition, it became a joke.He was angry, angry, Xu Miao was just lucky, a boy from the countryside.

His master also comforted him, and handed him the ancient book, telling him to obtain the law of heaven and earth in the secret realm of the Rift Valley, and try to advance to the tenth level of Qi refining. At that time, let alone one Xu Miao, there will be ten or a hundred , It's just a stone blocking the way.

But all of this was obtained by Xu Miao, the person he looked down upon, the person who trampled him down.Later, when he learned of Xu Miao's death, his heart was so happy, even more so than when he got the magic weapon and kung fu.

Today, just when he thought he could get a possession for the sect, Xu Miao appeared.Why is Xu Miao still alive? Could it be that all of this is He Qinggu's conspiracy?
It was not only Qi Mu who thought of this, but Cheng Xuanzong's people also immediately reacted, accusing He Qinggu of making trouble with excuses.Although the other forces present here have heard about the matter between He Qinggu and Cheng Xuanzong, they did not pursue it because both sides kept silent.

When Xu Miao heard Chengxuanzong's words, she glanced directly at him: "I understand today that Chengxuanzong's lineage is not about martial arts, but the face that is comparable to a city wall."

Xu Miao's words made the forces who were not used to Cheng Xuanzong laugh out loud.An early stage monk stood up and pointed at Xu Miao: "You bastard! What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Who is the bastard talking about?" Xu Miao dug his ears.

"The bastard is talking about you!" The man didn't think much, and continued following Xu Miao's words, and everyone present burst into laughter again.The man's face turned red from laughing, and he was speechless for a long time.

"Could it be that I made a mistake, then let me revise it. Using the city wall to describe Chengxuanzong's face is very inappropriate. You Chengxuanzong has no shame or skin at all!"

A late-stage monk of Chengxuanzong stood up and said, "Friend Xu Daoist, don't go too far. Since you are still alive, don't hold on to trivial matters."

"Small things?" Xu Miao had a look of finding out that she was mentally retarded, "Your Excellency is a fool, right? My life is the most important thing to me."

Seeing that the other side looked unhappy, she was about to strike, and Xu Miao added a sentence thoughtfully: "Hey, you are upset and want to kill me again, then according to your Cheng Xuanzong's practice, you are not good enough. You have to move your Jindan Elder out."

"I think you'd better sit down and watch the competition obediently, don't just talk nonsense if you don't understand anything."

Xu Miao's words severely dampened Cheng Xuanzong's spirit, and relieved a small part of his hatred. As for the rest, he had to settle with Cheng Xuanzong's people slowly.

Xu Miao and Qi Mu stood on both sides of the competition stage, and Qi Mu's whole body was full of spiritual power. As long as he won this round, he would complete the task, and he had no intention of saving any spiritual power at all.

As for Xu Miao, Qi Mu could be killed with his original strength, and Qi Mu had exhausted himself in the first nine battles, so there was no suspense about the outcome of this battle.

The only thing to think about is how to deal with Qi Mu with the least amount of spiritual power.

(End of this chapter)

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