Chapter 116
Qi Mu did not choose to fight Xu Miao with a weapon, but made a tactic with both hands, muttering words, and in the blink of an eye, the familiar mysterious thunder fell from the sky.

Xu Miao half-closed her eyes, estimating the power of Xuan Lei.After being tempered by the sky thunder, Xu Miao has no fear of lightning strikes. He stands firmly in place and allows the mysterious thunder to attack.

Going down from Baihui Point, Xuanlei entered Xu Miao's Sea of ​​Consciousness.It was the first time that Xu Miao was attacked by Tianlei's consciousness because he was inexperienced. This time, how could he be succeeded by these ordinary Xuanlei.

Xu Miao controlled her consciousness to bypass Xuan Lei and guide Xuan Lei into her body.Xuan Lei crackled along the meridian, Xu Miao only regarded it as the best way to exercise the meridian, and did not stop it.

Before the several profound thunders entered the dantian, their power dissipated and dissipated from the body.Xu Miao raised the corner of her mouth and looked at Qi Mu who was stunned in front of her.

Xu Miao's ghostly figure disappeared from the spot in an instant, moved behind Qi Mu, the sword in her sleeve was unsheathed, and the blade pointed directly at Qi Mu's carotid artery.Qi Mu froze and did not move, his eyes rolled down, looking at the dagger close to his neck.

Xu Miao turned her head and said a word next to Qi Mu's ear, her voice was very soft, but everyone present were monks with sharp eyes and ears, so how could they not hear what Xu Miao said on purpose.

"In the past, you could only look up to me. In the future, you will continue to look up to me. No matter in the past or in the future, everyone will remember me, Xu Miao, not you, Qi Mu. Your dream of being a genius will always be an unattainable dream. .”

When Qi Mu heard this, his face suddenly turned pale, his hands were cold, and he didn't know how to react.Xu Miao didn't care about Qi Mu's reaction, sneered, and pushed Qi Mu out of the competition stage with a palm.

Qi Mu was still lost in Xu Miao's words, terrified all day long, even if his fellow goalkeeper helped him up, there was no response.

Xu Miao stood proudly on the stage alone, and he was about to face off against the monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment.Since the establishment of the foundation, he has not fought against the monks who established the foundation. As for the competition with Qi Mu just now, it is not a competition at all.

The first mid-stage Foundation Establishment monk was a monk of Chengxuanzong. This man was very aggressive, and he looked like he was about to kill Xu Miao by the sword.The man kept drawing circles with his hands in mid-air, causing ripples in the air.

Xu Miao couldn't see what the other party wanted, so he stood still for the time being and waited for the next move.The scope of the ripples became larger and larger, affecting the ground where everyone was standing, and the gravel on the ground shook one after another.

Suddenly, the opponent made a move immediately, and his hands rushed towards Xu Miao with endless power. The speed of the two punches was so fast that there was even an explosion sound in the air.

Xu Miao stared and saw that this person's fists were not just fists, there were also sharp, dart-like things between his fingers.At the moment when the fists were about to hit the face, Xu Miao turned around and dodged the fists sideways.

Taking advantage of the situation, he drew out the Huaying Sword and stabbed obliquely into the opponent's waist.The opponent twisted around to dodge, and his fists immediately followed, confronting Huaying.Xu Miao thought about the situation on the field. This is the second person, and there are three more people to win the first possession, and you must save your spiritual energy.

Xu Miao's right hand turned to an unbelievable angle, stabbing from the left side of both fists to the opponent's right heart.The opponent's right heart was threatened, and he had to withdraw his punch to block back.

Xu Miao seized the opportunity and followed closely. While the opponent was still blocking the Huaying Sword's attack, the sharpness of the sleeve sword pierced the opponent's light shield, inserted an inch into the dantian, and then stopped.

The opponent slowly looked down at Xiu Rijian, shook his head with a wry smile, lowered his fists, and left sadly.

All eyes were on Xu Miao. If he had defeated Qi Mu before, he had taken advantage of Qi Mu's best efforts, but this time, both of them were in the state of the most spiritual energy at the beginning.

From the early stage to the middle stage, he can kill the opponent within a few moves. This person can never be described as a simple genius.

The step-up battle in the foundation-building period is different from the Qi-refinement period. A small realm in the Qi-refinement period is not considered a step-up battle for many sect disciples.

But in the foundation building period, there is a distance like divine punishment across every small realm. Even the core disciples of those great sects need to spend a lot of effort if they want to defeat the high-level monks.

Xu Miao, who had successfully refined the laws of heaven and earth, stepped into the tenth level of Qi refining, and was rumored to be dead, and now standing in front of everyone, all of them were shocked.

Xu Miao knew very well that the person he was fighting with didn't have the strength in the middle stage of foundation establishment.This person's spiritual power seems to be vast and vigorous, but in fact he lacks energy, and he seems to be seriously injured, but this person conceals it very well, and ordinary people cannot find it.

The one who played next was not a monk of Chengxuanzong, but a third-level demon cultivator, Jindian Ape.The third-level demon cultivator Xu Miao still thinks it can be dealt with, and it is not difficult.

The third-level demon cultivator has not transformed yet, but he can communicate with the cultivators. The Golden Dian ape is famous for its wisdom among monsters. It has developed spiritual wisdom early and is better at human cultivation.

The Golden Dian Ape first complimented Xu Miao vigorously, but Xu Miao's complexion did not change at all, making the words of the Golden Dian Ape seem to fall into the air.

Xu Miao only knew that the Golden Dian ape was extremely intelligent, but he didn't know anything else, but a third-level monster dared to go on stage and do it himself, and it must have something to rely on.

The Golden Dian ape screamed and ran towards Xu Miao. Xu Miao frowned and realized something was wrong.The call of the Golden Dian ape has the effect of disturbing the mind and body, and the effect becomes stronger as the call becomes louder.

And this cry cannot be avoided by turning off the sense of hearing, it is an attack from the spiritual sense, so many monks would rather fight with the fourth-level monsters than provoke the third-level golden ape.

Xu Miao's anger sank to her dantian, she held her heart, and tried her best to ignore the cry of the Golden Dian ape.The blue sea in the dantian instantly set off waves, and the spiritual power surged in the body, ready to go.

The whole body of the golden dian ape is almost invulnerable, but he has one of the biggest weaknesses, which is his butt.There is a folk saying: "A monkey's butt cannot be touched."

This sentence is also applicable to the demon cultivator Golden Ape, the butt has the weakest defense, and the opponents of the Golden Ape are usually happy to attack its butt.Over time, the Golden Dian ape would become furious whenever its butt was attacked.

Xu Miao didn't care if the Golden Dian Ape would be furious now, he took out the Sun Ripper Bow, fired several beads, and pointed the arrows at the Golden Dian Ape's ass.

It was also extremely lucky that an arrow happened to hit the Golden Dian Ape's buttocks, which made the red buttocks even redder, almost bleeding.

The onlookers covered their mouths and snickered, some couldn't help but burst out laughing directly, which made the Golden Dian ape on the field furious, and the hairs on its body stood up like steel needles.

The Golden Dian ape kicked his feet and approached Xu Miao quickly, his fists moved like phantoms, and punched Xu Miao's face.

Xu Miao hastily made a block, but because he was not good at boxing, after dozens of moves, Xu Miao gradually fell into the disadvantaged.The golden dian ape could not be allowed to control the rhythm of the competition, and the scarlet dagger appeared secretly behind the golden dian ape.

Xu Miao held the sword in the sleeve in one hand, and transformed into a lightsaber on the wrist in the other hand. Using the sword to block the fist, she could regain some disadvantages.

The scarlet dagger slowly approached the golden ape's butt, and the golden ape was still immersed in wanting to kill Xu Miao with his fists. Just when Xu Miao was preparing for the final blow, a voice transmission secretly transmitted to the golden ape.

After the Golden Dian ape heard about it, his complexion changed suddenly, he gave up attacking Xu Miao, and stepped back to avoid the attack of the scarlet dagger.The eyes of the golden dian ape inadvertently drifted over where Cheng Xuanzong was, and Xu Miao felt great hatred in his heart.

I just hate and have no evidence, so I can't attack.However, Xu Miao is not the person who can swallow this breath. He landed on the ground: "I have heard that dogs can't get rid of eating shit. Some people just have a bad mouth. Even if they have cultivated to the foundation building stage, they can't get rid of this habit."

Xu Miao also deliberately turned to look at Cheng Xuanzong's people: "Do you think so?"

The monk in the later stage of foundation establishment in Chengxuanzong knew very well that Xu Miao was criticizing Sang Huai, but he couldn't refute it, because just now the Golden Yunnan Ape was able to avoid Xu Miao's attack at the most appropriate time, which happened to be a disciple of the sect. sound reminder.

He glanced at the sound transmission disciple beside him with an unhappy expression, and sat on the spot without saying a word.

Xu Miao didn't care what Chengxuanzong's people thought, and turned her attention to Jindian ape again.The Jindian ape's attack was too strong, and just resisting it consumed a lot of Xu Miao's spiritual power.

Now that Cheng Xuanzong's people make trouble, he needs to rethink his strategy for dealing with the Golden Dian ape.Xu Miao suddenly thought of whether he could release a little of the coercion of the little white tiger through the Hunting Stone, which made the golden ape fear for a moment.

Xu Miao immediately communicated with Xiaotian with her spiritual sense, and Xiaotian quietly released the coercion while hugging the little white tiger.Xu Miao approached the Golden Dian Ape in an instant, one person and one monster were very close, the Golden Dian Ape felt the pressure of the divine beast, as Xu Miao expected, it was immediately stunned on the spot.

The scarlet dagger finally worked. It pierced the golden ape's buttocks. The golden ape reacted from the pressure of the divine beast in pain.

Xu Miao recalled the scarlet dagger with a wave, and sat cross-legged on the ground.Before the next opponent appeared, Xu Miao had to seize the time to recover her spiritual power.No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and no matter how thin the aura of the world is, it is better than nothing.

Before Xu Miao recovered much, a casual cultivator flew onto the stage.As soon as this casual cultivator came out, he summoned two puppets to attack Xu Miao.

Xu Miao had never fought a puppet before, he didn't act rashly, he just waited for the puppet to attack first.The casual cultivator placed two shiny stones on the stomachs of the two puppets, then stepped aside to control the puppets.

The puppet approached Xu Miao step by step, and every step made the ground tremble.The puppet looked cumbersome, but it was extremely quick to move, just like ordinary people.

Xu Miao used Feng Lingjue to dodge non-stop. It wasn't that Xu Miao didn't want to attack, but that the Huaying sword hit the puppet without any trace, only a harsh sound.He wandered around the field, trying to find the puppet's flaws.

(End of this chapter)

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